Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Where I want to Be.

By: on January 11, 2024

As I try to give an assessment or an evaluation to the levels of reading, note taking and writing capacity, I come to terms with the thought there are correlations between my reading, note-taking, and writing essays abilities. Generally speaking, we could say that writing skills would improve by not only writing, but the practice…

12 responses

Mixing Mounk with Management: A Fresh Spin on Corporate Identity and Vision

By: on January 11, 2024

Yascha Mounk’s, Identity Trap[1], is not just a treatise on the dynamics of identity politics; it’s a mirror reflecting the challenges and opportunities in harmonizing a company’s mission and vision with the richness of its employees’ identities. Complexity of Identity Politics and Company Vision Integration Mounk’s narrative around the complexity of identity politics parallels the…

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Where’s My Box?!?!

By: on January 11, 2024

Before there was the “bi-racial” box on examines, as a kid I felt the need to find a creative way to show my race when filling out the pre-information before answering questions in English, science, or math. Most of my friends would simply color in the “white” box. Most expected me to fill in the…

15 responses

You and Me…let’s meet and listen!

By: on January 11, 2024

I want to share a story with you. It came to mind as I read the introduction of The Identity Trap. As I have shared in other blogs, I am a Consultant and I work with non- profit organizations, churches, and charitable foundations. During the pandemic, in July of 2020, I worked with a CEO…

16 responses

Time for Adventure

By: on January 11, 2024

I was not a reader in early elementary, didn’t become one until I discovered the fantasy section at the local library.  Battles between angels and demons. Tolkein’s orcs and elves.  Legends of dwarves and fairies.  When I discovered Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books, I was hooked on the written word – at least in the third way words…

11 responses

Finding Strengths

By: on January 11, 2024

About 10 years ago it seemed that everyone I knew was obsessed with “Strengths Finder” as a self-assessment tool. It never excited me the same way that Enneagram or Extended Disc has done, but I still remember three of my top strengths were Responsibility, Learner, and Strategic. Those strengths, and their corresponding shadow sides provide…

7 responses

I Trapped Friends in my Pain!

By: on January 11, 2024

I have always enjoyed preaching, teaching, training, podcasting, and hosting workshops. About 90% of the time, I am asked to speak on topics such as: Trauma’s impact on the body, brain, immune system, or nervous system. How to help the body heal from childhood trauma? How pornography and/or sex addiction wires the brain. Generational trauma…

10 responses

Learning To Read Again

By: on January 11, 2024

Literacy equals access. Access to what? According to the ancients, freedom. In “The Republic,” Plato first introduced the seven liberal arts, those arts which would set a human free, and he began with reading and grammar. In your first few years in elementary school, the goal is to learn to read so that, eventually, you…

8 responses

At Least There’s No Math…

By: on January 11, 2024

Writing was and is my biggest concern in this program and was actually one of the things that prevented me from starting earlier. There are two things against me. Firstly, I am a self-professed standard writer, certainly not an academic writer. The second is that I have always been a slow word-for-word reader, and as…

8 responses

Reading is Fundamental

By: on January 11, 2024

  Growing up as a child I was introduced to the popular saying, reading is fundamental. This simple but complex saying stayed etched in my mind throughout my life’s journey. It speaks to a highly valued skill that is essential for a person’s growth and lifelong learning. What I took from this saying is reading…

5 responses

The Identity Synthesis and our ‘Age of Outrage’

By: on January 11, 2024

On several different occasions I had to remind myself that Yascha Mounk, author of The Identity Trap (1), was a self-identifying progressive and he was seeking to expose ineffective strategies to address real and important issues like racism, inequality, and free speech. At times, I found myself ‘reacting’ to some of his statements which struck…

4 responses

God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom.

By: on January 11, 2024

Bold, wise, and courageous while being a minority are some of Daniel’s admirable traits in the Old Testament. Until this week, I never correlated his actions with his “learning and skill in all literature” as seen in Daniel 1:17 [1]. Perhaps it seemed more obvious as I have focused my own on reading, writing, and…

12 responses

There Is Still Plenty of Room for Growth

By: on January 11, 2024

I remember watching films in which the main character, in a flash of inspiration, writes a literary masterpiece or reads all the resources on a given topic in a very short time, usually overnight. I don’t know why, but throughout my early studies I thought this method was a worthy practice. I think some people…

10 responses

Rewriting Old Narratives

By: on January 11, 2024

To be honest, I was struggling to sit down and do this first assignment. The mere thought of delving into reading and writing with the knowledge that public eyes and comments awaited me was paralyzing. Although imposter syndrome had been discussed by others, it wasn’t something I truly connected with until now. That’s because when…

13 responses

Holding Hope and Rethinking Silence

By: on January 11, 2024

The Identity Trap: A story of Ideas and Power in Our Time, by Yascha Mounk, offered a clear perspective on the discord and polarization I encountered when I returned to the USA in 2014. Something had drastically changed over the years that I could not put my finger on and left me fearful of speaking…

10 responses

Hope for a Greater Good

By: on January 10, 2024

I entered high school in the late 70s with much apprehension and excitement as most teenagers do. A new high school had been built and my class would be the first class to attend all four years. You see, Cumberland Regional High School was beautifully designed with the hopes of bringing greater relief to the…

8 responses

Trepidation Mixed With Enthusiasm

By: on January 10, 2024

Entering into this semester, I have certainly felt a level of trepidation that has prompted doubts on my decision to enter into a doctoral program.  My affinity for learning has always thrived, but as an oral learner and verbal processor, reading and writing are not my first choices for knowledge acquisition and expression. As reading…

11 responses

All Flesh Shall See It Together

By: on January 10, 2024

“. . . identity synthesis may likely lead to a society that fundamentally violates his most fundamental values and his most ardent aspirations for the future. The lure that attracts so many people to the identity synthesis is a desire to overcome persistent injustices and create a society of genuine equals but the likely outcome…

7 responses