Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Зачем изучать лидерство? – Zachem izuchat’ liderstvo? Why study Leadership (Russian)

By: on November 28, 2023

Зачем изучать лидерство? – Zachem izuchat’ liderstvo? Why study Leadership? (Russian) Part 1: What my peers are saying. Part 2: Highlights from Northouse. Part 3: Epilogue   Part 1: What my peers are saying. John Fehlan, says, “Perhaps leadership IS influence and the Christian Leadership industry got us all to buy their stuff… I then…

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Conceptualizing Leadership

By: on November 28, 2023

We are 15 or so months into our doctoral journey, and this week’s reading may be the first book that feels like a classic textbook. Leadership is a notoriously slippery concept to pin down, but Peter Northouse’s Leadership: Theory and Practice provides a helpful definition: “Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group…

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Antifragile: Stress, Risks, Mistakes

By: on November 27, 2023

The book Antifragile is not for the faint of heart. The term “antifragile” is difficult to define, but the author Nassim Taleb describes it this way: “The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.” [1] Through my lens as a Marriage and Family Therapist, I will provide a summary of a…

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Challenging My Own Status Quo

By: on November 27, 2023

Familiar Territory? I was excited to see that we had Leadership: Theory and Practice[1] on our reading list this term. I will be candid: I was excited to have a book I had already read because it meant I had less reading to do. This was territory I had already covered, so “I should be…

11 responses

Into the Mystic: How Christian Mystical Practices Can Connect Our Unconscious to God

By: on November 25, 2023

When psychology, neuroscience and spirituality connect, it’s an ultimate trifecta of interest for me. That’s exactly what Daniel Lieberman offers in his 2022 book Spellbound: Modern Science, Ancient Magic, and the Hidden Potential of the Unconscious Mind.  Dr Lieberman is a professor and vice chair for clinical affairs in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural…

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It’s Okay To Be Robust!

By: on November 22, 2023

Antifragile will remain one of my favorite books from this program. I will continue to come back to this book from time to time.[1] To be honest with you, I felt it was one of the few books that really identified with me. I have been challenged with church growth models, methods and systems over…

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Mesmerized by Memetics

By: on November 21, 2023

“Do what I say and not what I do.”  Ha!  What child has ever taken this to heart by a parent who gives this instruction?  We are sorely mistaken if we believe that a child or others will judge us by what we say and not by what we do. What we say and what…

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Point Defiance: Magical and Fully Alive

By: on November 20, 2023

My husband and I went for a walk and run today at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, Washington. The   experience was magical. The trails at Point Defiance are soft with pine needles, leaves, and the deep, damp dirt of the Pacific Northwest, and they curve through tall Douglas Firs, Western Red Cedars, and even madronas…

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My Happy Place

By: on November 20, 2023

When my daughter was growing up, she had a new favorite Disney princess just about every year. Snow White, Cinderella, Jasmine, Merida, Rapunzel, Elsa, Moana, Pocahontas – they all made the rounds in her list. She takes after my husband who has a new favorite song or movie every other week. I tend to find…

10 responses

Thanksgiving and The Dark Side

By: on November 20, 2023

“My memory of Thanksgiving is the one where you were working on a paper and your mom was asleep on the couch while I was trying to make dinner with a new born screaming at the top of her lungs.” At my insistence that I had forgotten about that time, my wife reassured me that…

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You Are Not Trash!

By: on November 20, 2023

Have you seen the Pixar movie Toy Story 4? One of the characters in this movie is Forky. Forky is a spork turned into a toy via a child’s craft project. Forky does not understand his worth and thinks he is just a piece of trash. There is a montage in the movie where another…

6 responses

These are the Stories of Our Lives

By: on November 18, 2023

In his 1999 academic text Maps of Meaning, professor Jordan Peterson from the University of Toronto, sets out to explore how human beings use story (or myths, as he refers to them) to make decisions, give meaning to their lives, and help them understand their place within culture.  He states, “It is therefore the case…

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Alchemy of Spirit and Grief

By: on November 18, 2023

al·che·my /ˈalkəmē/ Noun The medieval forerunner of chemistry based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir. A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.[1] I love this word, so much, and it sums up the realm in…

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Let the Children Come

By: on November 16, 2023

I love hearing stories from my friends about their kids. One story I particularly love and tell often in sermons comes from one couple introducing the story of the Bible to their, at the time, 5 year old. They were telling the story of Adam and Eve taking and eating the fruit that God had…

7 responses

You Were Born rich, Think and Grow Rich!

By: on November 16, 2023

Introduction Dr. Lieberman has done it again! This author’s work is simply excellent. With The Molecule of More, he gave me insights into how Dopamine’s influence informs love, sex, creativity, politics, and much more. [1] Now, with Spellbound Modern Science, Ancient Magic, and the Hidden Potential of the Unconscious Mind, Dr. Lieberman’s work gives us…

8 responses

Spellbound: A Journey into the Unknown

By: on November 16, 2023

Adam Sandler, Tattoos, and the weird world of my mind. I invite you into a journey with me. It is a journey in a very strange land. It’s a quick journey – just a few sentences. I am going to share with you an experience while reading Dr. Daniel Lieberman’s book Spellbound: Modern Science, Ancient…

10 responses

Listening at a Level 3

By: on November 15, 2023

As I took my first master’s level coaching course, one of my key learning takeaways was from the one of the premier coach training books “Co-Active Coaching” by Kimsey-House, et al.[1] As the book defined the three levels of listening, I was intrigued by Level 3 – Global Listening. Level 1 Listening is where one…

11 responses

Sit and Listen

By: on November 15, 2023

In September 2022 I sat in the hospital two days before heading out for Cape Town for our advance. I made the decision to withdraw from the program and to be with my daughter as she fought to breathe. I thought to myself, what kind of husband would leave his wife and child in this…

14 responses

超越, Chāoyuè = Transcendence, Chinese

By: on November 15, 2023

超越, Chāoyuè = Transcendence, Chinese Part 1 What my peers are saying, Ying and Yang revisited. Part 2 Freud, Jung and Lieberman Part 3 DMN revisited & Transcendence. Part 4 Epilogue…Oswald Chambers Part 1 What my peers are saying, Ying and Yang revisited. In many of the cohorts blogposts (all written very well) I sensed…

7 responses

We need the armor of the Lord

By: on November 14, 2023

The Scandal of Leadership There’s a war going on and if you’re going to win, you better make sure that you have Jesus deep down within. This battle can not be won with bullets or guns. Because the enemy you can not see, the human faculties. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against…

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