Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Four that has Transformed the World Economy and Spirituality

By: on November 11, 2019

We have  the term “the world is a global market” from wherever we are. When it comes to economies of the world, spirituality, and other social concerns, the Africa countries have always found themselves victims of the situations. I am reminded during the time of the early missionaries in Kenya. They arrived in style from…

3 responses

The 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month

By: on November 10, 2019

“Blind Certainty – a close-mindedness that amounts to an imprisonment so total that the prisoner doesn’t even know he’s locked up.” David Foster Wallace, 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Speech. I have tried ‘so hard’ to figure out how to think through some things in my life that I know I have not had the mental…

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By: on November 10, 2019

QUICK TO LISTEN AND SLOW TO SPEAK  (JAMES 1:19) We are living in a world that is full of struggles and misunderstandings, which has led to conflicts in the community and families. Families are being broken, institutions are unstable due to poor communication, and governments have collapsed in most of its sectors or ministries due…

3 responses


By: on November 10, 2019

QUICK TO LISTEN AND SLOW TO SPEAK  (JAMES 1:19) We are living in a world that is full of struggles and misunderstandings, which has led to conflicts in the community and families. Families are being broken, institutions are unstable due to poor communication, and governments have collapsed in most of its sectors or ministries due…

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But, What of Tomorrowland?

By: on November 10, 2019

In the 1980s, the dream of a futuristic world was seen through the lens of innocent childhood with a Disney whimsical twist. The days where technology and humankind operate inseparably was an intriguing quest set out by man. The days where innovators and dreamers need(ed) to stick together.[1] As the years continued in the late 1990s…

11 responses

Lying, Thieving, Socially Disinterested Blaggards

By: on November 9, 2019

Disclaimer. I use all the following products wth a sense of deep guilt. However, that guilt is not quite deep enough to eradicate these products from my life. Please accept my (almost)apology in advance. I must say, for a man who spends his life in economics, teaching business, attending prestigious company boards and making vast…

10 responses

Google, God, and Millennials

By: on November 9, 2019

When my daughter was young and she wanted something that I told her we could not afford, she would simply reply, “just go to the ATM, Mom”.  To my young daughter, born in the early 1980s, money was something that came out of the machine with the press of a few numbers, not something you…

8 responses

The Need for Stuff Is Real…But At What Cost?

By: on November 9, 2019

The Four is a raw book about the four tech giants that play a major role in today’s society. I found it interesting that the author related these four companies to the Four Horseman in the Bible. I also thought it fascinating that the author noted that these giants exist because of consumer demand. The…

10 responses

I read it all

By: on November 8, 2019

I admit it – I read this book cover to cover. While I realize that we don’t generally have time for that (and I don’t usually), I made time for this book this week. I found myself gripped each night and felt like I couldn’t put it down. I can’t tell if it was the…

11 responses

Gray Exile

By: on November 8, 2019

Reading books like The Four, leave me exhausted. Not only is it frustrating to consider the rate of change we experience every day, but I am also fatigued by the expectation this places on me as the consumer. I am left feeling like a refugee in my own homeland, an exile in what David Kinnaman…

10 responses

Remember the Employees

By: on November 7, 2019

I do not have anything witty or inspiring to say about any of these companies. I had planned on writing about how I fell out of love with Apple and found my way to open source software with its welcoming of all users. But the more I wrote the more it felt like I was…

17 responses

The Forbidden Fruit

By: on November 7, 2019

  15 The Lord God took the man and placed him in the orchard in Eden to care for it and to maintain it. 16 Then the Lord God commanded the man, “You may freely eat fruit from every tree of the orchard, 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from…

15 responses

The Technological Abattoir

By: on November 7, 2019

Do you remember the revulsion you felt when you first learned where meat came from? That visceral reaction is how I felt reading through Scott Galloway’s The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. The food on your plate becomes unappetising when you learn it once had a face. (Perhaps more so…

8 responses

High-Tech vs High-Touch

By: on November 7, 2019

Scott Galloway, author of The Four, offers his lessons for navigating the new reality we are all living in with Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google. I am better informed and can be a more conscientious consumer with this peek behind the curtain. I thought of Newport’s reference many times – that these kinds of innovators…

8 responses

What to make of The Four?

By: on November 7, 2019

Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business’s, argues in his book, The Four: the hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, that ‘The Four’ have amassed abundant influence upon our lifestyles to enable our dependency upon them while dominating their growing share of the consumer market. While ‘The Four” have…

6 responses

The Kaleidoscope of Success

By: on November 7, 2019

When my muscles get tired from playing soccer I can almost hear them telling me to STOP working out so hard! But, it’s then that I am probably getting stronger. When my fingers are stretching too far to reach the c#add-9 chord, I can almost hear them telling me STOP reaching so far. But, as…

10 responses

Stay Curious

By: on November 7, 2019

As I write this there are no less than seven stories in this morning’s paper lambasting the intemperate excesses of large companies that have resulted in large scale privacy loss, antitrust violations and billions worth of lost capital. Not surprisingly, Facebook, one of the four horsemen in Scott Galloway’s book The Four: The Hidden DNA…

9 responses

The Competitive Church

By: on November 7, 2019

In a recent podcast of Building a StoryBrand Donald Miller, the guest explained that even though Amazon stock was at an all-time high, this was still the best time to buy the stock. When pressed for the reason why the guest said because this is the lowest it will ever be. He continued and said…

10 responses