Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Thinking Our Way Back to School

By: on January 29, 2015

“Evangelicals throughout the nineteenth century had not worked very self-consciously at thinking about the best ways, consistent with the Bible itself, to push thinking from the Scripture to modern situations and back again. That is, habits of patient study were far less well exercised than habits of quick quotation. Proof-texting did not cause great damage…

15 responses

Can’t We Just Fish?

By: on January 29, 2015

Are self-regulated markets the real evil of the industrial revolution that have fundamentally flawed the core development of the “Western World”? I believe Karl Polanyi in his book, “The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of our Time” not only poses this ultimate question but answers it with a resounding yes. Joseph Stiglitz in…

12 responses

From Downton Abbey to Bangkok

By: on January 29, 2015

As I read the opening chapters of The Great Transformation images of Downton Abbey were dancing in my head. Ok, my secret is out: I’m a fan. I could certainly blame my wife, but I really do enjoy it, despite its similarities to a soap opera. Set in the fictional Yorkshire estate, it depicts the…

5 responses

Questions Abound

By: on January 28, 2015

Baldo by Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos As I read Polayni’s The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time and a number of reviews, I find myself asking more questions than finding answers. Perhaps that’s what happens when a new paradigm is introduced.   The “new” paradigm, ironically not so new with a…

18 responses

I am human… God is sovereign… so I pray…

By: on January 24, 2015

As I read through MaryKate Morse’s book “A Guidebook to Prayer: Twenty-Four Ways to Walk With God,” I realized two things. First, prayer should remind us of our humanity and second, prayer should remind us of God’s sovereignty. I think that these are the two things that we tend to forget the most. In a…

8 responses

Power & Influence

By: on January 24, 2015

Marykate Morse’s book, Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space, and Influence, provides actionable advice for exerting influence over others to achieve intended results. “Leadership is not something produced for certain occasions and specific roles. Leadership happens all the time, and it happens when we use our bodies to influence others.”[1] A good leader uses power effectively…

9 responses

Bendición – A Blessing

By: on January 24, 2015

A Guidebook to Prayer is a rich, spiritual guide that invites the reader to discover, grow and strengthen their prayer life. In her book, MaryKate Morse is masterful in teaching the reader to engage in twenty-four ways to walk with God by experiencing different ways of praying. This is not my first experience with this…

13 responses

Prayerlessness to Prayerfulness

By: on January 23, 2015

In 2014, I continued my search for a meaningful prayer life. For over forty years, prayer has been an integral and vital part of my experience in the Christian life. Most of the time, prayer has been a meaningful experience; there have also been times of questioning and periods when my personal prayer life was…

15 responses

A God Who Cares

By: on January 23, 2015

Perhaps one of the greatest joys in planting a church where we meet brand new believers is seeing how they develop their relationship with God. Coming to God with no preconceived ideas of how Christianity or prayer should be done, it’s wonderful to hear how they are encountering God and a joy to affirm that…

9 responses

Prayer for People Like Me

By: on January 23, 2015

I have three confessions to make: 1) I am a book addict. I love books. I believe that books are meant to be appreciated in their entirety. For this reason, this doctoral program has been a great challenge, as I have such a hard time leaving a book unread. I struggle to finish our assigned…

9 responses

The impact of some parents!

By: on January 23, 2015

My father and mother are both remarkable people! Thinking about them regularly, reminds me to pray with and for them. They have done amazing things for me and my siblings, but they have also lived through situations I can’t even begin to fully describe here. Yet their joy and expression of hope is infectious. My…

6 responses

Is Power Taken Or Given? Or BOTH?

By: on January 23, 2015

Is Power Taken, Or Given?  Or Both? “Power-Grab!”  “Absolute power corrupts absolutely!”  “Global superpower!”  “Overpowering!” All of these words and phrases carry with them a sense of brashness, unwieldiness, fear…  A “powerful” person is one that, for most regular folk, should probably be avoided, UNLESS you need the power they possess, that is.  When they…

13 responses

Do you love Me?

By: on January 23, 2015

“Prayer is not an event, but a life. It is not a petition but a love relationship with one God, expressed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” [1] I love this statement, particularly that prayer is a love relationship with God. It is. Oh, it is. I have long taught, and known, that prayer is…

9 responses

Where Have You Been?

By: on January 23, 2015

To often we do not pray. We find other things to do than to actually stop the madness of the doing and just sit and wait upon the Lord. I once heard a story of African converts who were earnest in their times seeking God that they would each choose a place in the thicket…

9 responses

Private vs. Corporate Prayer

By: on January 23, 2015

This week’s reading reminded me just how important prayer is in every aspect of a Christian’s life. Prayer is the tool/mechanism (for a lack of a better term), which allows man to commune with God. It is only through prayer that we can have a relationship with God. A relationship is what God desires to…

8 responses

On Prayer: Morse, Lamott, and Dobrenen

By: on January 23, 2015

There was some irony for me in this week’s reading. I would call it serendipity, but I would also call it providence. Let me explain. I went to Rwanda in 2007 to do some research on a new ministry organization that I had helped develop. This trip became a turning point for me in my…

8 responses

Community & Connection

By: on January 23, 2015

I started my Thursday in prayer with three wonderful ladies. Our paths crossed during a Bible study with a larger group centered on the book by Richard Stearns, The Hole in Our Gospel.[1] Though the book study ended after eight weeks, the four of us enjoyed the camaraderie and friendship we had developed, and since…

8 responses

Walking Across The In Between

By: on January 23, 2015

In some ways prayer is that in between place. G.K. Chesterton described the difference between talking about prayer and praying as the difference between blowing a kiss and kissing.[1] One communicates an intention, while the other acts revealing desire, commitment and affection. It is not that talking about prayer lacks desire, commitment and affection, but…

8 responses

Space to Lead

By: on January 22, 2015

In her book Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space and Influence, MaryKate Morse stresses the importance of leadership, not just for a select group of individuals, but for everyone. Morse asserts, “God did not design us to be benchwarmers; we are all players. And since we are all part of this great game, with one…

9 responses