By: Rose Anding on September 7, 2016
Introduction Written by J. C. Collins and published in 2011, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap—and Others Don’t describes how companies have actually transitioned from average to huge, while also examining the other side: why this transition does not happen and why those companies end up in failure. The first book focuses…
By: Mary Walker on September 7, 2016
So, why do doctoral level students need to read a book called, “How to Read a Book”? I found out why in this engaging and enjoyable book. As an old dog at the age of 65, I still learned some new tricks. Analysis The authors, Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren explain that we…
By: Aaron Cole on September 3, 2016
This has been quite a journey and quite a year! I did not know really what to expect when I began. I would describe my academic journey as a “treadmill experience”. It began in September being a bit overwhelmed because we were dropped in the deep end. It eased with the advance, only to increase…
By: Jon Spellman on November 22, 2015
Making a distinction between morals and ethics is a bit of a brain-twister for me. I have probably always lumped them into a single thing. The reading this week has been helpful to me in distinguishing between the two, and seeing how they work together, kind of like a hand in glove. Morals can be…
By: Brian Yost on November 21, 2015
In their book The Matrix of Christian Ethics: Integrating Philosophy and Moral Theology in a Postmodern Context, Patrick Nullens and Ronald T. Michener take us on an historical journey of discovery as we explore the approaches taken to ethics and morals throughout the centuries by various philosophers. For many, ethics is based solely on…
By: Dawnel Volzke on November 20, 2015
I’ve grown up in churches for most of my life, and ethics isn’t a subject that has been widely discussed or taught. Instead, I’ve more frequently observed church leaders talk about being holy, living a pure life, and abiding by Biblical principles. Many denominations have developed church disciplines in efforts to articulate their beliefs on…
By: Travis Biglow on November 19, 2015
November 19, 15 Rebooting the Matrix of Christian Ethics I really enjoyed reading some of the philosophical ideas of Aristotle and Plato. It is incredible how they were so enlightened and were able to have insight into society and life. I think it’s a great time for Christian ethics to be rebooted and…
By: Mary Pandiani on November 18, 2015
The classic story, Les Miserables, strikes at the human heart as Fantine, a destitute young woman, must choose between a morally upright life or supporting her daughter, Cosette, and becoming a prostitute. How could a mother choose otherwise? Earlier, this theme of difficult choices begins the story as former convict, Jean Valjean is given a…
By: Phillip Struckmeyer on November 17, 2015
“Christian ethics ultimately probes our deepest sensibilities as humans an how we, as followers of Christ, go about seeking “the good” for others as well as for ourselves.”[1] I was recently in a room of about thirty Wesleyan pastors. The attendance was that of our leading practitioners in the practices of faith-based justice and compassion…
By: Nick Martineau on November 16, 2015
I really enjoyed this book. The Matrix of Christian Ethics by Patrick Nullens and Ronald Michener tackle a very difficult topic and do a good job of simplifying it for all to understand. For many, ethics are black and white. Do this, don’t do that, and all the while the actual relationship/people piece gets taken…
By: Dave Young on November 16, 2015
I know I’m not alone in my feelings of frustration, anger, and ultimately exhaustion sparked by terrorist killing of innocent people such as we saw this past weekend in Paris and Beirut. “What can I do?” is a question that sparks frustration and helplessness, while anger at the senseless loss of life is overwhelming. We…
By: Garfield Harvey on November 13, 2015
Why You Asking All These Questions? Finding the book Social History of the Media by Burke and Briggs on kindle was impossible so if you are reading this it means you have evolved in the technological era. What sacrifice did you make to be online because I did not print this blog? Are you reading…
By: Kevin Norwood on November 12, 2015
Asa Briggs and Peter Burke in their book A Social History of The Media from Gutenberg to the Internet, look at the progression of life through the lens of change. Change is not always any easy thing to grasp and at times it can be viewed as positive and negative at the same time. Their…
By: Phil Goldsberry on November 12, 2015
Introduction The phrase “lipstick on a pig” has always fascinated me. The “thought” that someone would even attempt to perform such a feat is astounding and humorous. The “reflection” of the lack of stewardship with perfectly good makeup is disgusting. The “process” to even bring the two together, pig and lipstick, is a task that…
By: Pablo Morales on November 12, 2015
INTRODUCTION I am forgetful. That is no news to those who know me. Yet, there are some events that I clearly remember. I remember the first day we bought a BETA player. We could watch movies at home! (Yes—we had to eventually replace it with a VHS player). I remember the first day we installed…
By: Marc Andresen on November 12, 2015
“…like you were walking into the middle of a conversation?” This is what it feels like to open a book, only to discover that the first page inside the cover has a “29″ in the upper right corner. Who absconded with everything up through page 28? Yes, those pages are not extant in my copy…
By: Jason Kennedy on November 12, 2015
Introduction: A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet is a highly researched book that views how media has shaped and impacted the world in which we live. From Gutenberg’s press in the 1400s to the crazed social media era we live in today, Asa Briggs and Peter Burke explain how media has…
By: Colleen Batchelder on November 12, 2015
Briggs and Burke seek to bring us into the historical complexities of dialogue and challenge us to communicate effectively. “This book argues that, whatever the starting-point, it is necessary for people working in communication and cultural studies – a still growing number – to take history seriously, as well as for historians – whatever their…
By: Aaron Peterson on November 12, 2015
Media and technology are everywhere. As I sit here in Huntington Imaging Center waiting to get X-rays a man walks in and comments, “Everyone is on a device.” I stop writing, look around and see the 15 other patients in the room all staring at a screen; most phones, but two working on laptops. Me?…
By: Claire Appiah on November 11, 2015
The Power of the Media A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet by Asa Briggs and Peter Burke Introduction In this book Asa Briggs and Peter Burke provide an extensive and comprehensive exploration of the social history of the media. They examine the divergent forms communication has taken from oral history…