By: Jay Forseth on November 29, 2018
This was a FASCINATING read–The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google [1] by NYU’s Professor Scott Galloway–but what was his main point? Was it, “How not to change the world” or “We sold ourselves to the devil”? Perhaps it was to sound an alarm of pending doom, or maybe it was strategically…
By: Greg on November 29, 2018
When I first arrived in China I walked into a department store. We were setting up our home and needed a few items. I had already had moments of culture shock learning some of the ways that we needed to shop. We were in the capital city and I expected stores to have everything. So…
By: Andrea Lathrop on November 29, 2018
In Who Needs Theology the authors make a strong case that everyone is already a theologian. The issue is not whether we are theologians but rather whether we are good theologians or poor ones. I think they are right. Grenz and Olson offer a reliable model to constructing contextual theology with the use of the…
By: Harry Fritzenschaft on November 29, 2018
Our source for this week reminded me of my theological travels. Like many of my seminary texts, oh how I wish I had been exposed to these helpful concepts sooner in my faith and pastoral journey. This source provides very helpful language and constructs for theological formation. While I appreciate my Pentecostal denominational roots, my…
By: Shawn Hart on November 29, 2018
Matthew 6:24 (NKJV) “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other; you cannot serve God and mammon.” Perhaps this is not the most accurate verse to describe Scott Galloway’s book “The Four,” but…
By: Mark Petersen on November 29, 2018
Scott Galloway’s book, The Four, is a dystopian vision of our world run by the Four Horsemen of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. They read our mail, they track our steps, they know in advance what we will purchase, they listen in on our conversations. They know our political convictions, they lurk among our network…
By: Jason Turbeville on November 29, 2018
What does The Four have to do with ministry? Well, if as a pastor, you live and work with people whose lives are affected by these companies, then a whole lot. Scott Galloway outlines just how much influence, these four have not only in our lives but in the world economy as well. As I was…
By: Jean Ollis on November 29, 2018
Scott Galloway is bold, and probably a bit brazen, in his attitude towards The Four – Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple Tech companies. Galloway’s edgy demeanor stems from his twenty plus years of experience with, and study of, these companies. Galloway is quick to admit he has personally profited from his investment in Amazon and…
By: Jenn Burnett on November 29, 2018
I’ve been a long time fan of the work of theologians. I ‘met’ my first theologian as a young girl reading The Magician’s Nephew. While C.S. Lewis’s children’s books might not necessarily classified as theology, I fell in love with the author. As such, I enthusiastically tackled Mere Christianity for the first time in high…
By: Rhonda Davis on November 29, 2018
Grenz and Olsen’s Who Needs Theology? presents the idea that all believers are theologians.[1] Each interacts with theology at different levels: folk, lay, ministerial, professional and academic. Of course, the layman does not engage theology in the same way the academic theologian does, but they should engage nonetheless. I appreciated the authors’ point that theology…
By: Mario Hood on November 29, 2018
The book, Who Needs Theology? An Invitation to the Study of God, [1] deals with a subject that can be quite cumbersome but does so practically and proficiently. Both Grenz and Olson are professional academics but wrote this book in a way that invites the causally Christian to learn at a deeper level while also…
By: Chris Pritchett on November 29, 2018
Scott Galloway is a business expert, a life achiever and coach in the way of Steven Covey for a new generation. But Scott has grit and toughness and boldness in his teaching. As a professing atheist (according to this video:, it seems that his conviction causes him to find his energy and drive from…
By: Colleen Batchelder on November 29, 2018
Scott Galloway invites his readers to peer behind the curtain, take on the burden of his bitter diatribe and cover the landscape of Amazon headquarters in picket signs. In short, his aim is to dismantle and deconstruct the progression of the great and powerful Wizard of Oz, aka: Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. He believes…
By: Dan Kreiss on November 29, 2018
It all sounds so ominous. The transformation of Western society at the hands of four of the most powerful and influential businesses ever. The development of the digital age, the ubiquitous influence of the computer and the internet have collectively opened up the door for the rise of what Scott Galloway calls ‘The Four Horsemen’…
By: Rev Jacob Bolton on November 29, 2018
One of my favorite things about being a minister is teaching a new member class. These classes provide the opportunity to better learn about the history and faith story of people who have chosen to make their spiritual home the community I am blessed to serve. What an honor. Every now and then one of…
By: Jennifer Williamson on November 29, 2018
What do The Four—Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google—have to do with missionary effectiveness and sustainability in the 21st century? A lot. Global connectivity is one of the present realities that mission leaders need to address as they adapt their ministries to be relevant to the culture in which we live. Consider the story of John…
By: Jake Dean-Hill on November 28, 2018
Scott Galloway writes a provocative expose on the most powerful companies in the world called The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. What an interesting read, not just because I’m a tech nerd, but also because he had a very causal, easy-to-read style to his writing that kept me turning more…
By: Dave Watermulder on November 28, 2018
I think you have to watch some of Scott Galloway’s videos in order to really enjoy his book. It helps you hear his voice and understand the tone and tempo of his writing. Galloway, a serial entrepreneur and NYU Stern School of Business professor also runs his own “business intelligence (fancy term for research) firm that…
By: Harry Edwards on November 25, 2018
The late great R.C. Sproul published a book in 2000 titled The Consequences of Ideas in which he traces, in survey fashion, the contours of Western thought through the ages and its resulting effects on culture. It is one of the best of its kind since it is accessibly written and yet comprehensive in its…
By: Mike on November 25, 2018
Scott Galloway’s The Four is a book on how to understand, navigate, and hopefully live in a fast-paced digital age that is currently dominated by the apocalyptical Four Horsemen named Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. Referred to as Biblical “leviathans” these four technological companies have gained the power to defy law, control people’s private data,…