Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Uncertainty and Chaos the brothers of Change!

Written by: on June 3, 2015

Uncertainty and Chaos the brothers of change!

June 3, 15

This reading was one that I will cherish a lot. I felt like God was talking to me and letting me know that chaos has purpose and its ok. I always feel like chaos is not bad because things that are business as usual get really old and it wearies me. In Broken Futures: Adaptive Challenge and the Church in Transition, a quote said, “Nothing good or creative emerges from business as usual.”[1] I guess this is what gets me the most doing church as usual. I don’t get into it and I wont. What I like the most is that this article addresses the things I am dealing with in my denomination. I love the denomination but it is so much of a relic of the past and doing the same things as usual is really outdated in the twenty first century.

Trust me years ago I lost all touch with how things run and how things operate. I just love the church I got saved in it and filled with the Holy Spirit in it. And I never feel like leaving anything you love is the right thing to do. But you can be in things but have left the building years ago. Just like this quote, “The most creative leaders are often among those who have already left the building, tired of the limits of their creativity and tired of seeking to be heard by those too busy to listen.”[2] You can get lost in trying to be heard by some people who are just too busy doing busy as usual to listen. One person I talked about this told me they don’t even know what I am talking about and that I need to repent. So I love it when I can read something that understands the plight of the church and the way people are viewing things in ecclesiastical structures. Another quote and I am through with this part but I have a lot more notes, “To much structure results in rigidity and over-management, which saps creativity.”[3] While I know we need structure but the reality is that the twenty first century idea of structure is to me religious imperialism nothing more. Money and power are the reason a lot of people rule not for the servant-hood of Christ. That is just my take on it!

In Leadership in the Chaordic Age I found myself again. Love it. “Chaotic leaders resist taking control because they know that focus is more important than individual behaviors. But if our goal is a leadership culture, something like a community on mission, we need a new vision of leadership.”[4] I completely understand this because most leaders are more interested in control and not a vision. And to me focus a lot of times is vision when it leads to a greater cause. What I mean by that is when a leaders have community as their focus and how they can help it be better, then that leader will help the community. Where as the latter type of leader wont.

My take on It Starts with Uncertainty is just like the other two; I kept seeing myself completely filling the pages. I cannot say enough about all these articles but I took out the notes I felt the most touched by. Number one, “The Western tradition is to play God with this world, assuming that nothing happens unless we make it happen.”[5] So many churches think the same way. They think we are going to make it happen like what has happened in the past. Uncertainty to me is more of a sign of faith and charting the unknown. Every model of the past for ministry is not necessarily a good model for new environments and new times.









[1] Len Hjalmarson, Broken Futures: Adaptive Challenge and the Church in Transition, Unpublished, 3.

[2] Ibid., 10.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Leonard Hjarmason, Leadership in the Chaordic Age, Unpublished, 5.

[5] Margaret Wheatley and Pema Chodron, “It Starts with Uncertainty,” Shambala Sun, November 1999, 1.

About the Author

Travis Biglow

Pastor of Victory Empowerment Center. Regional Chaplain High Desert Regional Center Graduates Azusa Pacific University. Licensed General Contractor B. I am the married with one daughter, two grandsons and one step son.

11 responses to “Uncertainty and Chaos the brothers of Change!”

  1. Brian Yost says:

    “One person I talked about this told me they don’t even know what I am talking about and that I need to repent.”
    Ouch! That certainly doesn’t foster an atmosphere of new wineskins.

    One thing you wrote really stood out to me, “I love the denomination but it is so much of a relic of the past and doing the same things as usual is really outdated in the twenty first century.” I have met so many people who relish the past as a golden age yet look at the present and future as hopeless. Most of these people are in dying churches. I think it is ok to celebrate what God did in the past and marvel at the way he did it, but I believe that the best still is yet to come and that God is doing something new.

    • Travis Biglow says:

      Brian i am so with you on this and in my denomination they really honor the founder it seems like more that Jesus sometimes. Wow Blessings

  2. Nick Martineau says:

    Thanks Travis…I also really connected with this week’s readings. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut and it change is hard for people. What I have found is that it is particularly hard for people that have been doing something one way their entire life, and now find themselves in a high leadership position. If change threatens their position of power then they will be opposed to it instead of us just looking to do what is best for the Kingdom of God. This is tough stuff…because our sin nature always gets in the way.

    • Travis Biglow says:

      Yes this weeks reading really touch me because i am in that space of chaos but i feel so comfortable because i know that i am trusting God. And i deal with leadership that is more interested in maintaining their position that letting go of some of the outdated practices and really meet the immediate needs of those who are following! So sad! Blessing Nick

  3. Dave Young says:

    Travis, Like you I want to see things renewed for a new generation. All too often we’re find ourselves in an over structured, over managed institution instead of a thriving body. But change can’t be for the sake of change. That’s why I also appreciate your leaning on the Spirit. We have to catch the wind of the Spirit to navigate into the future He has for us. But all this reading and thinking, and collaborating has been helpful in getting us focused and encouraged. Thanks for encouraging me.

    • Travis Biglow says:

      Prais God Dave, if you knew the things i have been through to get to where i am now you will know that you are on the right track. Now even more I trust God because years ago i really did not think i was going to even be here to preach and school was totally out of the picture! BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gods blessing and grace to you Dave!

  4. Phillip Struckmeyer says:

    Travis, “I love the denomination but it is so much of a relic of the past and doing the same things as usual is really outdated in the twenty first century.” I feel that! I have been working with the Wesleyan denomination for a couple years now and am amazed at the pull of the status quo. We actually have fantastic leaders in place right now who are chaordic leaders but it is amazing to see the power of the beast (institution) affect even or especially our top leaders. It is challenging, but I am hopeful we can “be the change we want to see.”

    • Travis Biglow says:

      Yes Phillip, i feel that way too. And i know it must be stressful for you being a church planter. I have come to this conclusion i am going to let the Lord open and shut doors in my life and until then i will remain committed. But i am praying for new and meaningful ministry. I am not interested in titles and no manifestation of change and growth! Blessings my brother

  5. I have a feeling that I was supposed to have kept up with you all posting on these readings, but life has been chaotic this week! Seriously — family visiting from far away, we got possession of our new (old) house this week, and I have been working 12 hour days literally tearing down walls and opening space. And I finished supervision with a doctoral student and then was involved with his (successful!) defense. Good stuff eh? But Travis I’m glad you connected with the need for “fresh” and for moving beyond ego needs as a leader. We can empower soo much if we don’t care who gets credit. May you live to see many crazy experiments taking root and flourishing in the kingdom!

    • Travis Biglow says:

      Thank you Len for such a great article i have not read the whole thing yet but i plan to this week really needed and good stuff. Blessings

  6. Mary says:

    “I found myself again.” All because of chaos and uncertainty. Isn’t that fascinating, Travis? I love the idea that disequilibrium is what actually brings us life. The fact remains that we’re all growing, learning, creating, in large part because this year in our DMin program we continually have to ask questions and ponder what we really believe. After all the teaching and preaching we’ve done, you’d think we’d have the answers. Yet, like the day I remember you walking around Khayelitsha, your heart is energized when you lean heavily on the Spirit, not knowing what’s next. May God continue to have you “find yourself again.” It brings such joy…to you and to all of us.

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