By: Dave Watermulder on May 24, 2018
It happened again this week. While sitting in a Session meeting (our church board), one of the leaders started comparing our church with another larger congregation in the next town over. Why weren’t we doing the kinds of ministries they were involved with? Where was our public witness? Why weren’t we having the kind of impact they…
By: Jason Turbeville on May 24, 2018
I will admit, when I picked up Chasing The Dragon: One Woman’s Struggle Against The Darkness Of Hong Kong’s Drug Dens by Jackie Pullinger I had no idea what to expect. I knew it was a book meant to get us ready for our time in Hong Kong but that was it. As I read reviews…
By: Jim Sabella on May 24, 2018
Haidt asks THE question of our time. Why are good people divided by politics and religion? Here are some of my thoughts. I have many European friends who say politics and religion have the same purpose, they both want to control the individual. From their perspective, they want nothing to do with either. They want…
By: Mary Walker on May 24, 2018
We’re born to be righteous, but we have to learn what, exactly, people like us should be righteous about. Jonathan Haidt To be “righteous” means our minds, our wills, and our behaviors will be conformed to God’s will. It means holiness, goodness, love, justice, and good works. …
By: Jean Ollis on May 24, 2018
Jackie Pullinger’s life story, Chasing the Dragons, is inspiring and convicting. Her grit and perseverance liken the sacrifice of Mother Teresa and the tenacity of Rosa Parks. When the only criticism of her work (literary and contribution to the community) can be found on websites which question the validity of the Christian faith, it’s evident…
By: Jennifer Williamson on May 24, 2018
“What you are doing really has nothing to do with us. You’ll go home anyhow, sooner or later.’ This kind of conversation took place many times; it was an indictment of those evangelists who flew into Hong Kong, sang sweet songs about Jesus on stage and on Hong Kong television, and then jumped back into…
By: Jake Dean-Hill on May 23, 2018
I was absolutely mesmerized and inspired by Jackie Pullinger and her book, Chasing the Dragon: One Woman’s Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong’s Drug Dens. The amount of faith involved with her missionary journey was far bigger than the mustard seed of my own. Her display of the gifts of the Spirit was powerful…
By: Jennifer Dean-Hill on May 23, 2018
In reading the Righteous Mind, there were several quotes that spoke about the impact of developing a balanced mind, that would contribute to living a peaceful life. “Empathy is an antidote to righteousness, although it’s very difficult to empathize across a moral divide.”[1]The big divide we are experiencing in the church today is the division…
By: Dan Kreiss on May 23, 2018
Bruce Main is the founder and president of Urban Promise, a ministry to the city of Camden NJ one of the poorest and most violent cities in the US. It is located in the wealthiest state in the US and only a 10 minute drive from Moorestown, consistently voted one of the best residential communities…
By: Mike on May 23, 2018
Jackie Pullinger’s Chasing the Dragon is an inspiring mission focused reality-based book that shows the miraculous faith and obedience of one woman who the Holy Spirit called and led into the least reached and hard to reach places behind the Walled City of Hong Kong’s drug infested underworld. I connected immediately with Pullinger’s ministry of…
By: Mark Petersen on May 23, 2018
Thirty years after my first reading, I re-read Jackie Pullinger’s classic memoir, Chasing the Dragon, with a mixture of nostalgia and a bit of jadedness. The nostalgia took me back to those heady days of charismatic renewal and an outpouring of His Spirit, gifts that shape me still. The jadedness, it must be said, comes…
By: Greg on May 22, 2018
Jackie Pullinger, author of Chasing Dragons1, gave her life in service of the Lord working, living, and struggling with those many would consider beyond hope in the slums of Hong Kong. In this book, we journeyed with her through her calling, denials from other organizations, the perceptions of other missionaries of a single woman, and…
By: Stu Cocanougher on May 20, 2018
Here is my PLDP Prezi
By: Chip Stapleton on May 20, 2018
ed. note: the above (and below) picture/quotes are found at the beginning of ‘part 2: the Solution’ When I saw the name of the book we were assigned for this week, I have to admit that I actually laughed out loud. Nothing against William Bridges, and his book, Managing Transitions, but as one of…
By: Lynda Gittens on May 19, 2018
By: Christal Jenkins Tanks on May 19, 2018
There is two words that come to my mind and begin with the same two letters—Change and Chaos. That pretty much sums up my life in a nutshell. Chaos is something I have definitely felt in this season of my life. It seems a though some of the change I am experiencing in my life…
By: Jennifer Dean-Hill on May 19, 2018
By: Kristin Hamilton on May 18, 2018
“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I’ve never tried before.” – Mae West[1] My first work experience with organizational change and transition came when I was a brand new government employee at the age of 21. We were told there would be a major reorganization (forever nicknamed THE…
By: Katy Drage Lines on May 17, 2018
By mid-August, nothing looks better to an eight-month pregnant woman than a window air-conditioner. Lugging a waddling body up a hill in 90% humidity, the cool apartment seems like heaven. While the first sign of pregnancy seemed like a celebration, by the eighth month, you just want to get that damn thing out. “I’m so…
By: Stu Cocanougher on May 17, 2018
I grew up in a small town of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. We had one elementary school and one high school. Just as I became a preteen, Mt. Juliet grew enough that they built a separate Junior High School. As Nashville experienced rapid growth in the 1990s and beyond, my hometown changed to become a trendy…