Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Doing Visual Ethnography

By: on September 14, 2013

Reading Doing Visual Ethnography by Sarah Pink is an interesting whole new area that I am introduced to in this book. It is interesting to realize the impact that images have in our lives. I found it fascinating when Pink says, “Images are ‘everywhere’. They permeate our academic work, everyday lives, conversations, our imagination and…

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The Bible – An Icon in Visual Culture

By: on September 14, 2013

In his book The Sacred Gaze: Religious Visual Culture in Theory and Practice, David Morgan connects art and religion. Morgan’s vision is to extend the horizons of our perception of religion to include a consideration of the influence and impact of images.  The first part of his work contains descriptions of the convergence of the…

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Doing Visdual Ethnography: Sarah Pink

By: on September 14, 2013

Posted by Raphael Samuel A picture is worth a thousand words, not sure who said this but it could very well be Sarah Pink. Her book “Doing Visual ethnography” challenges the reader to think of the importance of visual images in the communication of messages. Her insightful discourse on the subject, provides a deeper understanding on a practice…

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It is what it is… only it’s not!

By: on September 13, 2013

  As I was reading through Doing Visual Ethnography, I was reminded of a picture that was taken of me in Honduras this past summer. The picture was posted in a slide show, which was later shown to our congregation. It wasn’t long after the pictures were posted that people started commenting on how hard…

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A Need to Know Basis

By: on September 13, 2013

About fifteen years ago my history professor asked our graduate history class asked a very strange and confusing question: “When we research a moment in history, do we believe we can actually capture some reality that is out there…or are we doing something else?”  I was totally baffled by what this professor was getting at.…

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Surprised by Visual Ethnography

By: on September 13, 2013

I have to confess that when I first flipped through the pages of, “Doing Visual Ethnography” by Sarah Pink, I wasn’t too impressed by the pictures.  I thought it looked rather boring and I wondered why the author only used black and white pictures.    My second confession is that I was not familiar with the…

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VE – In the Eye of the Beholder

By: on September 13, 2013

Sarah Pink’s Doing Visual Ethnography (2006, 2nd ed.) is a solidly researched and articulated text that offers an in-depth overview of utilizing the image – through various forms and methods – as viable research aid. The text does offer an overview, but it really is an overview offered for someone already decently versed in the…

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NCIS & Visual Ethnography … maybe or not

By: on September 13, 2013

My favorite television program to sit down and enjoy is NCIS.  Reading Doing Visual Ethnography by Sarah Pink, I was reminded of an episode some years ago (yes there probably is a connection between writing this blog post and my desire to sit down, turn off my brain and watch a NCIS re-run).  In this…

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Elderly Whispers

By: on September 13, 2013

In years past, the word “help” was highly associated with geriatrics with particular attention on elderly men and women that had entered a stage in life where falling was a constant and often reality. One of the most iconic images was seeing a helpless woman home alone and lying on the bathroom floor with no…

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The Power of Images in Church and Work to Shape Culture

By: on September 13, 2013

Two powerful images I remember growing up in the church were the painting Christ our Pilot and the Navigator Wheel tool that taught four principles to live a Christian life. These images helped me to rely on guidance from the Bible and the life of Jesus as to how to live my life. As I…

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Through the Quicksand

By: on September 13, 2013

Ethnography.  What a word – or is it more than mere words? In all honesty, this was a tough read for me, not because of the subject matter (I love cultural anthropology), but because of the highly academic style Pink uses in her text.  It was like walking through quicksand for me at times, but…

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More Than Fair

By: on September 13, 2013

Above: Community Fair 2013 The evening was drawing to a close, the shadows growing long. It seems apparent, even in one moment captured in one picture that some kind of fair, carnival or game day was a success. Young and old share some things in common: hot dogs, games, bouncy castles, conversation and smiles. What…

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Advancing in Visual Ethnography

By: on September 12, 2013

I approached my reading of the text Doing Visual Ethnography by Sarah Pink from the perspective of a student being introduced to a whole new area of learning. My writing review, in the first person, reflects the nature of a new area of study. The book provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and creating visual…

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What Image Portrays Your Brand of Discipleship?

By: on September 12, 2013

My wife and I are into “The Goodwife” tv series.  The story line is of a politician’s wife who comes out of the domestic scene to restart her law career to provide for her family when her husband goes to prison for legal issues but who is also publicly shamed for an adulterous relationship.  Alica, the good…

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Visual Discipleship

By: on September 12, 2013

The call to discipleship has been fraught with formulas, fill in the blank manuals and text-based instruction. The interesting thing is that Jesus did not teach in propositions, he created word pictures that people could see as he talked. He called the first disciples by saying, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of…

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Smile! – Doing Visual Ethnography

By: on September 12, 2013

“Say, Cheese!”  “Sonríe!”  “Lächeln!” “Tabasamu!” “улыбаться!”   These are just a few of the countries I have traveled to and taken pictures of wonderful people I have met.  We all have pictures of things we have seen, places we have visited, and people we have met.  Who would of “thunk” that there was such an enormous…

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What Image Portrays Your Brand of Discipleship?

By: on September 12, 2013

My wife and I are into “The Goodwife” tv series.  The story line is of a politician’s wife who comes out of the domestic scene to restart her law career to provide for her family when her husband goes to prison for legal issues but who is also publicly shamed for an adulterous relationship.  Alica,…

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Roles and responsibility of the visual ethnographer

By: on September 12, 2013

Doing Visual Ethnography is full of practical considerations for the researcher embarking on this field of work. Pink places visual ethnography firmly within the field of anthropology and examines quite a number of important considerations around integrity and process in this increasingly recognized area of research. From the question of ethics and the large subjectivity…

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Appreciation for Sense in a New Way!

By: on September 12, 2013

During a busy week of work, family and school related activities, Pink’s book “Doing Sensory Ethnography” was an insightful read. The adage, “Don’t judge a book by its cover!” did not stand a chance because from the onset. I was immediately impressed by the green, red, coffee brown, pink, ice cream picture on the front…

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