Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again

By: on November 14, 2023

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.[1] One of the archetypes Daniel Lieberman highlights is the Journey. It’s true that as humans we connect deeply to this idea of an epic journey or even seeing life as a journey. This is evidenced by the sheer volume of vocabulary that exists…

10 responses

Integrating the Ego and Unconscious for Emotional Agility

By: on November 13, 2023

Ten years ago, in a Harvard Business Review article[1], Susan David and Christina Congleton covered the topic of Emotional Agility in leaders. In it, they observed that it was not the negative thoughts that trips up leaders, it’s the way they respond and process those thoughts. Dr Daniel Liberman helps us to unpack this concept…

6 responses

Transcendence, the Unconscious, and God Our Ally

By: on November 13, 2023

Before I started this post, I asked my wife, “What are you doing?” “I’m thinking,” she replied. This afternoon we moved some old couches from our living room to an upstairs room. With the open space in our living room, my wife is pacing, thinking how to fill it. Now that I’ve read Daniel Lieberman’s…

8 responses

Papa Don’t Preach

By: on November 10, 2023

I am, was, will be, always have, sometimes am a “good girl” depending on your definition.  I grew up most of my life in North Dakota, where there was not a lot to get in trouble with, except the normal teenage stuff.  As an adult reflecting back, I always wondered why I didn’t do more…

9 responses

Religious unawareness, self-deception, and shame.

By: on November 9, 2023

Years ago, I heard a story of a middle-aged woman named Nancy who lived in Pennsylvania and one summer traveled to California to visit her sister. Nancy and her sister decided to go shopping in Tijuana, a Mexican border town below California. On their way back to the car to head to California, Nancy saw…

18 responses

အိုး၊ ပထမကမ္ဘာပြဿနာ။, Wow a 1st world problem

By: on November 9, 2023

အိုး၊ ပထမကမ္ဘာပြဿနာ။, Wow a 1st world problem or အခြားမိခင်မှ ညီအစ်ကိုများ, Brothers from another mother (Burmese) Part 1: What my peers and others are saying.. Part 2: Desire…End of Globalization?… Part 3:  What I am learning….   Part 1: What my peers and others are saying.. In the discussion of Polanyi and capitalism[1], I made a…

4 responses

Faith vs. Fortune the tension between religion and shopping sprees

By: on November 9, 2023

Journeying through the intersection of faith and capitalism can sometimes feel like wandering through a marketplace, where each vendor seems to promote their own version of salvation. In Evangelicalism and Capitalism; A Reparative Account and Diagnosis,[1] Jason Clark provides a thought provoking analysis of this junction examining the occasionally conflicting relationship between these two realms.…

4 responses

Cardiac Arrest May Cure Consumerism

By: on November 9, 2023

Last week I went to the theater with our pastor and his wife’s small group to see, After Death, which is a documentary exploring NDE’s (Near Death Experiences), produced by the same people responsible for The Chosen. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised by their approach to this complex, and…

8 responses

Inspiration from the Ammas and Abbas

By: on November 9, 2023

There is so much that this world has to offer that deforms a person.  Author and University of Dayton professor, Dr. Vincent Miller, in his book Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Religion says, “Our attention to the nitty-gritty materialist details of these cultural shifts will be better able to guide a…

12 responses

Pure Desire for Something More

By: on November 8, 2023

“Unless we attend to these deeper workings of culture, Theological reflection will miss the most profound challenge of consumerism–the commodification of culture–the reduction of religious beliefs, symbols, and values to objects of consumption.”[1] What is My Desire? Truth be told, when I saw what was scheduled on my calendar from June 28-July 1, 2023, I…

11 responses

Bamboo Beds, Mallard Ducks, and $12 Oreos

By: on November 7, 2023

Maybe it’s jetlag. My head is spinning following my recent trip to Bali, Indonesia. Memories of my life there 34-years ago are frequent companions. Moments of grief turned to joy, memories of God’s provision, and reconnection with people I hold dear fill my thoughts. Needless-to-say memories of bamboo beds, mallard ducks, and Oreos sparked by…

10 responses

Worship that Changes Us

By: on November 7, 2023

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to…

7 responses

How to avoid becoming a religious shopkeeper

By: on November 6, 2023

At the start of Jason Clark’s dissertation is a question from Dan Kimball, referenced again in Clark’s fifth chapter. Kimbal asks the question, “Have we, over time and with good intentions and pure motivations, turned our churches into vendors of religious services and goods?”[1] This is the jumping off point for Clark’s research, and the…

9 responses

This is My Body, Packaged for You

By: on November 6, 2023

NOTE: The following “stream of consciousness” essay contains possible emotional triggers.   I grew up devoutly Catholic. I was an Altar Boy. I attended parochial school. I was spanked by a nun. Seriously, she bent me over the edge of her desk and used the “board of education” on my hinder parts. It only happened…

13 responses

Swimming Upstream

By: on November 6, 2023

I have 4 grandchildren ranging from 21 months to 5 years old. They are the joy of our lives. However, that joy can be brought to a halt with a trip to Target. Now, I do feel that part of a grandparent’s job is to spoil their grandchildren with added gifts and enjoy them with…

11 responses

Enigma, Bricolage, and the Commodification of Christianity

By: on November 6, 2023

“A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other commodities of the same type.”[1] Thus to treat something as a commodity…as if that something “can be bought and sold”[2] like any other commodity is to commodify that thing. “When we relate to cultural and religious traditions as commodities, they lose…

18 responses

Just One More Consumer Product

By: on November 6, 2023

I had an amazing opportunity on Friday as part of my work with the I to We organization[1]. We assembled a group of Christian local leaders from various denominations and educational organizations to discuss team building. It was a timely conversation and I got to share with them some of the readings from this course…

10 responses

Commodification Touches Everything!

By: on November 6, 2023

“This is not a book about religion against consumer culture; it is a book about the fate of religion in consumer culture.”[1] With this statement in the introduction to his book, Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture, Vincent Miller, summarizes the basic thesis of his book. He gets more specific in…

11 responses