Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Boxers in Brief Rebellion

By: on June 26, 2018

Given permission to write this week’s post about Boxers and Saints, by Gene Luen Yang, in Haiku form, that’s what I am doing!   Saint of Four Girl faith, Martyred at Little Bao’s hand; Champions, at what cost?   And with that, the final blog post for my DMin coursework is complete! I will continue to post…

10 responses

Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

By: on June 26, 2018

Robert Quinn’s, The Deep Change Field Guide, is a leader’s do-it-yourself (DIY) manual on how to achieve what he calls a “fundamental state of leadership.”[1]  Purpose-centered, internally directed, other-focused, and externally open is Quinn’s primary goal for the serious reader and leader in today’s global framework. He challenges leaders to willingly undergo a radical personal…

one response

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

By: on June 22, 2018

I was sitting glumly in office of my spiritual director.  It was in the week before Holy Week, and I was feeling stressed.  As I looked ahead to all the special services and extra activities that lay ahead, I had the sense that everything was just happening tome, and that I had very little say…

3 responses

Let Jesus be your guide

By: on June 21, 2018

Gene Luen Yang’s ‘Boxers’ and ‘Saints’, while delivered in quirky comic book style, tells a serious and important story about Chinese history and the boxer rebellion.  “Not all of the Boxers are noble, and Yang highlights this as the Boxers’ fear of polluting “Yin” and misogynistic rumors about Westerners that partly fuel their disgust. Like…

9 responses

Rebellion in never easy

By: on June 21, 2018

When I first opened up Boxers & Saints by Gene Luen Yang, I was surprised to see a graphic novel. I love graphic novels, I have been reading them for most of my life. The one thing about graphic novels is they are a quick read but they convey so much through the artistic medium. In…

11 responses

The Power of Color

By: on June 21, 2018

Therefore, visual ethnography…does not claim to reproduce an objective or truthful account of reality, but should offer versions of ethnographers’ experiences of reality that are as loyal as possible to the context, the embodied, sensory, and affective experiences, and the negotiations and intersubjectivities through which the knowledge was produced.[1] Sarah Pink’s explanation of visual ethnography…

15 responses

Fierce Independence

By: on June 21, 2018

Now that was different! But, I liked it. Yang’s Boxers and Saints made me think from two different and new perspectives of the Chinese people in regards to foreign Christian missionaries “invading” their homeland. Little peasant boy Bao and his village felt abused and plundered by Westerners, while odd girl Vibiana is taken in by Christian…

7 responses

Boxer Rebellion

By: on June 21, 2018

Yang’s Boxers and Saints is an engaging way to introduce our cohort to the Boxer Rebellion that took place in China in at the turn of the twentieth century. To be candid, my knowledge of the Boxer Rebellion is virtually now limited to Yang’s perspective. There is much for me to learn of this part…

4 responses

Yin and Yang, in Yang

By: on June 21, 2018

When looking at the cover of Boxers & Saints, one might think they are a two-part story of one person but upon closer inspection and, especially after diving into the text, the reader learns Boxers & Saints are two different people’s perspective to the same story of China at the turn of the twentieth century.…

14 responses

Generational Shame

By: on June 21, 2018

Yang’s books Boxers and Saints[1], were both captivating and heart retching at the same time.  I am not an avid graphic novel reader so I entered into these books a little leery of what to expect.  I was surprised how engaging these books were and how if began a discussion in my circles in ways…

11 responses

Historical Markers Along the Road

By: on June 21, 2018

As you travel on the backroads in the eastern parts of Europe you will often see a small chapel right in the middle of the field. The chapels are made of stone and brick maybe 4 feet by 4 feet by 7 feet high, usually in the form of a grotto. Many of them are…

8 responses

Jesus as acupuncture victim

By: on June 21, 2018

Gene Luen Yang’s two-part graphic novel series, Boxers & Saints, was an unconventional way to introduce our cohort to the Boxer Rebellion, the turn-of-the-(20th)-century resistance by Chinese against foreign rule in China. Uncovering a more nuanced history is a good remedy for those of us who are trapped by our cultural blinders. Up to now,…

4 responses

Freedom fighters or terrorists?

By: on June 20, 2018

In a recent LA Times article, Charles C Camosy, a professor of Theological and Social Ethics at Fordham University asks the question, was “the Star Wars Rebel Alliance freedom fighters or terrorists?”[1]After all, the “rebels” were a group of people who “were willing to kill innocent people to advance a political agenda.”[2] As an ethicist, Camosy…

2 responses

The Heart of Worship

By: on June 20, 2018

  What is worship? I have seen a lot of things which are called “worship,” that are less than inspirational. A visit to a large Church in America might expose you to a carefully prepared performance by talented soloists, backed by professional musicians who are paid to play at their “church gig” every Sunday. Some…

4 responses

Women Who Loved Greatly and Fought Bravely

By: on June 20, 2018

What an amazing story of China’s history seen through the lens of multi-generational women. The trials and hardships they experienced were intense, as they were often traded, oppressed, and marginalized like objects. The resiliency of each woman was impressive and inspirational as they survived torture, war, cultural oppression, and abusive relationships while taking care of…

5 responses

Another Way?

By: on June 20, 2018

The second Boxer Rebellion in China as the century turned from the 19thto the 20th(by Western reckoning) was a response to the evident imperialism of European nations and the exploitation of a people and the resources of a long isolated region. Sadly, frequently complicit in this were missionaries and other representatives of the Christian church.…

4 responses

Generational Legacy

By: on June 20, 2018

    Author Juno Chang, in her book Wild Swans, she shares her family story.  She reveals a great love story although torn with problems yet overthrown with love. Who doesn’t like a good love story?  Her grandmother was given to General Xua as a cumberbine. This was not acceptable to her, but she had…

6 responses