Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Latin America . . . Here I Come!

By: on May 19, 2014

For years, I have desired to learn Spanish, and then I have wanted to improve my guitar playing skills and I have wanted to learn to fly  … and a hundred other things.   I have started on a couple of the above on several occasions, never getting any farther than the first few steps or…

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Kaufman: Rapid Acquisition Learning Excercise

By: on May 19, 2014

For this last week, a goal was to focus on practicing a “new” skill for twenty hours in hopes of acquiring at least rudimentary capability with that skill.  The idea for this endeavor arose from the text, “The First 20 Hours: How To Learn Anything…Fast” by Josh Kaufman. My initial idea had been to add-in…

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Bucket List Accelerator: Check!

By: on May 19, 2014

Most people I talk to have some form of a bucket list. A bucket list are those life time goals most want to complete before they die. The concept was popularized by the movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called The Bucket List. The bucket list can be goals like learning a new language,…

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Learning how to play guitar fast!

By: on May 19, 2014

Josh Haufman, The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything…Fast, is a very fun read. Haufman shares so many great ideas on how to learn new skills. The author argues, “deliberate practice is the core of skill acquisition” (p.4). He also recommends the idea of “sufficiency” as a key to rapid skill acquisition (p.5), thus…

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What Do You See?

By: on May 18, 2014

I bought a good Canon camera in October after returning from the London Advance.  I wanted one just like Ashley’s since her pictures were so good!  For the most part, for the past several months, my camera has remained in its case.  This assignment, however, prompted me to take it out of the case and…

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More Than a Skill

By: on May 18, 2014

When I first learned of this assignment my mind was flooded with so many possibilities. Perhaps I can learn to build a website or some other technological skill. Or I can learn how to knit and gift family and friends with scarfs or socks for Christmas! Or I can re-learn Greek so that I can…

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The Way of the Chimp

By: on May 18, 2014

The first struggle I had was to chose only one thing to learn. I, like Haufman have that “Renaissance man temperament.” Call it what you like, I have one.  You know, “the dream list,” “the wish list,” “the what-would-you-do-with-a-million-dollars list” or “the bucket list.”  So many things to do with so little time to accomplish…

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Learning how to speak isiZulu Fast!

By: on May 18, 2014

From childhood, I was encouraged to always be willing to learn as much as I can. For some, learning new things is an option, but for most people in Africa, learning is a necessary skill for survival, connectivity and earned success. Learning and education are themes I grew up around. The opportunity to learn different…

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My Speed-reading Challenge

By: on May 17, 2014

Kaufman, in The First 20 hours:  How to Learn Anything…Fast!, provides a checklist of things that we can do to help ourselves learn a new skill more effectively.  If we follow his recommendations, Kaufman suggests that we may be able to learn a new skill in approximately twenty hours. Research the skill and related topics. Jump…

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Re-designing a Room

By: on May 17, 2014

Josh Kaufman, in his book “The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything Fast,” he determines that, well, anyone can learn pretty much anything fast.  There were several thing I considered learning: how to draw, a new language, advanced piano ear-training.  However, ultimately I chose “a lovable project” and something out of necessity.  I recently…

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Vols Parlar Català?

By: on May 17, 2014

This week in our D.Min program we were tasked with reading Josh Kaufman’s book The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything… Fast!  Kaufman’s book is basically a guide on how to break down skills into component parts and tackle the learning process in an organized and logical series of steps.  Kaufman greater and more…

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Typing at the Speed of Lite

By: on May 17, 2014

Can you learn anything in just 20 hours? This week I took on the challenge of working on my touch-typing. I have been reading the book The First 20 hours: How to Learn Anything Fast by Josh Kaufman. So can I improve my touch typing this week? I must admit I am not trying to expect…

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A Little Bit of This May Just Make a Difference

By: on May 17, 2014

I confess the Josh Kaufman’s book was a fun read last weekend while sitting in the car on my way to Pullman, WA to see my daughter receive her Master’s Degree from Washington State University (Go Cougs!).  I knew a few things straightaway.  I have no desire to learn to touch type even if it…

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Learning how to create an online teaching platform

By: on May 17, 2014

Going through The First 20 Hours, I wrestled with deciding what to learn. The Ukulele had completely different finger chords to the guitar, so that would just confuse me. Windsurfing is not exactly a popular sport in South Wales (although we certainly do have the wind for it!). And I figured ‘Go’ might just frazzle…

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Land Mines and Hebrew

By: on May 17, 2014

In May of 2008 I was able to take my first tour of Israel, I was hooked.  From the biblical sites to the modern culture, I loved everything about traveling and experiencing the Middle East.  Not long into the trip I realized there was much to learn.  Culture, contexts, foods and most of all the…

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The Pool Boy

By: on May 17, 2014

I had every intention of taking this week’s D.Min assignment (to learn something new) and learning something  ‘exotic.’ Something that I had never done but that always intrigued me, something that would make me more of a renaissance man. I wanted to learn how to fly fish. Sadly though, a more necessary skill that needed…

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Tracking My Journey by Journaling

By: on May 17, 2014

When my cohort was tasked to read the book The First 20 Hours by Josh Kaufman, I figured we would read the book and then blog about it; this has been the customary approach to the reading assignments. However, Dr. Clark pulled a “switcheroo” and the assignment was changed to actually follow the book’s directions,…

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Photographic Memory – NOT!

By: on May 17, 2014

Reading Josh Kaufman’s The First 20 Hours, I discovered why learning to use my Nikon D-90 was so frustrating.  My first problem was that I would take the camera out only when I went on mission trips or on personal travel, which meant that sometimes it would sit idol for upwards of six months or…

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I Might Be Able to Do Something in 20 Hours

By: on May 17, 2014

This little project was intriguing to me: using the principles of Josh Kaufman’s book, The First 20 Hours, How to Learn Anything…Fast. Admittedly I probably spent close to twenty hours trying to figure out what to do. I likely should have settled on learning how not to avoid the task at hand. It did cross…

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