Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Whirlwind: Two Years in Review

By: on February 20, 2017

I am not perhaps the typical candidate for a Doctor of Ministry program. While I completed my undergraduate degree in Christian Education, and started a career in ministry, God led me to the field of social work, where I completed my Master’s degree, have worked in the field for 25 years, and now am an…

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It Used To Be 98%

By: on February 19, 2017

In the 1930s, 98% of Jamaica (my birth country) subscribed to a Christian culture because most of those people were descendants of slaves. However, in that same era, the Rastafarian movement arose as this new group started to worship Haile Selassie (born Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael), the emperor of Ethiopia. The Rastafarians worshiped him as the…

2 responses

Philosophical Ethnography: A Life Happens Post

By: on February 18, 2017

    To believe or not to believe?   Life is full of opportunities to believe or not to believe.  We face it every day.  If you open social media or if you follow news sources, there is a constant struggle to know where to put your trust for information.  James Smith in his book,…

9 responses

Further Up and Further In

By: on February 17, 2017

For over a year we have been traveling Further Up and Further In. Our travels don’t take us deeper into the New Narnia as in The Chronicles, [1] but our further in has taken us deeper into the world of Global Leadership in cross-cultural environs.

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The Unplanned Child of Christian Thought

By: on February 17, 2017

In The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Stephen recently interviewed British comedian and TV producer Ricky Gervais to discuss his religious views. As an atheist, Ricky concludes, “You take any holy book or any fiction and destroy it. In a 1000 year time that wouldn’t come back the way it was but if you take…

7 responses


By: on February 17, 2017

James K. A. Smith’s enlightening book, How Not to Be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor is a fascinating book.  Smith’s aim is to synthesize the exhaustive work of Charles Taylors nine-hundred plus manuscript dealing with the secular age.  Smith makes Taylor’s deep mind approachable. For Smith, Taylor is a cartographer of this present age or rather…

15 responses

Faith as product or just enough Jesus to look good on the college app, please….

By: on February 17, 2017

In the thoroughly engaging, if very dense, Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture Vincent Miller frames consumer culture ‘not as a deformation of belief but as a particular way of engaging religious beliefs that divorces them from practice.’ (Miller, 12) This provides the reader with a lens for engaging our consumer society…

7 responses

Ecclesiastical pornography!

By: on February 17, 2017

Consumer or consumed?   Consuming Religion – Miller   “Parish glamorization is ecclesiastical pornography — taking photographs (skilfully airbrushed) or drawing pictures of congregations that are without spot or wrinkle, the shapes that a few parishes have for a few short years. These provocatively posed pictures are devoid of personal relationships. The pictures excite a…

11 responses

Secular to Sacred – Part I

By: on February 16, 2017

Introduction James Smith has a prophetic voice that captivated me from the first page of the Preface of his book, How Not to Be Secular:  Reading Charles Taylor.  I was the church planter from Terre Haute, Indiana, small-corn town USA that moved to the New York City Metro area out of a call in 1987. …

12 responses

Am I what I consume?-Consumer Culture, Identity and Religion

By: on February 16, 2017

In his book Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture, Catholic Theologian and Gudorf Chair in Catholic Theology and Culture, Dr. Vincent J. Miller argues that Consumer culture has given way to the how religion and religious practices have become commodities. The commodification of religion enables “people [to] pick and choose from the offerings of…

11 responses

Not Going Back

By: on February 16, 2017

Summary: How (Not) To Be Secular Reading Charles Taylor by James K.A. Smith is a fascinating “cliff note” version of Charles Taylor’s classic: A Secular Age. In this concise book, Smith interrupts and unpacks Taylor’s ideology from key terms to consolidating Taylor’s concepts. In the preface, Smith defines Taylor’s book as a “different map”; “a…

7 responses


By: on February 16, 2017

CONSUMING RELIGION – CHRISTIAN FAITH AND PRACTICE IN A CONSUMER CULTURE Don’t let the Joneses get you down was a popular song and phrase during the 70’s by the Temptations. It spoke about people trying to possess more assets than the other just to appear to be in a particular status in life. A sample…

6 responses

Viewing Faith Through the Lens of Consumerism

By: on February 16, 2017

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. –  1 Corinthians 13:1 This verse has always intrigued me.  As someone who has a desire to know God, this verse is…

9 responses

Taylor/Smith Part 1

By: on February 16, 2017

Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘love your neighbor who is no longer bothered by the “God question” as a question because they are disciples of “exclusive humanism” and who seek significance without…

8 responses

Introduction to The New World

By: on February 16, 2017

The introductions, in and of themselves, were more than enough to stimulate reflective thinking. Charles Taylor, and James Smith as his interpreter, open to us a new way of looking at and regarding our society today, in their books (respectively) A Secular Age and How (Not) to Be Secular. Taylor gives his research question in…

9 responses

Secular Issues

By: on February 16, 2017

James K. A. Smith –How (Not) to Be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor Introduction James Smith is a Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College where he holds the distinguished Gary and Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview. He is the author of several noteworthy books. In these capacities he enlightens the church with…

9 responses

Desiring Christ Above Things

By: on February 16, 2017

  “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but is often true.”                                  Spock[1] In his book on Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture, Vincent Miller, who teaches theology at Georgetown University, explores how religious belief and…

7 responses

To Be, or Not to Be is the Question

By: on February 16, 2017

      TO BE… by Charles Taylor, A Secular Age Introduction Does God really exist or is it just a mere childish belief in a supernatural existence? If there truly is a God who controls nature, why do many negative things happen while he keeps watch and does nothing? The answers to these questions…

11 responses