Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

What does it take to get to the World Series?

Written by: on September 4, 2022

Have I focused my love for learning, appreciating good books, and capturing thoughts in writing while in my doctoral program? This question is what I hope to answer. Research began last year, and I initiated a process of trial and error in connecting thoughts and putting them down on paper. The start of my research began with deciding on what to read.  When the list of books began to pile up, I began to wonder how I would get through the mountain of literature I had amassed. However, thoughts began to take shape after various books were begun and I put words to paper. I was challenged to not recapitulate other’s thoughts but gain support from other voices to validate my own.  Constant criticism of my research question played into the process and left me wondering if my work was of any merit by the end.

I have gained some conviction that my research question has some value after considering the essential Intellectual Standards for all Human Thought outlined in The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking. Knowing my research focus has meaning and purpose, fuels my desire to do further research. I plan to ask myself questions about my NPO to achieve greater clarity and relevance. The Questions Using the Elements of Thought will be a helpful guide as outlined in The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking.

My personal assessment in reading might be described using the illustration of baseball.  I believe my baseball team (my reading skill) has the potential to win the World Series but getting my team to achieve this goal is my greatest obstacle.  Because reading a book from start to finish is no longer a self-mandated activity, I now look at the table of contents to only read what is essential for my research. I have put into practice some of the tips that a demanding reader needs to employ as outlined in How to Read a Book, such as, underlining and taking small notes in the margins to capture what I hope to revisit.  An area of growth I have is discerning which books are primary sources and which are secondary. These are the skills I can employ when I am out on the field during the game.  But to win consecutive games which may lead to a World Series, I will need to engage in other skills like excellent note taking.

After listening to Sonke Ahrens compelling class on How to Take Smart Notes, I believe I need to put several activities into practice. 1) Only written ideas count. When reading I need to put an author’s ideas into my own words. 2) I need to have a system of collecting my written thoughts on different ideas. 3) The questions that you start with at the beginning of research are much different than the questions towards the end.  I need to make time for reading and assimilating my written thoughts to refine my questions.

About the Author

Kristy Newport

2 responses to “What does it take to get to the World Series?”

  1. Tonette Kellett says:


    As an avid baseball fan, you had me at World Series! I loved your analogy. I agree that my own reading (and note taking) skill has the potential for a huge win … getting to the World Series will require retraining my “team” with these new methods. Here’s to both of us making it, with a couple of “grand slams” along the way!

  2. mm Shonell Dillon says:

    Great way to see your doctoral journey. I would liken my own journey to the washing of a car. You know you want it to look nice, but you are or not sure when the wind, dust and/or ran will come to mess it up. Never the less the wash is a weekly regimen.

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