Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Newest trend in Stability or is it a golden calf?

By: on November 9, 2022

Dr. Saifedean Ammous is an economist who holds his Ph.D. in Sustainable Development from Columbia University. In this book, The Bitcoin Standard: The decentralized alternative to central banking, Dr. Ammous presents the economics and history of bitcoin to introduce the workings of the new digital currency for the new digital economy of the future. Bitcoin…

6 responses

Statistics Do Not Tell The Whole Story

By: on November 9, 2022

“Your son has autism.” When I first heard those words in 2004, I had no idea what they meant. Autism? You mean like Rain Man? I felt a sense of relief that the behavioral issues we had seen were not “my fault.” I felt a sense of empowerment, I could do something to help my…

9 responses

Decentralizing Money & Spirituality

By: on November 9, 2022

In the book The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, Saifedean Ammous lays out a fabulous history and sociology of money. He dives deeply into this discussion, while dropping one-liners and understandable definitions that summarize and synthesize his main points. As someone who is frankly averse to economic concepts, Ammous makes this conversation…

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Bitcoin: New (and improved?) Means of Exchange

By: on November 9, 2022

In The Bitcoin Standard, author Saifedean Ammous states a bold premise. “Bitcoin represents the first truly digital solution to the problem of money, and in it we find a potential solution to the problems of salability, soundness, and sovereignty.”[1] Ammous argues for bitcoin as the world’s first government-free, unchangeable, and sound currency. He refers to…

15 responses

The Correlation Between Bitcoin and the Reformation

By: on November 9, 2022

“I’ll trade you this for that,” words spoken in many languages across every continent and reaching back before written history. Bartering and currency exchange are the bedrock of civilizations’ financial systems, no matter the context.   The idea of coin currency came about in 770 B.C.E., all thanks to the ancient Chinese. [1] It came in the…

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The Jury Is Still Out

By: on November 9, 2022

As a college student studying social work and psychology, I was required to take two economics classes as part of my core classwork. I am pretty sure that in another life, I would have gone on to study business and economics in pursuit of a life of entrepreneurship. Well, maybe that, or I would have…

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The truth about who you are.

By: on November 9, 2022

The title being “Leading out of who you are” brings up a question of “who are you”? The authors writes about the undefended leader. He states that “Leadership is about who you are and less about what you know or the skill you have”.[1] This to me indicates that being a leader is already inside…

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Putting everything in context

By: on November 8, 2022

How to Read Numbers: A Guide to Statistics in the News must be fascinating and insightful. It was very hard to find a good eBook copy anywhere online or a more detailed review as on many other books covered before. As I struggled to find the book summaries online in vain, I remembered my own…

10 responses

Not What You Know, but Who You know.

By: on November 7, 2022

In the world of networking and job searching we often hear the phrase, its not what you know but who you know tossed around when a job rejection comes across the table or a job offer for that matter. Advocated for networking will also point out this deep connection between knowing people and success. In…

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The Value of One

By: on November 6, 2022

There is a well-known story that is told of a little boy (or little girl, according to the adaption of the story) who was walking along a vast beach, throwing starfish back into the ocean. Many starfish populated the beach because the tide had washed them up onto the shore. An old man approaches the…

7 responses

Think about it…

By: on November 5, 2022

The author spoke about the dividing of our thinking into subsystems. He described that there was two subsystems that exist. The first subsystem was type one thinking.This thinking consist of being able to think through a thing with little to no effort. On the other hand there is type two thinking, which requires you to…

9 responses

A Call to Lay Down Our Armor

By: on November 5, 2022

What could our world look like if leaders removed their defensive armor and led from a posture of service instead of power? That’s the question I found myself pondering as I read Leading out of Who You Are by Simon P. Walker. In this leadership book, Walker describes the difference between a defended leader (prioritizing…

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Heroes and Undefended Leaders

By: on November 5, 2022

I have been having some fun trying to convince the people in my Sunday School class that they are on a Hero’s Journey. We are looking at the life of Moses, and inspired by A Hero with a Thousand Faces [1], I have invited them to consider the journey Moses was on in the first…

7 responses

Going, Going, Gone

By: on November 5, 2022

In the book Leading out of Who You Are author Simon P. Walker addresses our leadership not from a practical nuts and bolts view but from an internal view. Walker encourages us to be deeply aware of ourselves, our background and our relationships with others. Walker says that “Leadership is about who you are, not…

2 responses

Leadership Endorphins

By: on November 5, 2022

Leading Out of Who You Are by Simon P. Walker is a must-read for leaders. As a clergyman himself, Walker’s advice is noticeably grounded in his faith, however, his insights are powerful and valuable for anyone in a leadership role. Dr. Walker brilliantly identifies characteristics of leadership from a variety of perspectives and personality types…

15 responses

What All Has the Reformation Set into Motion?

By: on November 5, 2022

I found myself thinking again of a constellation of readings from our spring 2022 term as I read “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution” by Carl R. Trueman:[1] “Evangelicalism in Modern Britain” by David W. Bebbington,[2] “The Protestant Work Ethic and the ‘Spirit’…

10 responses

Freedom to be Vulnerable

By: on November 4, 2022

My husband and I love going to the theater. Every year, we get season tickets to see the current Broadway productions. A night out at the theater is one of our favorite date nights. I love it when the lights go down and we are transported to another world. The actors often make the production…

9 responses

Content of Their Character

By: on November 4, 2022

In his book Leading Out of Who You Are, Simon Walker addresses the undefended leader’s character. The leader’s character sets one apart for genuine and authentic leadership. He describes the undefended leader as one whose character is morally upright due to being birthed by severe trials. Although he doesn’t specifically mention crucibles of fire, his…

9 responses

The mysterious thing we call influence

By: on November 4, 2022

Simon Walker’s Undefended Leader is a great book that I enjoyed reading. It has great insights for self-leadership and leading others. Like other clergymen reaching beyond the four corners of the church, his leadership insights can impact even those that have not found the church welcoming. As I read this book, it becomes clearer how…

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