Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Counting Sheep.

By: on May 30, 2019

In What Clergy Do, Especially When It Looks Like Nothing, Emma Percy drawing on her Ph.D. work and experience as a priest describes the life and work of modern-day priest using the model and language of motherhood. Many reviewers were aptly aware of the parallels between Percy’s work and that of Naomi Stadlen’s saying, “the…

6 responses

Doing Nothing But Following God

By: on May 30, 2019

Jonathon Swift said, “I never saw, heard, nor read, that the clergy were beloved in any nation where Christianity was the religion of the country. Nothing can render them popular, but some degree of persecution.”1 I became a full-time pastor at the age of 27.  Young, bold, naive, and scared to death, were definitely adjectives…

13 responses

Pastoring as Mothering: I Love It!

By: on May 30, 2019

There is a  very old (and not very funny) joke about pastors and their schedules.  It goes something along the lines that a pastor only works “one day a week”.  I have been told some version of this quip more times than I can count, often when running into church members or community members in…

14 responses

Coaxing Collaboration

By: on May 30, 2019

Through my research, I’m coming to the conclusion that missionaries will thrive and bear fruit when they are intentional about working collaboratively with national partners. But this conclusion is based on faith, not sight. I can’t point to examples where this approach has proven effective, I can only stand by what I know to be…

10 responses

Flatlining and Faith: Pastoring on the Journey

By: on May 29, 2019

How do you comfort someone who’s grasping onto the hand that she’s held for forty-seven years? How do you form words that ease the pain and bring some sense of peace? How do you fill the deafening silence with hope when one’s last breath makes the world stand still? The Rev Dr. Emma Percy, Chaplain…

11 responses

A new way to frame the role of clergy

By: on May 29, 2019

Much has been made in the Presbyterian Church (USA) about using gender inclusive terms to describe God.  Since 1971, the General Assembly (the body of the church that makes nationwide policy decisions) has taken action “encouraging the use of inclusive language in worship, education, publications, and theological and biblical reflection.”[1]  Being one of those “Gen…

5 responses

Isolation Among Rural Clergy

By: on May 29, 2019

While searching Google Scholar for book reviews on this week’s reading, I was immediately struck by an article that referenced What Clergy Do: Especially When It Looks Like Nothing by Emma Percy. In a journal called “Rural Theology” the authors stated four situations that might cause the greatest isolation for a local church pastor: [1] Bi-vocational;…

13 responses

The Ministry of Mothering

By: on May 28, 2019

Knowing that we would be hearing from the author of this week’s book while in Oxford made me especially interested in Emma Percy’s book, What Clergy Do: Especially When it Looks Like Nothing. Once I dove in I appreciated it even more, mostly because she capitalized on the metaphor of mothering in reference to the…

7 responses

Maternal Metaphors Matter

By: on May 28, 2019

Emma Percy’s What Clergy Do is a metaphorical glimpse at ministry, which examines the similarities between motherhood and priesthood. Percy’s “integrated life” principle is a key theme in the book that I plan on leveraging into my research on spiritual warfare.[1] I believe the “mothering” traits described by Percy will successfully blend into the armor…

4 responses

Mothering and Shepherding

By: on May 28, 2019

Ok folks. No satire here today. I really like this book. What Clergy Do: Especially When it Looks Like Nothing is an interesting and encouraging read for those in ministry. The thesis of the book was that an underacknowledged metaphor for pastoring a congregation is motherhood. And this analogy was helpful in many ways. In…

3 responses

Prezi Post

By: on May 23, 2019

https://prezi.com/p/toojgcxbaiao/dmin-748-lgp8-prezi-presentation/ https://prezi.com/view/msM7NUgyCqWcoLWyImMC/

3 responses

Kyle Chalko Prezi

By: on May 20, 2019

https://prezi.com/view/KWGadwg7U4rMtojqevFR/   <iframe width=”550″ height=”400″ src=”https://prezi.com/view/KWGadwg7U4rMtojqevFR/” webkitallowfullscreen=”1″ mozallowfullscreen=”1″ allowfullscreen=”1″></iframe>      

3 responses

You can never leave this life alive.

By: on May 19, 2019

The natural instinct of any human being is to avoid risk and seeking safety but may not necessarily be the best approach to life, life is prone dangers and risks of different kinds and we have to adapt and learn how to deal with adversity. The way to learn is by being exposed to such…

3 responses

A Generation at Stake

By: on May 19, 2019

A detailed comprehensive “How To Parent” Manual is not given by God at the time of childbirth. Though there are a plethora of parenting self-help books given to new parents at baby showers from no parenting friends, one would soon discover that parenting is strictly trial and error and hopefully it will be more concrete…

one response


By: on May 18, 2019

Handle with care logo “I can’t talk to him about not doing his work”, my co-worker complained; “I already had a suicide”, she explained. As we proceeded to talk about strategies of how to tell this underperforming employee he was not doing his job my friend told me this employee started to cry when she spoke of his performance.…

4 responses

Hear Me Out

By: on May 18, 2019

Hear me out. I am after all, here to be heard. I’m not here to walk into an intellectual safe place, and that has been the arrogance of higher education to think that was their purpose. I’m here to have connection… not to feel threatened. I simply want a safe space to be able to…

11 responses