By: Mathieu Yuill on March 10, 2024
The concepts outlined in Stephen R. C. Hicks, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault[1], are new to me. In my formal studies and independent reading I hadn’t explored ideas our postmodernism, modernism, the enlightenment era and the like. In fact, the closest I had ever gotten to it was through playing the…
By: Akwese on March 9, 2024
Years ago I was a part of an Intentional Living Community. We came together around our commitment to both God and social justice. To live in the house required us to share a set of core values while also adhere to certain rules and community norms that included things like splitting house chores, rotating who…
By: Dinka Utomo on March 8, 2024
“Where the human knowledge ends, God’s wisdom and power begins to manifest in abundance.” –Gift Gugu Mona- Humans generally like certain things. That’s why most people always try to find certainty in their lives because certainty will bring peace to their hearts. A phrase in Latin reads, “certum est quod certum reddi potest,” which…
By: Elysse Burns on March 8, 2024
The Identity Trap hits a raw nerve. Not because Mounk’s thoughts challenge strongly held convictions, but because I am once again reminded of humanity’s brokenness. We live in a broken world filled with injustice. Dr. Sandra Richter speaks to our fractured reality in Stewards of Eden. She writes, “Yahweh’s world was a world in which…
By: Daren Jaime on March 8, 2024
As my 2-year-old son slept across my chest in our Westchester County apartment, my life would change by this morning. I was awakened by my sister’s call; a plane had hit the World Trade Center. She wanted to know if I got called into work. I usually would work the day shift, but on 9/11,…
By: Esther Edwards on March 8, 2024
“We need and desperately want to make sense of our world: to compose/dwell in some conviction of what is ultimately true.”[1] But what is ultimately true? Can we really know? These questions, steeped in skepticism, form the basis of postmodern thinking. It seems to have set the societal tone in how life, truth, and faith…
By: Kari on March 7, 2024
“He’s the best thing God could ever give to America!” It is a rare moment when I am speechless. It took me a moment to respond. I was at a church speaking to the children about my life in Africa. One of the teachers was telling me of the “horrific” state of America. His comment…
By: Jana Dluehosh on March 7, 2024
Bothersome, that is how I found this book and my trying to understand. I do not believe I would’ve ever been a philosophy major….it hurts my head. My thoughts on Steven Hicks book Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault; I get it, or I think I get it, we are going down…
By: Todd E Henley on March 7, 2024
This week as I read, Explaining Postmodernism, by Stephen Hicks, I kept thinking about the brain and our emotions. Please bare with me as I discuss how our brain, emotions, and immune system are connected by God and how this goes entirely against most of what postmodernism postulates. Anterior Midcingulate Cortex (aMCC) There’s a brain…
By: Adam Harris on March 7, 2024
I have a bittersweet relationship with philosophy. I think it is incredibly useful to not only examine knowledge, but it exposes the invisible assumptions we have when making claims about truth and points out the tinted glasses sitting on our noses when interpreting data and our experiences. Nancey Murphy, a philosopher from Fuller Theological Seminary…
By: Julie O'Hara on March 7, 2024
When doing some research for undergraduate assignments I ‘discovered’ that my home state has incredibly deep racist roots. In 1857 Oregon voted for statehood and adopted a constitution which explicitly said that no free negro or mulatto could legally move into Oregon, own property, or make contracts. Further, the state would make laws to punish…
By: Shela Sullivan on March 7, 2024
Here is an individual I like to have coffee with! Yascha Mounk’s book, The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time refers to a situation where rigid adherence to group identities, whether based on ethnicity, nationality, religion, or other factors can hinder meaningful dialogue and understanding between different groups. Here are…
By: Cathy Glei on March 7, 2024
“To the extent that reason is the standard, faith loses, To the extent that reason develops, science develops, To the extent that science develops, supernaturalistic religious answers to be accepted on faith will be replaced with naturalistic scientific explanations that are rationally compelling.” [1] Supernaturalistic religious responses in faith are the buzz. In conversations with church…
By: Jonita Fair-Payton on March 7, 2024
My Limited Understanding I would like to claim that my understanding of Postmodernism expanded after reading Explaining Postmodernism and listening to The Jordon B. Peterson Podcast with Stephen R. C. Hicks but that would not be true. I did not truly understand the concept of Postmodernism and I am not really sure if that’s…
By: Erica Briggs on March 7, 2024
Befuddled. That’s the word I would use to describe my efforts to understand where Yascha Mounk is coming from in The Identity Trap. On the one hand I weighed his personal background: his mother lost most of her family in the Holocost, he became a teenage activist noting Germany’s lack of support of refugees, and…
By: Joel Zantingh on March 7, 2024
I am appalled at prejudice and injustice based on race or ethnicity. I did not come to this conviction initially from any social or political movements that were seeking to address it, but it was formed in me from my Christian worldview, stemming from the heart of God. In Psalm 67:4, the Psalmist writes “May…
By: Chad Warren on March 7, 2024
My teenage daughter and I recently discussed the book she just finished reading for school, Ray Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451.”[1] What we both found fascinating was how, nearly 75 years ago, he imagined much of the situation we find ourselves in today. Written in 1951 Bradbury portrays, he imagined a world where people are entertained…
By: Ryan Thorson on March 7, 2024
Hi, I am a follower of Jesus. My given name is Ryan, my family name is Thorson. I have lived almost all of my life in the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America in the late 20th and early 21st century. I have been married to my best friend for almost twenty years…
By: Graham English on March 7, 2024
“The Identity Trap” by Yascha Mounk is a book that I didn’t want to read but, ultimately, I’m glad I did. I was born and grew up in Cape Town, South Africa in the darkest days of apartheid. I was born with a number assigned to me that identified my gender as male and my…
By: Jenny Dooley on March 7, 2024
After reading, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault, by Stephen R. C. Hicks, I find this post more challenging to write than usual. I’m tossing around a number of thoughts struggling to find the right words. Thanks to Chapter 5: The Crisis of Socialism, I keep getting tripped up by my experiences…