By: Aaron Cole on June 21, 2017
By: Rose Anding on June 21, 2017
London Bound… Traveling with my daughter Tamela 09/21/2016 The people of London were of all races and nationalities, all cultures like a Cajun dish named Jum-Ba-li and when thrown in the same pot and seasoned correctly (with the nourishment of mental food), they see…
By: Aaron Cole on June 21, 2017
Here’s the link. I have tried for 2 hours to upload and have dumped all the pics I can. My file shows it is below the 20mb file size, but it keeps kicking back. If I am missing something, my apologies. However this is all I know to do.!AhxavF1jqUiWpwjaRgOGb-L7NWSD
By: Aaron Peterson on June 21, 2017
By: Pablo Morales on June 21, 2017
Dr. Clark points out that the Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives is a program designed for reflective practitioners. We reflect on the church, the world, and leadership. As it turned out, meeting in England proved to be the ideal place for reflective engagement. I had never experienced history with the same…
By: Phil Goldsberry on June 21, 2017
London:Oxford Advance VE It is posting as a PDF file. It has been operating properly. If there are issues please let me know.
By: gfu blog on June 21, 2017
Anticipation. Excitement. Trepidation. Anxiety. These are a few of the things I felt when I boarded the plane headed to London to join my cohort of 10, two previous cohorts, professors, administrators, and our lead mentor for the Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives England Advance 2016. That’s a huge title, isn’t…
By: Garfield Harvey on June 21, 2017
George Fox Evangelical Seminary (by the time you read this would have changed its name to Portland Seminary) often create a thematic approach to its advance. The Advance to London-Oxford was themed “History meets future: Media, Globalization, Culture. This was an appropriate theme for three important reasons: George Fox Evangelical Seminary received the referendum to…
By: Stu Cocanougher on June 21, 2017
Mary Walker lives in Amity, Oregon in the beautiful Willamette Valley. With her wonderful husband of 42 years, Steve, she helps to manage four businesses. Mary and Steve have four adopted children and seven grandchildren. Visiting with the grandchildren is one of the chief delights of her life. She also loves reading, gardening, and cooking.…
By: Josiah Philipsen on June 21, 2017
Queen Lynda Wright Gittens was born in Houston, Texas during an era where the hope of achievement in America was held and inspired by her parents, church leaders, and teachers. She was born in the era of segregation where her kind was referred to on paper a colored. Through her lifetime she has been identified…
By: Lynda Gittens on June 21, 2017
Told Her Way In God’s good Kingdom, some people minister like trees, long-standing, rooted in a community. They embody words of Wendell Berry, “stay years if you would know… the genius of the place.” Others, however, are called to go. Katy is one of those pilgrims. A global nomad, Katy grew up as a fifth…
By: Christal Jenkins Tanks on June 21, 2017
In just a few words “Christal Jenkins Tanks is just one example of how God continues to use His people to touch the world. As a native of the greater Pacific Northwest, Christal’s interests and influences stem from a great ability to take herself from the heart of the community to the corporate world. Her strong…
By: Jennifer Dean-Hill on June 21, 2017
Chip Stapleton is many things: a husband, a father, a pastor, a coach, a collaborator and an encourager. A native of Western Pennsylvania, he has lived with his wife, Traci, in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and North Carolina and, for the past 7+ years have lived, with their 4 boys (Charlie, Jack, Ian & Henry) in Mansfield,…
By: gfu blog on June 21, 2017
Who is Kristin Hamilton? “She’s a bossy little thing; always telling everyone how it could be done better. She is naughty and talks too much, but don’t let her catch you being mean to her friends. She is a fierce protector and she can get real mean.” – Mrs. Chicka, kindergarten teacher Kristin lives out…
By: Mary Walker on June 21, 2017
Geoff is the Senior Minister of Plymouth Christian Centre (an Elim Pentecostal Church) in Plymouth, Devon, England, where he has ministered for the past 18 years. He is married to Jenny and has two children, Isaac and Bethan, and a dog called Jack, who makes him walk more than he would otherwise choose to. He…
By: Travis Biglow on June 21, 2017
What a year to say the least. What has surprised me the most is that with all that has been going on I have been able to stay up with the program. I have taken on a lot more responsibility and some times I wonder if that is the right idea at this time.…
By: Dawnel Volzke on June 21, 2017
We often say that life goes by too quickly. This past year has been a challenge in terms of time and capacity, but it is also an opportunity for growth and discovery. We all enter any program of study to move forward in our life journey. Most of us entered this doctoral journey not knowing…
By: Mary Pandiani on June 21, 2017
Bricolage, by definition, is forming something through the use of various materials or ideas, seemingly unrelated at first, but then creates a new understanding through their connection. It’s a new word for me, a “loanword” from the French, used for various disciplines. With the revelation of the word, I find a way to articulate my…
By: Jon Spellman on June 21, 2017
A hinge-pin. That’s the best word I can think of to describe the last two years’ work in the DMin, Leadership with Global Perspectives. A hinge-pin for my life and vocational ministry. This program is the swing point from what was into what will be. And more specifically, the last year has been the hinge-pin’s…
By: Garfield Harvey on June 21, 2017
Well, my first calendar year of this doctoral program is complete. Each semester was a little different but strategic in preparing us for the next semester. I knew so much about Hong Kong (theoretically) before visiting, and as I write this blog, I feel like I have already visited London. Everyone is qualified to be…