Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Hong Kong: A City of Contrasts

By: on June 21, 2017

As I arrived in Hong Kong, I was not quite sure what to expect.  While I understood it was where East met West, I questioned how that would play out within the life of the city.  Would it be more West than East or the converse?  Once I saw the stunning views and the immensity…

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I Feel Compelled

By: on June 21, 2017

 PERSONAL INTERESTS In light of my ministry context, I have been looking for a doctoral program that could provide me with three things: deeper studies in leadership dynamics in the context of globalization, a program that would not only emphasize knowledge but community, and interaction with a broader body of Christians outside my denominational circles.…

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The Agency of Voice

By: on June 21, 2017

“So how was Hong Kong, Mary?” When people ask that inevitable question, I’ve struggled to find an answer that is unique to Hong Kong.  The iconic skyscrapers set the city apart from most other places; the price of square footage for a flat seems outlandish; and even though there are crowds of people, those who…

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Phillip W. Struckmeyer

By: on June 21, 2017

14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.                       2 Corinthians 5:14-15…

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Nick Martineau

By: on June 21, 2017

Nick Martineau is a follower of Jesus, Husband, Dad, Founder of ILoveOrphans.com, Staff Development & Teaching Pastor at Hope Community Church, and devoted Baylor Bear fan. Nick and his wife Liz have been happily married for 10+ years. They have three children, Jewel (6), Noah (5), and Mo (5). The Martineau family calls Wichita, Kansas home. Nick…

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Travis Biglow

By: on June 21, 2017

Pastor Travis E. Biglow Travis Evan Biglow of Victorville California is the pastor and founder of Victory Empowerment Center Church of God in Christ in the city of Hesperia California. He also serves as the High Desert Regional Center Chaplain for Azusa Pacific University in Victorville California. Educationally he has an AA degree in Liberal…

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David Young

By: on June 21, 2017

David Young grew up in New Jersey, close to NYC; while he’s since shed the northeast accent (with the exception of a few words) he’s still proud to be a Giants fan – informing the uninformed that they’re actually a NJ team. He grew up literally next door to church and his dad was the…

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Dawnel Volzke

By: on June 21, 2017

Dawnel Volzke is a Christ follower, wife, mom, teacher, student, and professional…her passion is to serve Christ and her calling is to help organizations become great at fulfilling their mission. She lives in Granville, Ohio with her husband and two children, Jessica (21) and Christopher (16). Dawnel has served in various roles over 20 years, including technology, marketing, and…

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Brian Yost’s Bio

By: on June 21, 2017

Brian Yost is a 46 year old devoted husband and father of three. He has had the privilege of being a disciple of Jesus Christ since 1983. Since that time, God has led Brian on many adventures and he has never looked back.

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Jon Spellman

By: on June 21, 2017

Jon Spellman’s love for Jesus and his church was forged very early in life.  His earliest memories are of ministering in music in the local church setting as well as “on the road” traveling the length and breadth of the United States as drummer and singer with the “Spellman Family Singers.”  During the late 1970’s…

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Mary Pandiani

By: on June 21, 2017

Mary, a JIB (Jesus-Image-Bearer), seeks to see all life through the lens of “learn[ing] the unforced rhythms of grace” as she walks with the Triune God. Whether strolling through the woods across the street with her English Springer Spaniel, cycling for a 100 miler to support World Bicycle Relief, teaching classes for a high school…

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Ashley Goad – Year in Review

By: on June 21, 2017

How often are we called to reflect upon two years of our lives? And how can you possibly put those thoughts into 1,000 words or less? One particular way comes to mind. I hereby give you the “Top Lessons I Learned in DMINLGP”.

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Bill Dobrenen – Year in Review

By: on June 21, 2017

Year-in-Review Story – Summer 2015 Introduction Today I sat with a Native elder named Leonard Little Finger for six hours on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Leonard is highly educated and worked as a hospital administrator and teacher for the past 55 years. We talked about leadership. We talked about language. We talked about…

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Liz Linssen – Year in review blog post

By: on June 21, 2017

Chartering the Waters of a Doctorate of Ministry Three years ago I felt the Lord impress on me the need to do a Doctorate of Ministry course, something I had not at all expected to pursue. So began my quest to find a quality course that fulfilled the following personal criteria: A college with a…

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Carol McLaughlin Year in Review Story Blog

By: on June 21, 2017

The best stories are the ones we like to hear again and again, the ones we read every year or watch on our DVD players on rainy days. Stories so compelling, so inviting that their familiarity prepares you for surprise, nuance and fresh discovery. Key characters in these stories always seem to face a test…

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Ron Baker’s Year End Reflection

By: on June 21, 2017

Leadership Global Perspective: Impacting the Ministry of the Local Church In June, 2013, I engaged in a global forum on the theology and practice of biblical reconciliation. There were church leaders present from sixty-six countries which gave the conference an authentic venue to dialogue concerning the problems facing the church worldwide. The forum considered how…

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