Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Talk Is Cheap

By: on March 26, 2024

The power of words has become more and more clear. Whether it’s starting a podcast or a blog, or having an X (when can we stop saying “formerly known as twitter”?), Instagram, or TikTok account, everyone has access to some platform for getting their words, thoughts, and paradigms out to the masses. The influence of…

8 responses

Leading in Choppy and Calm Waters

By: on March 25, 2024

The line that jumped out at me while reading Rethinking Leadership by Annabel Beerel was: “During times of radical uncertainty, leaders need psychological strength, emotional balance, and courage to navigate the choppy waters ahead.” [1] I believe this sums up my current leadership needs.   My brother and cohort friend, Greg McMullen, recently shared a vision…

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قبل ما تنطوي الصفحة” (qabl ma tantawi as-safha) – Before the page turns (Iraqi Arabic).

By: on March 25, 2024

قبل ما تنطوي الصفحة” (qabl ma tantawi as-safha) – Before the page turns (Iraqi Arabic). Flashback Part 1 Peering into the topic Part 2 What others are saying Epilogue   Flashback She’s dead. Dimitri repeated, “she’s dead.”  Dimi a soldier from Ukraine spoke without feeling, his face frozen.  I remember him teasing Nahla a few…

6 responses

The Proverbial “Cart Before the Horse”

By: on March 24, 2024

Matthew Petrusek’s Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture uniquely blends Catholic Social Thought (CST) and political philosophy. Petrusek attempts to provide a methodology for arguing in our highly politicized environment. His ultimate goal is to provide culture with an “alternative to thinking – and acting – ideologically altogether.”[1] In…

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Modern Apologetic

By: on March 23, 2024

I recently met with a colleague at Chick-fil-a to discuss the preaching calendar for the summer. While sharing lunch, she mentioned that she had not been at the restaurant in a number of years. I ask her more about this and she shared that it was because of their political positions. I quipped, “That chicken…

9 responses

What you See, is Not Necessarily What you Get.

By: on March 23, 2024

When I was growing up on a tiny Island in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean, I read and worked on my school assignments during the night in the light of a kerosene lamp; regardless of the low light it provides, I was able to see clearly and worked gratefully.  After thirty-one years of…

16 responses

I like Your Style: Glimpses of a Good Leader

By: on March 22, 2024

Where are the differentiated, courageous, joyful, hope-filled, undefended, empowering, and powerful women and men who are willing to lead with nothing to lose? Sometimes it seems these leaders are nowhere to be found on global, national, nor local community levels. However, if one pays close attention, it turns out, there are some very good leaders…

10 responses

Politics can’t be a dirty game!

By: on March 22, 2024

Introduction: As I share what I have gleaned from Dr. Petrusek’s work, I believe his work, like many other bold believers, is very important in encouraging people of faith to step out into a hostile world and engage culture boldly in faith. As someone who has seen a good share of instability due to conflicts and…

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No More Delusional Shortcuts!

By: on March 22, 2024

Reading Bobby Duffy’s Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything felt like having a challenging conversation with a responsible and competent friend who encouraged me to “check myself.” It is never easy to hear, “You are delusional.” Duffy states, “The reason we get so many things wrong is a combination of effects of how we think…

13 responses

The people who walk in darkness will see a great light.

By: on March 22, 2024

As I write this, the last call to prayer of the day is sounding all around me. It is the eleventh day of Ramadan. The majority around me are fasting. They are not drinking, eating, swallowing their sputum, or smoking during sunlight hours (approximately 5:30 am until 7:30 pm). Thankfully, today was not very hot…

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Exploring “Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything”

By: on March 22, 2024

I once heard it said that the greatest lie of all time is that we think we’re thinking, but in reality, most of the time, we’re simply operating off social conditioning and habit. Upon initially hearing this statement, I couldn’t help but pause and see its truth. I then began wondering how much of what…

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Meaning of suffering, meaning of life.

By: on March 21, 2024

Here I come, you ready for it, I’m going to stretch myself here and go off my topic…Okay, no I am not, I’m going to talk about the meaning of suffering.  Why not? I work right in the middle of it and it’s the human condition.  Jordan B. Peterson is a psychologist who wrote a…

8 responses

Lead or be led…

By: on March 21, 2024

Lead or be led If there is anything that I have learned in life, it is that we will forever be a world of different opinions. As a leader, there is a push your values on others. The question is: Is what you believe best for all? As a religious leader, it is best that…

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To Move Forward, We Will Have To Choose A Road

By: on March 21, 2024

Intro This week, I’m just going to be me on this post. A pastors perspective, rather than an academic look. I enjoyed Matthew R. Petrusek In Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture. Petrusek tackles a difficult subject that is tearing many countries apart, especially in America. Where I live and…

12 responses

Wrong Again

By: on March 21, 2024

From Being Wrong by Kathryn Schulz and What’s Your Problem by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg to Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow, I have been fully convinced that I, and everyone else is wrong. Already believing I was wrong made it seem pointless to read another book about being wrong.  Wrong, again. According to Bobby Duffy, understanding ‘why’…

13 responses

I was Wrong about this one

By: on March 21, 2024

I bristled when I started reading Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything by Bobby Duffy this week. After reading the first several chapters, my reaction was that it was just another book confirming what we already read, things aren’t always what they seem. I thought his reference to Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow was…

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Staying Positive through the Muck

By: on March 21, 2024

This text message was from two weeks ago. Doug was my old cellmate (hence his calling me “bunk,” (short for “bunkie”). He just entered rehab (an expensive one at that – $1000.00 a day!!) for the fourth or fifth time. Doug and I shared life together for about two years as bunkmates, or “cellies,” which…

12 responses

The World is NOT Going to Hell in a Handbasket!

By: on March 21, 2024

“United Nations adviser calls for White people to be stripped of their power,” Fox News Headline. ‘That Sounds like ethnic cleansing’: Clarissa Ward questions lead figure in Israel’s settler movement, CNN News Headline. It’s Official, Biden – Trump set for a rematch, BBC World News. If you are like me and millions of other people,…

14 responses

The Power of a Common Enemy vs Common Good

By: on March 21, 2024

Life seems hard, fear is rampant, there are lots of bad things and bad people, and I’m in danger… or am I? Listening to author and professor Matthew Petrusek I swayed between “Oh that makes sense.” to “Oh that’s not how I view things.” He is offering an alternative to Identity Politics with the argument…

2 responses

We live in a system that breeds delusion.

By: on March 21, 2024

I recently had an amazing holiday! Or was it simply ‘average’? Or was that other holiday better? Bobby Duffy of King’s College London, in a talk about his book, “Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything”, quoted a 1994 study by Professors Terrence Mitchell and Leigh Thompson to unpack what they dubbed “rosy retrospective”. [1] In…

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