Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Hijacked amygdalas, and other primitive concerns

By: on September 20, 2018

I settled into 12D, my economy class seat on the Toronto-Miami flight this morning, and pulled out my book, Judith Glaser’s Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results, reading the chapter on how the amygdala can be hijacked. Next to me was a woman who was breathing heavily, clenching her fists,…

7 responses

What did you just say to me!?

By: on September 20, 2018

When discussing my father as a minister in my youth, I will often say, “He was not a good preacher, but he loved God.” The comment is never meant as an insult to my father’s ability to preach the gospel, but rather, my father’s ability to preach in general. He is an ex-marine; gruff, tough…

10 responses

Don’t be a bull in a china shop….(no pun intended)

By: on September 20, 2018

I have worn many hats in my adult life, highway maintenance, mortgage credit specialist, car sales, computer industry, office supply sales, youth minister and pastor. They all have something in common with one exception. I have had to be able to hold conversations with others to be able to do my job effectively. I have…

9 responses

Reading for Writing

By: on September 20, 2018

I’ve always loved reading. Fictional characters were my dearest companions growing up. Years before Shakespeare was part of my school curriculum, I was delving into Macbeth and Midsummer Night’s Dream with enthusiasm. Critical analysis emerged in late high school and then was refined in University. So while Adler’s book was useful, it was not new…

10 responses

Meet the Teacher Night

By: on September 20, 2018

Just last week was “Meet the Teacher” night at our local elementary school. This was the opportunity for the faculty and staff to introduce themselves to all the parents in town and to show off a little bit. It was a great night and the school did not disappoint. All the parents who showed were…

4 responses

Tools for Higher C-IQ

By: on September 20, 2018

Judith Glaser’s “Conversational Intelligence,” otherwise referred to as “C-IQ” is another tool for interpersonal development, in this case, largely for the purpose of corporate effectiveness. Glaser understands the power of the culture of an organization, particularly how people relate to one another in effective and ineffective ways. She offers her readers some practical ways in…

5 responses

Own It

By: on September 20, 2018

This blog post will be a little personal in a sense that it will reveal one of the reasons I decided to pursue this doctorate. I had looked at several DMin programs and each one of them had one thing in common: rigid, set coursework. I am confident this kind of learning is effective for…

8 responses

How to read a book – in 1972

By: on September 20, 2018

Having no recollection of reading a book on how to read a book, I realised that I had learned to read well by learning later in life (not so many bad habits). My regular education was a total disaster. I left school with no formal qualifications at all, and even though I could read, I…

5 responses

Ctrl…Alt…Delete: Cerebrum Reboot

By: on September 20, 2018

CTRL, ATL, DELETE: CEREBRUM REBOOT Disclaimer: The text below is not written by, nor or for professional informational use for neuroscience and or computer science application. Though such terminology is included, it is also the metaphoric view of this writer’s approach to reprogramming the supercomputer of the human body, in particular, the cerebrum functions of…

5 responses

Thinking Critically BUT Not Throwing Out the Baby With the Bath Water

By: on September 19, 2018

Judith Glaser’s Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results reminded me of another famous leadership book by Dale Carnegie titled, How To Win Friends and Influence Others. Both are powerfully written, have obvious appeal in the marketplace, and are easily applicable to improving one’s own leadership. If I would have read this book 14…

8 responses

Learning to Listen

By: on September 19, 2018

I’d much rather write about my project than my person, but the truth is they are inextricably linked. My heart for missionary effectiveness and sustainability is driven by personal experiences; consequently, as I do the research and delve deeply into that topic, I am forced to examine myself and consider where my own ministries are…

10 responses

Trust but Verify

By: on September 18, 2018

Judith Glaser’s Conversational Intelligence is an innovative do-it-yourself communication guide that helps leaders learn how to trust others and become more effective. Glaser uses conversational intelligence (CI) lessons from neuroscience to advance three conversation principles regarding exchanging information, controlling power and influence, and co-creating solutions. I plan to focus on Glaser’s TRUST and FORCES acronyms…

8 responses

Oh to Inspire!

By: on September 15, 2018

I had to do a word search to confirm my suspicions after this week’s reading; the fact I found was that neither God, Jesus, the church, or Christianity were mentioned a single time in this reading. Though normally I might voice my objection to this, being this is an evangelism course, instead, I found this…

11 responses

Time Is Now

By: on September 15, 2018

Time is Now. Voices of the Generation For the Cause “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” ― William Faulkner[1] For centuries, young people proclaimed the voice of the generation…

4 responses

Identity Emergence

By: on September 14, 2018

Whether a non-profit organization, an emerging nation, or any people group there seems to be a collective soul that forms, and through the environments, experiences, and influences that soul is formed in, an identity emerges. I was reminded of this emergence and learned more of the circumstances and factors that play into it as I…

6 responses

Creative Tension

By: on September 14, 2018

Walking into the cold, dirty, and dingy classroom, I laughed at the idea that I was there to be the art teacher. Having no intrinsic artistic abilities I found it odd that I was chosen to be the creative teacher for migrant children. This migrant children’s center discovered that not only should we teach English,…

18 responses

Hong Kong and the Day of Reckoning

By: on September 13, 2018

If you dance to the music, don’t you know you have to pay to the piper, is a question asked in an old song.  This song references the story of the pied piper who gets rid of rats in a town by playing on a flute.  As the story goes, once the rats are gone,…

8 responses

Mindfulness is What Gets the Insight Out

By: on September 13, 2018

Insight Out, by Tina Seelig, was a fascinating book about how we get from imagination to entrepreneurship. She claims that her goal is “to bring together what we know about creativity with what we know about entrepreneurship so that we can define, learn, teach, and practice these skills in a rigorous and reproducible manner.”[1] Her…

11 responses

What is the Rest of the Story?

By: on September 13, 2018

  I was visiting with my mother on the phone the other day and trying to describe the LGP track of our DMin program. Typically, most people are interested and amazed at our international advance locations. When I told my mother that Gloria (my wife) and I would be leaving for Hong Kong on September…

12 responses

Where to begin…

By: on September 13, 2018

I meet with a lot of people who feel stuck in some way. Most of these people are young and have much of their lives ahead of them, yet that is often the problem. They sense there is a specific path they must forge but they don’t know how to get to it. Or they…

19 responses