Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Forgotten Histories

By: on September 8, 2017

The books we read, the movies or documentaries we have watched and interactions with people we have grown up with have shaped who we are. This is especially true when talking about an area of the world like Africa. The name alone conjures up many images from history of beautiful jungles, desolate deserts, primitive tribes…

10 responses

Stepping into the River

By: on September 8, 2017

There is an old line from Heraclitus that says, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” The invitation that Thomas Oden makes in How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind, is for the reader to come to the water’s edge and look…

8 responses

Africa and Oden: Far Reaching

By: on September 8, 2017

Reading How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind by Thomas Oden is eye opening. I am impressed with how the historic names (Augustine, Athanasius, Tertullian!), experiences and libraries that came out of North Africa, have influenced the world in significant ways. Classical Christianity has not owned the gems coming from this continent over the centuries. The…

5 responses

Good to good enough?

By: on September 8, 2017

I first read Jim Collins seminal leadership book, Good to Great, as a seminary student over a decade ago in (of course) a pastoral  leadership class.  According to the copyright, the accompanying ‘Good to Great and the Social Sectors’ monograph was already released, but we didn’t read it at the same time.   In hindsight that was…

11 responses

I am a Hedgehog!

By: on September 7, 2017

“Simple Truths Good-to-great leaders understand three simple truths:   If you begin with the “who,” rather than the “what,” you can more easily adapt to a changing world.   If you have the right people on the bus, the problem of how to motivate and manage people largely goes away. If you have the wrong…

12 responses

Doomed to be just “good?”

By: on September 7, 2017

When you tell a recovering perfectionist that “good is the enemy of great,”[1] you tend to create an existential crisis for said person. In fact, it may take that person a few days to remind herself that great does not necessarily mean perfect…or so I hear. Anyway, most times I read Jim Collins’ book, Good…

13 responses

An Exposed Truth

By: on September 7, 2017

Thomas Oden conveys passion for historical accuracy and spiritual justice in his book How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind:  Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity.  “Ordinary African Christian believers deserve to have a much more accessible way of understanding early African Christianity:  its faith, courage, tenacity and remarkable intellectual strength.[1]  Oden’s intent is not…

11 responses

The Christian Mind and Africa

By: on September 7, 2017

While reading How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind by Thomas C. Oden, one thing continually ran through my mind.  I was angry I had never been taught about the African influence on Christianity, but I was even more upset at myself for not figuring it out on my own.  I have always known Athanasius, Origen, and Augustine…

7 responses

Africa and Christianity

By: on September 7, 2017

Africa and Christianity Thomas C. Oden, the author of How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind, successfully overcomes his Caucasian, American, United Methodist, and Wesleyan bias when he characterizes Africa as the geographic cradle and “seedbed” for historic Christianity.[1]  Oden provides the reader with a chronological survey of an Afrocentric ancient world, early African Christian fathers,…

5 responses

Rewriting church history

By: on September 7, 2017

Thomas C. Oden’s brief work, How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind, is a tantalizing, mouth-watering attempt to whet the appetite of the reader toward feasting on new ideas.  His astonishing premise radically reshapes traditional Western concepts of the foundations of the Christian faith which I was educated under.  Gone is a myopic, Eurocentric perspective on…

6 responses

How African is Egypt?

By: on September 7, 2017

Thomas C. Oden’s book, How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity challenged me and how I have considered Christianity. It is true that many westerners and Europeans have viewed Africa Christianity with the same sort of mindset that the colonizers did. Many hold the attitude that every academic or…

6 responses


By: on September 7, 2017

  Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes because of an excellent spirit [was] in him, and the king thought to set him over the whole realm. Daniel 6:3 KJV Let all things be done decently and in order.  1 Corinthians 14:40 KJV According to the website Know Jesus Know Peace, in…

5 responses

I wanted to like it, but…

By: on September 7, 2017

There is no doubt that African influences and voices were paramount in shaping Christian thought and self-understanding. In How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity, Oden endeavours to “Set forth the basic vision for a renewed initiative in the theological and historical reassessment of early African Christianity” (Kindle loc…

10 responses

Good Enough Jazz: A response to Collins’ Good to Great

By: on September 7, 2017

Ubiquitous on office shelves across the business, social and religious sectors, Jim Collins’ book Good to Great and its companion, Good to Great and the Social Sectors are undoubtedly required reading for leaders and potential leaders, especially those who want their companies or organizations to be “great.” I believe Collins’ simple, straightforward explanation of what…

8 responses

Coveting Greatness

By: on September 6, 2017

Confession. My covetousness in reading Collins’ book, Good to Great was at an all-time high. I found myself coveting: the humility and skills of a Level 5 leader, the wisdom to take good businesses to great businesses by getting the right people on or off the bus, the ability to operate the Hedgehog concept, the…

11 responses

African foundations

By: on September 6, 2017

Thomas Oden in his book ‘How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind’ encourages readers to reconsider the foundations of Christian thought.  He argues that much has been lost by the European ethnocentrism of Christian teaching.  Neglecting the significant theological contributions of the early Christians based on the African continent negates the importance of their insights and…

5 responses

From a Good Church to a Great Church

By: on September 6, 2017

I was first introduced to Jim Collins and his book Good to Great years ago at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit. Our church, Southcliff, hosted the WCGLS several years via live webcast. Collins’s talk was memorable. The concept that “good was the enemy of great” certainly stuck with me. Having said that, it was…

7 responses

Out of Africa

By: on September 6, 2017

How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind by Thomas Oden was completely shocking to me. Every other chapter revealed another truth about Africa’s contribution to Christianity that has been kept hidden from me all these years.  Like the author reiterates throughout the book, I have been brainwashed to believe that most everything Christian had European roots.…

10 responses

In Love With Your Work

By: on September 6, 2017

“To be successful, the first thing to do is to fall in love with your work.” Sister Mary Lauretta     “You begin with passion, then you refine passion with a rigorous assessment of what you can best contribute to the communities you touch. Then you create a way to tie your resource engine directly…

7 responses