Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Akisomere angajep ngaturkana– How to Study… a Language

By: on October 13, 2016

Derek Rowntree, a founding member and retired Professor of Educational Development at UK’s Open University—one of the largest universities in England and Europe—presents a “realistic approach” to studying. He suggests that what he offers is not a model, or especially, the model for studying, but rather, an opportunity to understand how we learn, how we…

9 responses

How to Study

By: on October 12, 2016

Of all the tips I learned about studying through this latest read, the part that resonated with me the most was the process of listening when you study.  Listening to: authors, presenters, lectures, different perspectives, and new information.  And the results of not listening was impacting when Rowntree talked about Einstein refusing new scientific information…

12 responses

The Egalitarian Professor’s Manual on Learning.

By: on October 12, 2016

Learn how to Study: Developing the study skills and approaches to learning that will help you succeed in university: A virtual tutorial with Professor Derek Rowntree. In short: The Egalitarian Professor’s Manual on Learning. I hope you don’t mind if I get right to the point. Don’t let the title fool you! While I sense…

11 responses

Learning to Study with a Virtual Tutor

By: on October 12, 2016

 Learn How to Study by Professor Derek Rowntree is more than just a book about learning.  It is a “tutorial style” book that gives practical application to the material that is being presented.  In short, the author wanted more than just to have his book read.  Professor Rowntree wanted students to learn from his book. …

6 responses

S. O. S.

By: on October 12, 2016

  STUDY  ORGANIZE STRATEGIZE Do you wake up in a cold sweat, trying to be a super student? Does your bed partner include books, notebooks, pens, caffeine, computer, and chocolate trying to complete your studies?  Do you find yourself sitting with a blank stare on your face?                …

8 responses

Learning how to study with Rowntree

By: on October 12, 2016

  This being an eminently practical book, I will write about and respond to it in a practical and transactional way. My main take-aways and notes to self from this text are as follows: Find somewhere to study. I find my environment is very important when I am reading, writing, preparing sermons, studying. I need…

8 responses

The Reflective Student

By: on October 11, 2016

The Reflective Student “Learning to study is essentially a do-it-yourself operation. You’ll get ideas from this book. You’ll get even more from teachers and fellow-students. But, in the end, it’s up to you. You need to be able to reflect on your own experience of studying and decide what changes of approach might best suit…

12 responses

Super Student: Myth or Fact

By: on October 10, 2016

During my first week in the DMIN program, I can recall my Facebook post where I said that I was “Feeling overwhelmed with everything I have going on in life right now…My superwoman cape isn’t flying so high…I need to make some adjustments to my commitments to make room for this new chapter”  Why did…

8 responses

What’s in your Inner Library?

By: on October 6, 2016

Taking seriously the advice of our lead mentor, Dr. Jason Clark, I read a vast number of reviews about Bayard’s How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, before reading the book itself. If the reviewers are to be believed, Bayard’s book is either pure satire, a serious treatise on discussing a book without reading, an offering…

12 responses

No Shame in Not Reading

By: on October 6, 2016

Now that we understand “How to Read a Book” we can learn how “Not to Read a Book” and still talk about it!!! What a time saver for poor, tired students! In “How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read” Pierre Bayard encourages us to learn why we strive for an image of cultural literacy.…

14 responses

Of Books and People

By: on October 6, 2016

How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, by Pierre Bayard When I first looked at the title of this book which I was required to read and discuss, the irony was almost too perfect.  In fact, I half expected that this was one of those books you find in novelty stores that have a…

9 responses

How to talk about books you haven’t read – Pierre Bayard

By: on October 6, 2016

  “It is not the quantity that is read, but the manner of reading, that yields us profit.  Those who read fast, reap no more advantage, than a bee would by only skimming over the surface of the flower, instead of waiting to penetrate into it, and extract its sweets.” (Madame Guyon – A Short…

8 responses


By: on October 4, 2016

  When I entered college I was introduced to the Cliff Notes. Never heard of it? Well, it was a study guide which assisted many students in addressing what a book was about without reading the entire book.  The books I have read so far, I sort of wish I had cliff notes. Or should…

10 responses


By: on October 2, 2016

“How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read” by Pierre Bayard The irony of a non-reading professor issuing reading assignments to his students, and authoring a book presenting non-reading techniques on how to talk about books you haven’t read, is not lost on me.  As I read “How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read”,…

8 responses

How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read

By: on October 1, 2016

  I find it very clever that the table of contents for the book How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read by Pierre Bayard is structured in a way that you can skim it and understand what each chapter and section is intending to convey. It allows the reader to choose what they want to read…

11 responses

A picture is worth a thousand words or why are there so many emojis?

By: on September 16, 2016

Like many students that have been assigned one of Sarah Pink’s books, or any like it, my first thought upon opening Doing Visual Ethnography was, ‘What is Visual or any other form of ethnography?’ Pink’s gives this definition of ethnography (34) :  a methodology…. an approach to experiencing, interpreting and representing experience, culture, society and material and…

14 responses