Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Water Slides and Plato

By: on March 23, 2014

Ever since my days in youth ministry I have always enjoyed a good slip and slide.  A little soap, a good long sheet of plastic, a steep hill and a whole lot of water is all you need to have a whole lot of fun.  So when I heard of the “Crazy Insane Water Slide”…

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Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…

By: on March 20, 2014

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”  We all remember this phrase from the fairy tale Snow White.  Mirrors that could tell us what we want or what we envision, whether true or false, would probably sell out quickly at the local retailer – if they existed.  But this was a…

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A Handy Tool

By: on March 20, 2014

“Sudsy” was his nick name, used only by the students and only behind his back!  He was an average looking guy except he always was a bit disheveled.  His nickname came from gossip, though quite broadly substantiated, that he drank a bit to much beer, or “suds” as it was called back in the day…

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A Momentary Respite from Ideas about God

By: on March 20, 2014

The topics of discussion today in my Biomedical Ethics class were Natural Law Theory, the Doctrine of Double Effect, the Principle of Totality, and Animal Testing. Whew! A great debate ensued between my students about ideas, ethics and if there are “natural laws” as Aquinas might define them. In our doctoral reading this week, “A…

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The Dude Abides: Meaning and Meaninglessness

By: on March 20, 2014

Reading A Brief Guide to Ideas by William Raeper and Linda Edwards reminded me of the Coen Brother’s existential masterpiece The Big Lebowski.  Jeff Bridges as The Dude (aka Jeffrey Lebowski) stars as the protaganist on an epic odyssey of sorts through the absurdity of modern Los Angeles.  As Raeper and Edwards introduce the reader…

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It Ain’t Easy

By: on March 20, 2014

I feel like I often write about my fundamentalist past with regards to my assigned reading from George Fox, and unfortunately this week isn’t an exception. InA Brief Guide to Ideas: Turning Points in the History of Human Thought, Raepar and Smithtrace the history of epistemology throughout much of Western thought. He grapples with questions like,…

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By: on March 20, 2014

The way we question life and response to these though challenges consist a multitude of approaches. Every person utilizes different methods. Especially in our postmodern times we are used to connect heterogeneous systems into a patchwork of approaches to meet the challenges in our lifes. Philosophy is one of them; Theology a different one. In…

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Questions Allowed!

By: on March 20, 2014

Young adults are asking questions about faith as they transition in life. One young lady wonders how she can really know God. Another young man is asking questions about morality that doubts traditional answers. Is there a place for their questions in the church? Questioning beliefs and authority in church can seem threatening to some…

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Power, Empowerment, and Disempowerment

By: on March 16, 2014

We have all had THAT experience.  Seeing power used in a ministry setting in a negative way.  I have a good friend who had his first pastoral assignment, the head pastor made him preach his sermons in private just to the head pastor for feedback and approval, and to make sure they would be adequate…

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Dealing with Leadership Presence in China

By: on March 15, 2014

MaryKate Morse’s book Making Room for Leadership; power, space and influence describes in great length about the importance and practice of leadership presence. MaryKate says there is a marriage between the leader’s presence and the reception of the group. The China business and political culture is an excellent example of this statement. I have been…

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There He Was!

By: on March 14, 2014

As a young college student paying my way through school, I worked in a foods warehouse for Hershey Park.  It was a great place to work, and even better, there were some great benefits which came along with the job.  First, you could get into the park for free at any time when off of…

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Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box

By: on March 14, 2014

  Everyone knows these situations. You are squeezed into a subway or bus. People are closer than it is comfortable for you. You own private space is invaded. These so called “crowding situations” give us a hard time, because we like to arrange our distance zones individually. When we are forced to limit these proxemics,…

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That’s Why I Bought Elevator Shoes!

By: on March 13, 2014

MaryKate Morse in her fascinating book Making Room For Leadership sates that Jesus was very ordinary from a physical and perceived stance and that he was a minimalist, but he changed the world.  At least as ordinary, I’m in good company! For six years I worked in Marketing and Sales for a company in Kansas. …

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The Corrupting Power of Basic Principles

By: on March 13, 2014

Recently another Christian leader has come under scrutiny for sexual allegations. It would have been one of the least likely people by the way this man conducted himself. He was reserved, non-flamboyant and taught a moral high road. If you lived in the U.S. in the 70s and beyond, chances you would have heard of…

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The Character of Your Power

By: on March 13, 2014

The church was abuzz with activity.  The worship service had just ended and people were engaging conversations, getting coffee from the coffee bar, and meeting in small groups planning lunch gatherings.  Kids were running about looking for parents, or avoiding parents!  The staff was making the most of the opportunity to have a few words…

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God’s Image Bearers

By: on March 13, 2014

Communication and its contents play an important role in leadership.  In the same seam, a leader’s actions, the way they are perceived and their impact upon people has equal significance. The implications of whatever is said and done by a leader has positive or negative consequences.  These are widely discussed leadership principles that are well…

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I Got the Power…

By: on March 13, 2014

Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space and Influence  by MaryKate Morse was this week’s assignment for my D.Min program. It dissects the intersection of body, leadership and power.  She writes, “Leadership happens all the time, and it happens when we use our bodies to influence others. “(Loc 143).  Prior to our London Advance I hadn’t…

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Morse Code for Using Power: “A Kiss” (Acknowledgment), “Water”(Hospitality) & “Oil” (Honor)

By: on March 13, 2014

Morse Code for Using Power: “A Kiss” (Acknowledgment), “Water”(Hospitality) & “Oil” (Honor) In her book “Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space and Influence” MaryKate Morse discusses four kinds of power and gives an excellent and moving description of these using the story of Jesus, the Sinner Woman and Simon. “Expert Power” belongs to someone who…

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Evaluating Popular Culture

By: on March 11, 2014

Interacting with popular culture as a Christian has been an interesting journey. In the church of my youth we couldn’t dance, drink alcohol or go to movies and a few other abominations. We looked at pop culture with suspicion. When I was in middle school a friend asked if I had heard the song “I’m…

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Email, Tmail and Abraham Lincoln

By: on March 9, 2014

When was the last time you sent an email with a typo or an emotional response and regretted it? Did you know Abraham Lincoln had a similar problem? According to Daniel Forrester in his book Consider; harnessing the power of reflective thinking in your organization, Daniel tells us about Abraham Lincoln’s communication habits and his…

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