Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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A Lowly Approach to a Higher Call

By: on June 19, 2014

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. (Luke 9:51) Leadership capacity has been written about exhaustively. Endless is the list of skills to acquire and strategies to employ in order to accomplish those goals and ideals that one would want to pursue. In common…

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Leadership Lessons from Lincoln

By: on June 19, 2014

Serving in a number churches over the years, I found the common practice of most church leaders was to surround themselves with like-minded people.  Often ministers would subtly craft their eldership and leadership teams with their protégés, placing in positions of influence those who not only saw things their way, but faithfully towed-the-line.  What resulted…

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Dare to Lincoln

By: on June 19, 2014

The United States of America had been through some tough times.  However, never has the country been so divided by disparate interests, violence, racism, personal infighting, political conflict, and cynical self-advancement as during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.  And for Lincoln this was all within his unionist government, he still also had to deal with…

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Learning leadership from Lincoln

By: on June 19, 2014

Lincoln was a man who not only engineered the war victory that brought a great nation together, but who did so through exercising exceptional and humble leadership skills. He was a man who had a strong sense of purpose for his life, coupled with a clear vision: that “the weights should be lifted from the…

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Who Leads LIke This? Lincoln and Leadership

By: on June 18, 2014

Would you tolerate someone on your team with whom you had vast personality differences? Would you call people into account whom you knew had made verbal attacks on your character and abilities to lead? It seems irreconcilable differences are a good reason for so many who work together to not work together. Often when it…

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Abraham Lincoln, Leader Extraordinaire

By: on June 11, 2014

(Note: Time to go to Uganda…hence the early post! Hugs, friends!) As a former political science major, I love politics. I love historical biographies, and I especially love reading about Presidents of the United States. George Washington, John F. Kennedy, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln are my favorite subject matters! It should come as no…

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Abraham Lincoln, Humanitarian

By: on June 11, 2014

Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of “Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln,” paints a captivating picture of Lincoln’s life and the lives of his three rivals for the Republican nomination for the presidency of the United States, William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase and Edward Bates.  This thorough and detailed book shares the…

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The “Rest of the Story”

By: on June 6, 2014

For a number of years, Paul Harvey was one of the highest rated and most popular radio personalities in America – with over 1,200 stations broadcasting his segments three times a day.  He would share a historical story which would leave the listener assuming a certain ending.  Then after a commercial break, he would come…

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Mixed Economy

By: on June 5, 2014

In my doctoral work for on my dissertation on fresh expressions, I often stumble over the term “mixed economy.” It is a term coined by Archbishop Rowan Williams when he referred to fresh expressions and ‘inherited’ forms of church existing alongside each other, within the same denomination, in relationships of mutual respect and support. In…

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A Grace that Empowers

By: on June 2, 2014

Over Coffee: A Conversation for Gay Partnership and Conservative Faith by Dave Thompson is a concise and practical book tackling one of the critical conversations confronting the church today; same sex unions and the church’s response. The church at large, for the most part, has ‘agreed to disagree’ on this pertinent issue that has been…

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Over Coffee Times Two

By: on June 1, 2014

The raging issue in the conservative church today is how to respond to the Gay movement. Dave Thompson in his book “Over Coffee” is an excellent attempt to bridge the gap and Thompson has a few new insights on how to bridge the gap. Thompson presents his ideas in the form of a non-threatening conversation…

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Making Space

By: on June 1, 2014

Over the past two weeks, I’ve had the privilege of leading a Travelearn study tour throughout Israel and portions of the West Bank.  During our time we were able to see, experience and participate in many life changing events.  Often, the most change came in areas we would not have expected or from people we…

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Coffee Break

By: on May 30, 2014

Over Coffee written in simple conversational style brings to surface the need for a faith based dialogue of a topic that remains quite sensitive to the conservative church.  The author Dave Thompson has done remarkably well in his attempt to reduce the distance between differing perspectives and bring them to dialogue.  First, there is the…

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Okupas, Sex, and Liquid Modernity

By: on May 30, 2014

Wednesday night from my hotel room in the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona, as I read through Team of Rivals (don’t worry this post is not about Team of Rivals), I watched as a 4 hour street battle unfolded below me.  Fires lit up the main streets as about 1000 leftist okupas (occupiers) battled the mossa…

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“Coffee Talk”

By: on May 29, 2014

“Over Coffee, “ a book by Dave Thompson, is a fictitional conversation between himself and a pastor regarding a gay church member.  The church member desires to be a part of the church and also partnered with his current love interest.  In this book Thompson mentions a study by Dr. Alfred Kinsey. The Kinsey Scale…

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Church Realities and The Kingdom

By: on May 29, 2014

I appreciated Dave Thompson’s book, Over Coffee, for pressing the importance of dialogue when engaging others with different points of view or with those who are in various stages of position development.  However, I was disappointed that it was a fictional story.  I imagine it would not be difficult to find pastors who would be…

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Unity and Homosexuality

By: on May 29, 2014

For Baptists, my church is quite progressive. Among other thing, we’ve ordained women since the 70’s, and we fought for civil rights in the 50’s. We don’t take all of scripture literally, though we do take it seriously (to be honest we’re progressive for Baptists, but conservative for the rest of Christianity).  It’s these kinds…

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Bridging the Gay/ Church divide

By: on May 29, 2014

This will be my second blog on David Thompson. I have met him twice for conversations about gay couples and the church’s response. Since then, I have read his short book called Over Coffee in which he has a conversation on this subject. He converses with a pastoral character composed of many conversations he has…

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What’s Happening at ESPN?

By: on May 27, 2014

Michael Sam, Jason Collins, Brittney Grinner and Robbie Rogers – athletes who “came out” in the most difficult environment, professional sports; football, basketball and soccer respectively.  The conversation has begun in one of the last bastions of heterosexual life – ESPN.  But the church can even become a more hostile environment. America is becoming more…

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Coffee with sugar?

By: on May 26, 2014

Beginning of this year Thomas Hitzlsperger, a famous former football player  from Germany came out as gay and generated intense media interest. In Germany, as in many other countries, soccer players have been very cautious about sharing information about their private life. Hitzlsperger came out in an interview with the newspaper ZEIT. In the conversation…

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