Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Postmodern Musings: Swimming in the Waters of Uncertainty

By: on March 5, 2024

I am ever so guilty of throwing around the word, “post-modern” without fully understanding how deeply ingrained this philosophy is in how I think and live. As I slogged through Stephen R.C. Hicks’ book, Explaining Postmodernism Skepticism from Rosseau to Foucault, and more willingly listened to some podcasts with Hicks as a guest, I began…

4 responses

Hate Never Wins!

By: on March 5, 2024

The year was 1995. I was 22 years old, and it was a regular Wednesday morning. Nothing was out of the ordinary. The skies were clear with a soft, cool April breeze. The typical rush hour traffic had subsided, and people had successfully shuffled themselves nicely into their cubicle workstations for the day. Tick tock…

12 responses

Beyond Labels: Redefining Identity in a Multicultural World

By: on March 5, 2024

  “Wer bin ich? Der oder jener? Bin ich denn heute dieser und morgen ein andrer?”[1] ——Dietrich Bonhoeffer Who am I? This one or that one? Am I then this one today and tomorrow another? The Identity Trap by Yashca Mounk covers six concepts: identity politics, group identity vs. individual identity, social fragmentation, intersectionality, tyrannies…

13 responses

Inquisitions, Mobs and Conflict resolution

By: on March 5, 2024

The challenges associated with the Identity Trap make leading a faith community increasingly tricky. We see increased tension when we add the complexity that the Bible is often at odds with popular societal thinking. In 2013, the Telegraph printed an article in which Amber Dillon writes, “I can’t help thinking that some of the Bible’s…

10 responses

Modernism & Postmodernism: Good and Bad in Both?

By: on March 4, 2024

In his book, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault (1), author Stephen Hicks attempts to…well…explain postmodernism! I suppose that’s relatively self-evident (Although I will argue a little later that he actually seeks to dismantle it and not simply explain it). Hicks begins his book with a few chapters introducing the topic and…

6 responses

Am I Caught in the Trap?

By: on March 4, 2024

Have I fallen into The Identity Trap?   In his book, The Identity Trap, Yascha Mounk identifies and discusses the seven main themes of what he calls “Identity Synthesis.”[1] Mounk states that Identity Synthesis was “deeply shaped by the triple influence of post modernism, postcolonialism and Critical Race Theory.[2]  I teach a course titled Cultural and…

9 responses

Wading Into the Identity Topic

By: on March 4, 2024

I am white. I am male. I am heterosexual. I am middle-class. I am Christian. I voted for Bush, and I voted for Obama.   These traits are identifiers, some outside of my control. Yet, none of them speak to my true identity. My true identity is found in Christ, as a child of God.…

12 responses

Every action has an equal opposite reaction.

By: on March 4, 2024

I spent my formative teenage and young adult years in 1980’s/90’s Los Angeles, which seemed to be a ground zero for postmodernism in the United States at the time. In fact, I remember in college hearing a lecture on emerging postmodernity and thinking “that’s not emerging, it’s what I grew up with” (now I would…

17 responses

Postmodernity, Skepticism, and Celtic Evangelism

By: on March 4, 2024

Postmodernism is “skepticism toward metanarratives.”[1] In an interview with clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson, Stephen Hicks attributed this perspective to the French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard. I recall a seminary professor once describing a metanarrative as a “grand and expansive account of truth and meaning,” something postmodernism rejects. In Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to…

16 responses

ܒܢܐ ܡܬܚܠܦܢܐ، ܣܟܢܐ ܕܟܠ ܓܒܪܐ” (zevna methhalphana, sekana dkul gavra)  Aramaic Shifting Sands

By: on March 3, 2024

ܙܒܢܐ ܡܬܚܠܦܢܐ، ܣܟܢܐ ܕܟܠ ܓܒܪܐ” (zevna methhalphana, sekana dkul gavra)  Aramaic, Shifting Sands, Everyman’s Peril Introduction – Shifting sands, Everyman’s peril Part 1 Post Modern Impact on Christianity Part 2 Focus on Chapter 6 Epilogue – Not a modernist or a post-modernist. Introduction Post modernism is not a topic that excites “everyman.”[1]  To even begin…

6 responses

Leadership, Stress, and Decision-Making

By: on March 2, 2024

As I continually examine my current state of leadership, I find myself reminiscing about the days when I could truly live out what I believe, putting it into action. Now, more often than not, I find myself frustrated that much of what I know and think about leadership, I am failing to move into action,…

6 responses


By: on March 2, 2024

Sankofa is an African word from the Akan tribe in Ghana. The literal translation of the word and the symbol is “it is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind.” The word is derived from the words: SAN  (return) KO  (go) FA (look, seek and take)[1] In my early career, at North Park University in Chicago, IL,…

4 responses

Think Fast and/or Slow Steadily.

By: on March 1, 2024

‘Thinking, Fast and Slow,’ by Daniel Kahneman is a highly recommended reading to anyone including leaders and aspiring leaders. He talked about the two ways in which our brain works, “System 1 and System 2. System 1 operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort of voluntary control. System 2 allocates attention to the…

8 responses

Short-circuiting Systems

By: on February 29, 2024

Pretend you’re being chased by a bear. You are all alone, you have no weapons, no sense of which direction might aid escape.  You don’t even have the right footwear. The bear is getting closer, you can hear the forest brush cracking and snapping behind you. The ground shakes from his weight. Suddenly, your kindergarten…

one response

Slowing Down in the Important Things

By: on February 29, 2024

This was a challenging book. I found each idea made sense on its own, but I struggled to connect the ideas to get the big picture. I became a bit suspicious that I might be part of Kahneman’s research project to observe ways doctoral students panic when they do not fully understand the assigned reading.…

20 responses

龍爭虎鬥” (Lung jing fu dau) Cantonese

By: on February 29, 2024

龍爭虎鬥” (Lung jing fu dau) Cantonese = Enter the Dragon Introduction Part 1 How Malik defines the debate Part 2 What my peers are saying Epilogue – Enter the Dragon   Introduction About three hours of Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives (DEI) training are required every semester for teachers at Pikes Peak State College.  DEI…

5 responses

When the Autopilot Fails

By: on February 29, 2024

A couple of months ago, I had my first Tesla experience.  When my plane landed in Austin, TX, I headed straight to the rental car counter to gain access to my ride for the next week, a 2023 Tesla.  Among the many curiosities I had about driving a Tesla, I was looking forward to experiencing…

3 responses

Don’t Settle!

By: on February 29, 2024

  Who remembers being in the classroom with a problem on the board or a video question on the screen, hoping the teacher would not call on you. It was early in my freshman year of college; the problem was on the board. The room was full of students whom I did not know. All…

2 responses