Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Elan of Elan

By: on February 28, 2019

I spent last weekend facilitating the second annual Elan retreat—which was actually two parallel retreats for two cohorts of missionaries. Cohort 2 has just begun the first year of the Elan program, which is focused on spiritual formation. Their retreat was a time for learning new ways to connect with God and was aimed at…

11 responses

Leading Through Uncharted Territory

By: on February 27, 2019

A friend of mine tells the story of a time when he visited a friend who was a jet fighter pilot. The friend took him to where he would do his training in flight simulation. The jet fighter pilot was a master, but still practiced for hours everyday in the flight simulators. They looked like…

5 responses

Change…change,change, change…Change

By: on February 26, 2019

Jenifer Berger and Keith Johnston’s Simple Habits for Complex Times is a courageous guide-book on how to adapt to change and lead more effectively and efficiently in a progressively chaotic and unpredictable world. Change…change, change, change…change…change, change…, change… (this is not a tax commercial, but you get the point). No! Change is not free, and…

6 responses

New Wineskins for Consumer Culture

By: on February 24, 2019

“Miller analyzes how consumer culture commodifies everything, including religious practice, making it impossible to confront it head-on. His discussions on learning the origins of where a consumer product comes from and on embedding religious practices into the traditions from which they are taken are particularly helpful. Miller succeeds in moving the discussion of consumer culture…

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By: on February 24, 2019

The world is changing before our eyes. Things that were once sacred has become fads changing and evolving with the time. Religion has become a counter product of the newest event or program at the local church. On any given Sunday, people can choose for an array of buffet style Christianity ranging from the traditional…

one response

Religion and Consumerism

By: on February 24, 2019

The book by Vincent Miller has been a significant challenge to me as much as it has been a profoundly and theologically structured. What struck me most was part of its title “Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture.” I related this with our Quaker Christian Faith and Practice, and one of the essential…

5 responses

A Way Forward?

By: on February 23, 2019

Is there a way forward? What way will we take? What will be the long-term ramifications? These are questions being asked of denominations today and specifically The United Methodist Church this week at their Special Session of the General Conference. As I research the viability of flourishing denominations in the 21st Century I must consider…

9 responses

I want a new drug

By: on February 22, 2019

(Thanks to Huey Louis for the title.) Those of a certain age might remember the anti-drug campaign of the early 80s. The public service announcement begins with a frying pan on a stove top, hot and ready. An egg is cracked and plopped onto the pan resulting in an instant sound of sizzling and popping.…

8 responses

Consumer Kids

By: on February 22, 2019

Designer Logos “How do you know about Gucci, Reverend Mims”, one of the youth asked me as he saw the familiar symbol on my sunglasses. “Gucci has been around way before you were born”, I responded.  The real question was not how I knew about Gucci as a brand, but how did this 16-year-old, with no job,…

7 responses

Is Seminary Biblical?

By: on February 22, 2019

The Scandal Of The Evangelical Mind by Mark A Noll was an interesting read for me. Mark A. Noll takes the positions that the evangelicals have not been doing enough to lead the way in progressive thought for the world. They have lagged behind the secular and catholic worlds and have rarely produced thought leaders. Noll…

6 responses

It’s fragmented, but finished!

By: on February 22, 2019

Imagine this…it’s 5:30am, Mountain Standard Time, and I’m up early because of the time change (It’s 7:30am EST at home).  I’m staying in an adorable Airbnb in the footballs of the Rocky Mountains – and I have a room with a view – overlooking a lake with the mountains in the distance.  The “super snow…

14 responses

Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind, especially mind…

By: on February 22, 2019

Mark Noll gives a scathing review of Evangelical intellectualism in his 1994 book The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind. The first sentence give the reader the tone, ” The scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind.” [1] He goes on to discuss the lack of intellectual integrity within not…

10 responses

We Can Shake the World

By: on February 22, 2019

At a funeral I officiated at this week, I told many stories about my special patient Margaret and how she truly touched my life.  I noted that she was a bright light while here on earth, even though she had many struggles throughout her life.  But I shared that Margaret believed that God’s glory is…

10 responses

Revelation and Evolution: What’s this world coming to?

By: on February 21, 2019

Decisions…decisions! Perhaps “Scandal” is the best title for this book when reviewing this week’s reading, “The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind;” after all, Mark Noll seems to enjoy hitting on some of those favorite topics of the modern-day preacher…evangelical or not. The fact is, he hit upon two of my personal favorites; Revelation and Evolution.…

12 responses

Reframing and repairing the mental disconnect

By: on February 21, 2019

“The scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind.”[1]  This quote opens the text of Mark Noll’s nearly twenty-year old assessment of evangelicals on their disinterest in and distance from influencing the wider culture with a distinctively Christ-centric intellect.  Though there has been much debate about the content…

20 responses

Looking for Leaves

By: on February 21, 2019

We have a nest in our house. Not the kind that birds have, but the thermostat kind. We got it when we moved into this house a little over 4 years ago. What’s cool about a nest thermostat is that you can be wise with your energy consumption, and you get this little green leaf.…

10 responses

Outside In

By: on February 21, 2019

In the musical In the Heights the main character is Usnavi, a second-generation immigrant from the Dominican Republic living in Washington Heights in New York City. Over the course of his life he has been told that his goal in life needs to be to move back to the Dominican Republic, because that is home…

14 responses

A higher view of church

By: on February 21, 2019

In a classic and essential text from 1994, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, evangelical historian Mark Noll writes with candor about the downward spiral of intellectual rigor at work in conservative North American Christianity. He traces the declining arc over centuries, beginning with the Reformation when there was still hope, through the influence of…

10 responses

Repenting from Toxic Individualism

By: on February 21, 2019

I’m watching with interest the exploration of the identification of ‘toxic-masculinity.’ The term has not yet achieved precise definition, but it has arisen as both an academic and social project aimed at defining traditionally tolerated root beliefs about masculinity that have grown into destructive behavioural patterns. I would argue that a key contributing factor to…

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