Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Getting Ready For the Last Hurrah…

By: on June 13, 2019

As I started to peruse the two books for this week, I had a flashback to our first year. We read several books to get us ready for our advance to SA that gave us a historical perspective of Christianity in Africa and the affects of apartheid specifically in SA. I had a moment of…

11 responses

Not a Typical Guidebook

By: on June 13, 2019

Great Britain is in the news again, and not for positive reasons.  The Brexit debate continues to rage and boil, as the slow-motion mechanisms of politics and governance continue. It was recently reported that “Theresa May stepped down as Conservative Party leader last Friday after failing to break the Brexit deadlock. On Monday, ten candidates were…

7 responses

London, Japan, and I’m straight off the block

By: on June 13, 2019

This trip to London and Oxford promises to be most exciting.  I have been in the Heathrow Airport . . . but that is my only experience in England.  I have visited Scotland twice, so my time on the Island of Great Britain has trended toward the North.  But this time I will experience all…

5 responses

The Do’s & Don’ts in London

By: on June 13, 2019

The books for this week were very interesting and informative and surely assigned so we could get acquainted with the location of our next advance. Since I am extremely good at putting my foot in my mouth (or both feet for that matter) at the most inopportune times, the Do’s and Don’ts sections in both…

16 responses

Know Yourself

By: on June 13, 2019

Culture shock can be very real. One often experiences culture shock in places where they believe the culture is the same as their home country. I have seen culture shock experienced worse by those that feel like their world travelers or grew up in a multicultural environment. One thing I learned about culture shock is…

13 responses

England Swings Like a Pendulum Do

By: on June 12, 2019

Both of our sources this week are an excellent preparation for our advance to be held in London and Oxford later this year during the Fall. Both are titled to prepare us for possible culture shock in both London and Great Britain, and less like a Rick Steves’ travel guide. In skimming them, I reflected…

6 responses

Know Your Onions

By: on June 12, 2019

Orin Hargraves CultureShock! London and Terry Tan’s CultureShock! Great Britain are a great pair of pre-travel books intended to prime LGP8 for the 2019 George Fox University LGP Advance in London, England. These are great sources to help prepare and set some initial expectations when adventuring into the British culture. Right off I asked myself,…

6 responses

Encounter – Formation – Expression

By: on June 11, 2019

In a sermon a few years ago, Mike Ashcraft, Pastor of Port City Community Church preached a sermon on the concept of Encounter –> Formation –> Expression.[1] Essentially, the concept is that as we go about our day to day lives, we are encountering new things all the time. These encounters lead to a space…

one response

Living as Strangers

By: on June 11, 2019

My husband is a five on the enneagram. That means he likes to be “in the know.” He’s the kind of person that would eat up books like Culture shock! London and Culture Shock! Great Britain. These books explain everything from how to hail a taxi to what to wear to different social events. I…

5 responses

Contextual Ministry

By: on June 10, 2019

I am amazed by this fascinating book where Ian S. Markham and Joshua Daniel summarizing the writings of Martyn Percy. The writing of Martyn Percy is seriously engaging and how they weave through my African Quaker theology. It reminds me that when the early Quaker missionaries arrived in Kenya to establish the first Quaker church…

3 responses

Perfect for my topic!

By: on June 9, 2019

This might have been a book I should have bought a physical copy of. I was only a little familiar with Martyn Percy before this assignment. In fact in took me a minute to recognize the name. I actually have used one of Martyn Percy’s books in the specific research for my dissertation. Percy’s book…

4 responses

Love The sinner but Hate the sin.

By: on June 8, 2019

The whole idea of the church being Christ’s witness in the World has been a divisive issue based on the differing hermeneutical understanding of the bible and its application. This is a matter that has been controversial and divisive in the history of the church. The scribes and pharisees questioned Jesus’s interaction and association with…

6 responses

Inspired by a Grizzly

By: on June 7, 2019

  As I was researching the writings of Martyn Percy I unearthed our very own Dr. Jason Clark’s PhD thesis, Evangelicalism and Capitalism: A reparative account and diagnosis of pathogeneses in the relationship and was excited to learn that Dr. Clark relied heavily on Martyn Percy’s writings and methods for his thesis.  In fact, Percy…

22 responses

Moderation, A Needed Virtue with a New Definition

By: on June 7, 2019

XIII. MODERATION We believe that the moderation of the believer should be known of all men, that his experience and daily walk should never lead him into extremes, fanaticism, unseemly manifestations, back- biting, murmurings, but that his sober, thoughtful, balanced, mellow, forgiving, and zealous Christian experience should be one of steadfast uprightness, equilibrium, humility, self-sacrifice…

6 responses