Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Personality and Intelligent Design

By: on April 7, 2022

Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are demystifies human personality by providing an empirical, yet easy-to-read, examination of individual differences and human uniqueness. Written by Daniel Nettle, a widely-published professor of behavioral science in the UK, Personality builds on the work of Galton[1], Jung[2], and other theorists to discuss the psychology of personality, enduring…

11 responses

Maps, GPS, and the Commodification of Home

By: on April 7, 2022

I love maps. It may feed my need to be in control and aversion to be being told what to do by a mechanical woman or maybe it is my desire to see the whole journey all at once. I even prefer a good hand drawn path on a paper napkin complete with the personal…

6 responses

Open Personality to the body of Christ

By: on April 7, 2022

In this book Personality : What makes you the way you are, Daniel Nettle explores the psychology of our human personality. He writes to “vindicate the idea that people have enduring personality dispositions which partly predict what they will do, and which stem from the way their nervous systems are wired up.”[1] Nettle introduces the…

7 responses

Leverage Your Strengths

By: on April 7, 2022

The age-old question asks: Is it nature or nurture? What makes us the way we are? Why does one person want to bungee jump over a river gorge while their sibling cautiously stands back from the railing? Daniel Nettle in Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are examines the mysterious and complex topic of…

10 responses

A Personality to Call Our own

By: on April 6, 2022

In Daniel Nettle’s 2007 book, Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are, human personalities are examined and explored to better understand each other and ourselves. I took the author’s advice and after reading the introduction and before starting chapter one, I took the Newcastle Personality Assessor test in the Appendix of the back. It…

8 responses

Hi, my name is Kayli, and I’m Conscientious

By: on April 6, 2022

Daniel Nettle’s Personality focuses on the psychology behind personality and focuses primarily on what is known as the five-factor model of personality, or ‘the big five.’ In this book, Nettles attempts to explore “how we measure personality, what the measures mean, what they predict, and why personality variations exist in the first place.”[1] He describes…

5 responses

Humans Are Simply-Complex

By: on April 6, 2022

What makes us human? What makes us tick? Why do we do the things that we do? What has shaped and formed us? These are just some of the existential questions that many of us have probably thought about over the course of our lives, certainly after a challenging interaction with a difficult person. “Human personalities…

7 responses

Is the Science of Personality Too Limiting?

By: on April 6, 2022

Daniel Nettle, a professor at Newcastle University, is a behavioral and social scientist and the author of several books. One of his books, Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are, addresses the importance of understanding the science behind personality. Whereas cognitive psychology and the function of the brain have been a focal point of…

16 responses

Consumerism is like Red Hot coal hidden under Ashes.

By: on April 4, 2022

Vincent Miller is a North American Catholic theologian, author and the Gurdorf Chair in Catholic Theology at the University of Dayton, USA. Miller is the author of the book “Consuming Religion” in which he tackles the topic of consumerism and expresses his concern that little is covered of this topic in contemporary theology.[1] He provides…

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Desire, Commodification, and Religious Practice

By: on March 31, 2022

As I read Vincent J. Miller’s “Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture,” I couldn’t help but think of Spider-Man 3 and the identity struggle that ensues when Peter Parker’s Spider Man bonds with the Symbiote.[1] Perhaps this connection was also encouraged as I read Jason Clark’s engagement with Miller’s central thesis.[2]…

9 responses

Back to God

By: on March 31, 2022

This week’s study focuses on two important works: Vincent Miller’s 2008 book, Consuming Religion: Religious Belief and Practice in a Consumer Culture, and Jason Clark’s 2018 thesis, Evangelicalism and Capitalism: A Reparative Account and Diagnosis of Pathogenesis in the Relationship. I was unable to access Consuming Religion as it is only available in print; and,…

7 responses

Being Lloyd Dobler

By: on March 31, 2022

“I don’t want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career.  I don’t want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed.  You know, as a career, I don’t want to do that.”[1]  Lloyd…

11 responses

Desires of the Consuming Fire

By: on March 31, 2022

Consuming Religion, written by Vincent Miller, discusses and explores how consumer culture impacts our religious life and perspectives. He presents the idea of “commodification of culture” to argue “how consumer culture changes our relationship with religious beliefs, narratives, and symbols.”[1] This book deals with psychology and economy to argue that religious items have been abstracted…

9 responses

Working 9-5 and Keeping Faith Alive

By: on March 31, 2022

  I do not think I will ever view a cut of chicken at the grocery store the same way again. Beyond the price, the process of that product’s journey to the shelf did not occur to me. As someone born and raised in a consumer culture, consumption comes as naturally as breathing. Vincent Miller…

13 responses

Thou Shall Not Commodify

By: on March 31, 2022

In Vincent Miller’s 2008 book, “Consuming Religion” a critical distinction is made in the beginning of the introduction: “This is not a book about religion against consumer culture; it is a book about the fate of religion in consumer culture” (p. 1). There are plenty of books written about the former but this insightful work…

12 responses

A Re-Lived Theology

By: on March 30, 2022

This week we explored Consuming Religion by Vincent Miller, focusing on the disconnect between religious belief and practice and the corresponding narrative by Jason Clark’s Evangelicalism and Capitalism. While I could find little about Miller in the way of a biography, he is an academic that is currently at the University of Dayton serving as…

9 responses

Commodifying Jesus

By: on March 30, 2022

Certainly, the purity of true religion and faith could never be distorted by the variants of the dominant culture, or could it? Vincent J. Miller, a professor of Theology at Georgetown University, wrote Consuming Religion to reveal the unavoidable impact consumerism has had among the people and structures of faith. Giving a nod to Bebbington…

9 responses

Culture, gender-related and ethical considerations are Key considerations in assessing the application of each form of leadership.

By: on March 20, 2022

Peter Northouse is a Professor of communication in Western Michigan University who is highly esteemed for his work in Leadership studies and communications. Northouse has written the book, Leadership: Theory and Practice, which is both rich in the theory of leadership but also a practical guide on the practice of leadership.[1] Northouse has written on…

one response

A critical and complex commodity

By: on March 20, 2022

Northouse’s excellent analysis of leadership in every generation since Aristotle highlights the critical nature of this subject[1]. Indeed, from the beginning of time, long before Aristotle came on the scene, God demonstrates leadership by initiating creation, modelling character, facilitating change, and influencing many individuals and groups for good. Inspired by God, several individuals continued this…

6 responses