Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Meaningful Political/Social Engagement: For All? For Some? Yes…I Think!

By: on January 31, 2024

Oil and water. Some things just don’t go very well together. Another example: Matthew Petrusek’s Evangelization and Ideology (1) and 6 days to read it. This long book (463 pages) is filled with philosophical content endorsing Catholic social thought and doctrine as a better foundation for a sociopolitical framework than the secular alternatives (2). These…

8 responses

Hi, My name is Hero and I am a….

By: on January 31, 2024

What a fascinating way to reflect on our personal life journey through the eyes of mythology and the journey of the hero (or the monomyth). I’ve never been into mythology, maybe because I don’t think I really understood it. But from the get-go, on the first page of the forward, it states, “Campbell was fascinated…

16 responses

I Knew Being A Hero Was Not That Special

By: on January 31, 2024

As I read “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” this week, I was struck with how the gaps far outweigh any structural unity. The book’s purpose shows in its legacy, leaving many readers to use it to produce even more heroic tales and modern myths [1]. I am left without any further clarity on shared…

6 responses

Troublesome Knowledge

By: on January 31, 2024

Joseph Campbell’s The Hero of a Thousand Faces[1] can be troublesome for someone crossing the threshold of understanding. He discusses important threshold topics, namely that the Bible follows a typical hero literary pattern, not dissimilar to other hero literary patterns throughout history and cultures. Examples range from Greek mythology on Medusa, to Buddha, Moses, and…

13 responses

The Madness in Myth

By: on January 30, 2024

If I had to choose between fairy tales and myths, I’d go with fairies – supernatural elementals that wear just the right amount of glitter, and hypnotize with the hope of magic. The stories I am most drawn to are those that take me out of myself, away from the realities of living in my…

11 responses

Fixing Our Soul’s Gaze on the Hero

By: on January 30, 2024

Joseph Campbell’s, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”, is a book about comparative mythology that reveals all great heroic tales share a common narrative arc that has shaped stories across space and time. Once you see it, it will be hard to unsee. As I reflect on the stories that have been told in my…

18 responses

Owning Our Heroism, Journeying Through… (Pahlawan)

By: on January 30, 2024

Although “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” has had a substantial impact, and I recognize its significance for my assignment, I must admit that I did not find the book personally engaging. Campbell employed his own understanding for analyzing limited diverse cultural narratives, a perspective I struggled to fully comprehend. This does not mean that…

17 responses

I’m Reclaiming My Time!

By: on January 30, 2024

  I watched Matthew Petrusek’s entire 10- part Video Seminar before I cracked the spine of the book. After I completed the viewing over the course of a couple of days, I found it fairly easy to determine which chapter and topic that I would write about. Chapter 8, The God of my Tribe: Progressivism…

14 responses

Sorcerers, Witches and Zechariah

By: on January 30, 2024

While living among a people group who both adhered to a strict form of Islam as well as followed Africa Traditional Religion, I encountered many myths. For a while, I simply shrugged off all the stories and myths as simple stories told throughout the generations around a campfire. As one missiologist stated, “Whatever could not…

18 responses

Your Kingdom Come

By: on January 29, 2024

I’ve prayed the Lord’s prayer since childhood. Along with “Now I lay me down to sleep” it was probably one of the only prayers I had learned by heart. Simple and theologically rich at the same time, it deserves to be prayed again and again across denominational boundaries. It even bridges the Catholic-Protestant divide…although let…

12 responses

Responding Like Daniel

By: on January 29, 2024

“Evangelizing always requires going to where the people are, and where many people are today is stuck in a morass of increasingly aggressive political ideologies, each one seducing its adherents down varied paths to the same dead end: moral, spiritual, and yes, political futility.”[1]   This is the societal landscape that we, as Christ followers,…

8 responses

Render unto Caesar…

By: on January 29, 2024

In his recent book Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture Matthew Petrusek uses the foundation of Catholic Social Thought to offer keys for arguing against dominant political ideologies that are at work in our culture. During an interview about the book, he admits he wrote it after spending ten…

10 responses

Balancing Humility with Certainty

By: on January 29, 2024

This week, I started reading Russell Moore’s new book Losing Our Religion[1].In the first chapter, he reflects on a crisis that he had earlier in life when he recognized the failings of his faith community. He states that this crisis surfaced “a deep dread… that Christianity might just be [a] southern culture of politics, with…

5 responses

You Better Mind Your ISMs.

By: on January 29, 2024

At the height of the collective (and largely warranted) backlash following the murder of George Floyd, I asked my team to compile a resource list that could be made available on our church website. The resources were intended to express our value for people of color, a strong rejection of racism, and ways we could…

10 responses

Evangelization and The Public Square

By: on January 29, 2024

In Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond To The Political Culture[1] Matthew Petrusek wants to equip “evangelists” to be able to engage the political realm as he believes “the evangelist’s work includes evangelizing the political culture.”[2] He wants his readers to have the right methodological tools[3] to address what he calls “secular political…

6 responses

The Hero Within and Cultural Bound Prisons

By: on January 29, 2024

There were many directions that I could go in writing my post this week.  I saw the role of the leader in Joseph Campbell’s work, for example, “The Call to Adventure” and “Supernatural Aid.”[1].  I also cannot watch television or movies in the same way due to looking for these concepts imbedded within.  However, there…

20 responses

Pedagogy of Portals

By: on January 27, 2024

My cousin and I had two favorite childhood games. The first was “Little House on the Prairie.”  We lived in the country so it was easy to perform in such a setting.  We’d act out our favorite episodes or make up new drama that allowed us to practice our problem solving skills.  The second game…

10 responses