Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Gen Z Needs Us!

By: on October 14, 2024

Social psychologist Jonathon Haidt has written a timely book with an urgent message. I’m grateful for the opportunity to read The Anxious Mind and will pass it on to my now-adult children. I’d like to think my kids escaped what Haidt describes as the “great rewiring.” Though my kids didn’t have access to smartphones until…

6 responses

Modeling the Way of Justice For an Anxious Generation

By: on October 14, 2024

In March 2018, I opened up FaceBook one morning only to fall into utter shock and dismay as I peered at the photo in front of me.  Hanging from a parachute in the clear, blue sky was my 20-year-old daughter, a college sophomore.  I didn’t find out about her jumping from an airplane from a…

6 responses

Mindsets to live a fulfilling life

By: on October 11, 2024

Time is precious, a widely known expression we often hear, especially after the death of a loved one. We lament not having more of it. Fortunately, Andrew J. Scott and Lynda Gratton’s premise in their book, The 100-Year Life, is more time because now we live longer lives. Scott and Gratton write, “The gift of…

16 responses

Do You Really Want To Live Forever?

By: on October 10, 2024

In the past month, on various social media platforms, Indonesian netizens have been abuzz with posts containing past and present moments in one scene accompanied by Forever Young music. The song’s lyrics read, “Forever young I want to be forever young. Do you really want to live forever? Forever, and ever. Forever young, I want…

6 responses

Death of a Rose

By: on October 10, 2024

My Grandpa’s nickname for me throughout my little league baseball career was “Charlie Hustle,” which he adopted from his favorite major league player, Pete Rose, who died yesterday at age 83.  No player in the 1960s and 1970s was more exciting than the player nicknamed “Charlie Hustle.” Rose’s relentless pursuit of excellence made him a…

11 responses

Re-Creating a Maximized Life!

By: on October 10, 2024

When I remember my initial days after joining the Methodist Church, I can recall the congregational care leader, Mr. Eugene Grant. At the end of our class meeting, Mr. Grant would conclude by saying, “May you be blessed, prosper, and have the health of John Wesley.” Wesley, the founder of Methodism, was a poster child…

20 responses

Aging with Flexibility

By: on October 10, 2024

Living longer may be extremely rewarding, or it can be fraught with danger. In The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in An Age of Longevity, Lynda Gratton and Andrew J. Scott address the evidence that humans in Western culture are living longer and describe how that fact reshapes the landscape of life and work. Their…

14 responses

It’s Never Too Late!

By: on October 10, 2024

Authors Linda Gratton and Andrew Scott are both professors at the London School of Business in the management practice and economics departments, respectively. [1] Gratton approaches The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity from a management perspective, and considers how longevity will impact human resources, while Scott approaches their research from…

10 responses

Living longer brings encouragement to my soul.

By: on October 10, 2024

On August 22, 2024, I received an email from a board member of Harcum College in Coatesville, PA. He expressed appreciation for our counseling center’s work in the community and graciously explained why he enjoyed watching me as a leader. Then he wrote, “Harcum College has never had a counseling department, but we are ready…

8 responses

Perhaps 80 years is the Sweet Spot!

By: on October 10, 2024

I saw the title of the book and immediately thought, “Oh No, Thank You!”. The idea of living 100 years is not appealing to me. At 54, there are many things that are left on my “to do” list, really important things but none inspire me to live 100 years to achieve them. Don’t get…

10 responses

Happy Birthday!

By: on October 10, 2024

Years ago, a national news station covered the life of Flossie Dickey, who was turning 110 years old. Throughout the interview, the news anchor struggled to get answers regarding Flossie’s family, the secret to longevity, and what she does for fun. She was tired and less than thrilled to be doing the interview. Finally, the…

8 responses

The Spiritual Purpose for a Longer Life

By: on October 10, 2024

I have often stated, humorously, that at 53, I’m old enough to feel pain in my body every day, and still too young to shut up about it. There is goodness in getting the most out of life, and wisdom in knowing what matters most for eternity. But the thought of living to 100, if…

9 responses

Live it Up!

By: on October 9, 2024

The ‘100-year life,’ by Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott is a very interesting read though I did not fully read it and fully understand the concepts that were discussed. However, when considering the concept of living longer and the challenges that comes with it, I do feel the importance of making wise choices regardless of…

14 responses

What about the least of these?

By: on October 9, 2024

On Saturday, a small crowd gathered to celebrate my grandma’s life. She died five weeks before her 94th birthday. Those gathered to celebrate her life were at least 15 years younger than her. She was the last in her circle of friends and family members from her generation. I am privileged to have known my…

18 responses

Mapping the 100-year Life

By: on October 9, 2024

“When are you retiring?”, is a question I often get. Many people anticipate that I will follow the traditional life map and retire sometime in the next 5-7 years. A few of my friends have already done so. When I explain that I plan to work for some time and might even consider doing something…

13 responses

100 Years is Meaningless!

By: on October 9, 2024

A fun thought experiment is offered in the reading this week by Gratton and Scott in their book, The 100-Year Life. What will my life look like if I live to the ripe old age of 100? Will I have enough money? Will I still have family around? Will I simply be bedridden and waiting…

10 responses

The Gift of Time

By: on October 8, 2024

The 100 Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity was co-authored by psychologist, Lynda Gratton who is considered one of the top 10 business thinkers in the world by Thinkers50[1]and Andrew J. Scott, professor of economics with a focus on the financial aspect of living a long life.[2] The authors approach this…

16 responses

Let’s build cathedrals, not shopping malls

By: on October 8, 2024

What do Joe Biden, my own extended family and sabbath rest have in common? Reading The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity, falls at an interesting time. At the time of writing (although I recognize things may look very different by the time this blog post is published) our nation is…

10 responses