Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Leadership Is More Than Just Learning New Techniques And Methods?

By: on January 30, 2022

Leadership is probably the discipline that has attracted the highest number of authors and it amazes me the rate at which new ideas and techniques for increased productivity, are identified and touted as the latest or ‘the must have’ for success in leadership. It’s also true that every leader is on the look out for…

4 responses

Nerve: a key ingredient for historical and contemporary leadership

By: on January 28, 2022

Perhaps few books on leadership compare with Edwin Friedman’s Failure of Nerve, a critical examination of contemporary American leadership against the background 15th and 16th century European leadership. Using Europe’s transition from a millennium of uneventful ordinariness to a glorious era of innovation, art, exploration, discovery and expansion[1], Friedman argues that, today like in the…

12 responses

Triangulation: A Case Study

By: on January 28, 2022

In the fall, I focused on Edwin H. Friedman’s arguments regarding empathy and the ways in which empathy disempowers personal responsibility, thus contributing to toxic, reactive, chronic anxiety. As I summarized then, in A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, Friedman develops his argument for why it is a leader’s…

17 responses

Leadership for Such a Time as This

By: on January 27, 2022

In re-reading Friedman’s book, A Failure of Nerve, my attention became directed on chapter two. The title is, A Society in Regression and it discusses at length how our American culture is unraveling. “A society cannot evolve, no matter how much freedom is guaranteed, when the citizenry is more focused on one another than on…

16 responses

Empathy: Tonic or Toxic?

By: on January 27, 2022

One of my favorite parts of a trying story from the Old Testament comes from Job and his friends. Job’s companions get so much wrong in the story. They offer shallow answers to bottomless pain. They espouse theological misunderstandings that only add to Job’s misery. They offer platitudes when there are no answers. What the…

10 responses

Individuality vs. Togetherness 

By: on January 26, 2022

Individuality vs. Togetherness  This blog post focuses on what Friedman calls fallacies of self by charting leadership philosophies on a spectrum between autocracy and individuality. Friedman begins with a fictitious dialog between the earliest known organisms known to creation: the eukaryotes and the prokaryotes. The eukaryotes are are multicellular, adaptive and likely dopaminergic; they value individuality and…

12 responses

Leadership Development Among the Vulnerable

By: on January 26, 2022

The late Edwin Friedman delivers powerful leadership principles in his book, A Failure of Nerve. Through his work as a rabbi, family therapist, and leadership consultant, Friedman identifies “that the climate of contemporary America has become so chronically anxious that our society has gone into an emotional regression that is toxic to well-defined leadership.”[1] Incorporating…

7 responses

Navigating a New Anxiety

By: on January 26, 2022

Through a second and deeper pass at Friedman’s A Failure of Nerve, I found myself focused on how self-differentiation manifests in the context of realistic issues that leaders face today. As a quick recap, Friedman’s work is classified within the social science field of psychology and is aimed at empowering leaders of today to embrace…

14 responses

Be Differentiated, Even If You Deal With Extremely Emotionally Toxic People

By: on January 26, 2022

The most significant works in literature transcend space, time, and context. Friedman’s A Failure of Nerve does just that as it nears its completion of four decades in circulation.  Continuing to shape organizational psychology today, Friedman gives foundation thought around leadership, differentiation, emotional triangles, and being a non-anxious presence.  His main idea is on the self-differentiated…

12 responses

The Quest For More, Spirit Led or Dopamine?

By: on January 23, 2022

Where and when is our next school and church plant? This is a question that has become common place for our leadership team, and they would be worried if the founder directors do not ask this question for an extended length of time. Our organization, Missions of Hope International[1] has grown very fast since 2007…

one response

No One Knows How Far I’ll Go

By: on January 14, 2022

Moana is the story of an intense, fiercely feminine, non-weaponized teenager who sees possibilities that lay outside of her reach.  She is ambitious and has a sense there is more to life on the island that would require venturing out into the unknown sea. She is not satisfied with the “here and now” or doing…

12 responses

Nature, Nurture, the Chicken or the Egg

By: on January 13, 2022

The fascinating collaboration of Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD and Michael E. Long in “The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity-and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race,”[1] bring to light the of impact and role of dopamine in human behavior, discussing such area as love,…

16 responses

Dopamine and the Hero’s Journey

By: on January 13, 2022

I experienced my control dopamine working overtime as I read the various insights contained in Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD and Michael E. Long’s book, The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity—and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race.[1] Classified by the Library of Congress as…

13 responses

Mind over Matter

By: on January 13, 2022

In Leiberman and Long’s The Molecule of More, a closer look at how dopamine interacts with various areas of life attempts to answer the question of why humans do what they do. Housed under science and psychology, this text strives to explain to the reader how the molecular and behavioral chemicals in the brain relate…

11 responses

The Dopamine Made Me Do It

By: on January 13, 2022

Why do we long for sex, potato chips and Disney World? Why do I get so excited about seeing my kids at the end of a long work day, or feel like the world is my oyster as I take my sip of coffee? Daniel Lieberman’s book The Molecule of More, is rooted in the…

11 responses

More of Jesus, Less of Me

By: on January 13, 2022

Daniel Lieberman and Michael Long, the authors of the book The Molecule of More, explain and explore dopamine’s role in human behavior. This book can be categorized under social science to analyze the essential functions of dopamine (the molecule of more) in current human behavior and society. The study of dopamine and serotonin has been…

6 responses

A Sensitive Chemical Balance

By: on January 13, 2022

In Daniel Lieberman and Michael Long’s book entitled, “The Molecule of More,” the authors take an in-depth view of the chemical dopamine and how it effects human behavior. It is a thin book, but the authors succinctly and successfully cover the wide-ranging effects this single molecule has on individuals and society. Indeed, this book left…

6 responses

Here and Now Versus There and Then

By: on January 13, 2022

Why do some people continually strive for more and fail to enjoy what they have? Why do others find fulfillment in what they have but fail to pursue possibilities of a better future? An internal tension exists in every person. That tension presents a challenge to manage between what is and what could be. “The…

8 responses