Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Better, Stronger, Faster

By: on December 5, 2023

“Antifragility” has been tumbling through my conscious and unconscious mind for the last few days. I pondered it this morning at the gym: is my workout antifragile, strengthening my muscles beyond the load I’m placing on them or fragile, because the movements are repetitive and unnatural?[1] “Antifragile” also led to some interesting conversations with friends…

16 responses

Some Thoughts on The War of Art

By: on December 5, 2023

“It’s about ten-thirty now. I sit down and plunge in. When I start making typos, I know I’m getting tired. That’s four hours or so. I’ve hit the point of diminishing returns. I wrap up for the day.”[1] I read this book, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, on the heels of completing the…

15 responses

A Liturgy for the Inner Creative Battle

By: on December 5, 2023

The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle sounds like an intense and intimidating read. The author, Steven Pressfield, is clearly passionate and experienced as a creative professional. While parts of the book felt reminiscent of Austin Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist, this book’s main idea was more clearly defined. Basically, successful artists discipline…

8 responses

Fighting the war of the NPO

By: on December 4, 2023

Finishing a semester feels like finishing a Sunday. Every week on Sunday I get up much earlier than usual and prayerfully enter the space where for the next few hours I’m going to be in the ring and fighting for lives, sometimes my own. The battle isn’t against flesh and blood and I’m building people…

13 responses

Fighting a War… or Leaving a Legacy?

By: on December 4, 2023

In the middle of the hubbub of getting all the final papers completed and the underlying hum of the holidays, this last blog post of the year was hard for me. While Steven Pressfield’s The Art of War [1] is a quick read, I found that I struggled with it a bit. Below I will…

11 responses

Thankful for the Pain

By: on December 3, 2023

After thirty-eight days migraine free, I am on day seven of this migraine. I am at least past the “someone please give me a guillotine” phase, but the horrific head pain is not the only symptom. Nausea, exhaustion, tinnitus, stiff neck, struggling to concentrate, and sensitivity to light, sound, and smell… these are my current…

6 responses

Lead with Love

By: on December 3, 2023

“She’s a pastor? But she is too nice to be a pastor.” That is what the receptionist at the kennel said to my husband. He was dropping off our kitties before heading out of town with me for a conference. The receptionist asked where we were going this time and he told her he was…

5 responses

Postmodern Coddling

By: on December 1, 2023

Introduction In “Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault,” Stephen R.C. Hicks navigates the historical and philosophical evolution of postmodernism, tracing its roots from the Enlightenment critiques by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Immanuel Kant to its manifestation as a critical lens in modern thought[1]. Hicks critically examines how postmodernism, often cast as a rebellion…

3 responses

All Too Common Leadership

By: on December 1, 2023

“As you read, you will discover that each of us will either follow the scandalous way Jesus led or become a scandal. There is no neutral ground.”[1] There is truly no neutral ground to leadership. It is no surprise that leadership books, blogs, email list and water-cooler-conversations persist the way they do. We all participate…

9 responses

Subjective Meaning of Faith and Religion

By: on December 1, 2023

Introduction “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief” by Jordan B. Peterson is a fascinating book that digs deep into how our beliefs, the myths we hear, and our everyday lives are connected. Peterson shows us that myths are not just old stories but more like an ancient tool. He presents these narratives (myths) as…

6 responses

Strong Like Her; Woman in a Man’s world

By: on November 30, 2023

Leadership by Peter Northouse is the text book I was waiting for in this Doctorate of Leadership.  Not because it has the cutting edge of leadership theory, but because it gives a practical chapter on 15 styles of leadership.  I have been playing around with becoming a leadership coach once this doctorate is over and…

9 responses

Girard’s Gaze: Peering into the Mimetic Mysteries of Leadership

By: on November 30, 2023

The Intro In ‘The Scandal of Leadership: Unmasking the Powers of Domination in the Church,’ J.R. Woodward offers a compelling theological exploration of church leadership. Woodward delves deeply into Walter Wink’s ‘Theology of the Principalities and Powers,’ examining the spiritual forces at play in leadership contexts. He also engages thoughtfully with René Girard’s insights on…

5 responses

The Antidote to Anxious, Ambitious Imitation of the Powers

By: on November 30, 2023

Young, Ambitious, and Anxious        My first few years of serving in local church ministry was at an “influential megachurch.” This was a big deal for me. I was eager to have my “big break” and become a successful leader within this institution. But I was not the only one with such ambitions. In fact, when…

10 responses

Changing What I Think is Possible

By: on November 30, 2023

Leadership has the power to “change the way people think about what is possible.”[1] This power has given rise to much interest in leadership research over the last century at an unprecedented rate, documenting styles, processes, theories, and proposed leadership solutions.[2] Hunt counted more than “10,000 empirical studies on leadership”[3] and Northouse notes the development…

11 responses

Called Beyond the Comfort Zone

By: on November 29, 2023

Identifying the Scandal and Offering Prevention JR Woodward, in his book, The Scandal of Leadership: Unmasking the Powers of Domination in the Church, addresses the downfall of church leaders through their abuse of power. He addresses this problem by looking at the roots deep below power abuse, “naming the Powers of domination in order to…

13 responses

It’s a Long Process

By: on November 29, 2023

In prepping for this blog post I asked Chatgpt to write a critique of Peter Northouse’s book, Leadership: Theory and Practice in the voice of the Reverend Kally Elliott. What follows is the introductory paragraph: Greetings, dear readers, and blessings upon your journey! Today, let us embark on a reflective journey into the realms of…

8 responses

Welcome to the World of the Powers

By: on November 29, 2023

Introduction: Woodward’s recently released book, The Scandal of Leadership: Unmasking the Powers of Domination in the Church, is impressive. It is one of the books I will return to time and time again. For now, I want to bring a few excerpts from the author’s interview on a podcast with Rohadi. A Correlation between scandalous leaders…

8 responses

What is Leadership?

By: on November 29, 2023

I regularly have the opportunity to talk to others about leadership. Often this is in a discipleship context with a small group of emerging ministry leaders. During these kinds of conversations, inevitable questions arise, such as… “Are leaders made or born?” “Is leadership something people grow into naturally, or is it an assigned task?” “What…

13 responses

Leadership: Ambassadors of a Radically Different Future

By: on November 28, 2023

Last year while I was working on our biblical foundations and expertise paper for class, I chose to research the life and leadership of Caleb, from the well-known story of Joshua in the book of Numbers.  As you can imagine, finding scholarly research on the often overlooked Caleb was not as easy as I’d hoped.…

10 responses