Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

A less-than-utopian vision

By: on February 1, 2018

On April 15, 2000, I was standing on the corner of 20th and I Streets in Washington DC. Like many other college students that weekend, I had come out to see what the fuss was all about. All around me, there were thousands of protesters on the street, demonstrating against the International Monetary Fund and…

12 responses

An Attempt at Using Mainly Scripture to Discuss Economics

By: on February 1, 2018

Is it against Portland Seminary academic standards to mainly use Scripture to discuss the economic ideas by Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time? Please forgive me if it is! My worldview is unabashedly Christian, so the framework I attempt to begin every thought with is the Bible. I will…

13 responses

Warnings About the Market Economy

By: on February 1, 2018

The main thesis of Polanyi’s seminal work on the transformation of societies from traditional to market economies is that the “Industrial Revolution was merely the beginning of a revolution” that marked the end of an era that seemed to protect human dignity and relationships in a way that Polanyi assumed would be lost in the…

6 responses

What Does History Teach Us?

By: on February 1, 2018

“Polanyi created a way of thinking about economies and societies that has had substantial impact on economic history, anthropology, and the study of the ancient Mediterranean. The Great Transformation remains important as a highly original contribution to the understanding of the Western past; it has been and is important in methodological debates in the social sciences.”[1]  This…

7 responses

Global Evangelicalism: Incomplete Stories under a Big Umbrella

By: on February 1, 2018

As I read through these essays curated by Donald Lewis and Richard Pierard, I grappled with mixed feelings. Each of the ten essays approached the topic of evangelicalism in their context differently. In following the work of a dozen authors, I offer some reflections, though primarily focusing on the late Ogbu Kalu’s essay on Africa,…

9 responses

True Prosperity

By: on February 1, 2018

“In China, doing business is hard; living a Christian life is harder; doing business while maintaining Christian faith is the hardest of all.”[1] For several thousands of years, the Chinese feudal system has taught its citizens to despise business people; seeing them as distrustful. In recent decades, there have been campaigns for greater financial and…

9 responses

Perseverence Sows Success

By: on February 1, 2018

Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, first published in 1944, was an evolutionary roadmap for economic sociology.  Polanyi’s predictive inquiry asks how society responds to phenomenon’s such as globalization and market failure.[1]  Known today as the originator of substantivism, a cultural approach to economics, Polanyi’s visionary narrative leaves behind a legacy that continues to influence economists…

3 responses

Human Beings: The Substance of Society

By: on January 31, 2018

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time by Karl Polanyi was an educational and interesting read. Polanyi’s dissection of market economy and the connection he made to social relationships and the role human beings play in society was especially of interest to me. Polanyi states, “Our thesis is that the idea…

8 responses

The ‘Christian’ Economic Model

By: on January 31, 2018

A complicated, yet powerful text that provides historical antecedents for the free market driven economy that has captivated the developed world, Karl Polanyi’s ‘The Great Transformation’ is an important read for anyone desiring to understand the causes and effects of this economic ideology. From the perspective of the 21st Century it is almost impossible to…

6 responses

Evangelizing Evangelicalism

By: on January 31, 2018

Evangelicalism is difficult to define since it has no permanent roots or central gathering place like the Catholic church with the pope in Rome. Additionally, there are many kinds of evangelicalism: Pentecostal, fundamental, charismatic… as well as the numerous denominations represented. Interestingly, “The word denomination was first used in English to describe those Christians who…

9 responses

e – van – gel – Taking the Good News

By: on January 31, 2018

Many evangelicals themselves have little understanding of their own historical roots and little appreciation of the movement’s diversity across many cultures and nations.[1]   Global Evangelicalism is a fairly recent book that provides a general introduction to evangelicalism and a global survey of the topic. Dedicated to Dr. Ogbu U. Kalu (1942-2009) the book is…

4 responses

Webster says…

By: on January 30, 2018

Don’t we just love to define things—music, food, people, ideas?  One of the more popular ways people begin a public speech is with the words, “Webster defines X as A, B, C and even sometimes Q, but never W or R. Let us begin with A.” And off they go. With a definition in hand,…

10 responses

The Soul of Postmodernism

By: on January 26, 2018

Dominic Erdozain’s, The Soul of Doubt: The Religious Roots of Unbelief from Luther to Marx was one of the books I was most excited to read when I first saw the reading list for this semester. Anything that helps engage Christians to be more critically minded and to embrace difficulties in faith, is right up…

5 responses

I believe, help my unbelief

By: on January 26, 2018

In his insightful and engaging book, The Soul of Doubt: The Religious Roots of Unbelief from Luther to Marx Dominic Erdozain takes a look at some of the great ‘doubters’ of history, the situations they arose from and the religious, philosophical and spiritual thoughts and movements they were responding to. As I was reading this week,…

13 responses

The Wrath of Gatekeepers

By: on January 26, 2018

Last week we were assigned Charles Taylor’s 700+ opus text, A Secular Age, which I quickly realized would take me the better part of a decade to digest. When I saw this week’s text, The Soul of Doubt, by Dominic Erdozain, I looked forward to quickly reading the 266 pages and getting my post written…

13 responses

Doubt and Certainty

By: on January 25, 2018

Historian, Dominic Erdozain’s, The Soul of Doubt: The Religious Roots of Unbelief from Luther to Marx focuses on the roots of secularism that arise from seeds of doubt within Christendom from the era of the Reformation and grow into the modern era. “The ‘religious roots’ that I consider fundamental to modern cultures of unbelief are…

14 responses

Who is responsible for the confusion?

By: on January 25, 2018

You know, if I was going to be absolutely honest about part of my own character, then I would have to admit that I have always enjoyed a little conflict and controversy. Do not misunderstand me, I do not like starting it, but I do enjoy reading or watching it. Perhaps this is the reason…

14 responses


By: on January 25, 2018

I feel a little star struck.  It was a joy to interact with the author himself, Dominic Erdozain, on our Cape Town advance. It’s even more intimidating to prepare for a synchronous discussion where I need to sound informed.  Just as Dominic’s children pleaded after his time intensive writing efforts (“JUST PLAY WITH US!) I,…

9 responses