Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World


By: on October 11, 2019

Chess is believed to have originated in Eastern India, c. 280–550, in the Gupta Empire, where its early form in the 6th century was known as chaturaṅga (Sanskrit: चतुरङ्ग), literally four divisions [of the military] – infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariotry, represented by the pieces that would evolve into the modern pawn, knight, bishop, and rook, respectively. Thence it spread eastward and westward along the Silk Road.[1] While reading The…

9 responses

We’re gangly.

By: on October 10, 2019

I was never a gangly teenager. Sure, I was awkward, and unsure, and brash, but never gangly. My husband, however, was very gangly. While I never knew him in that time, I see pictures that go from boyish bowl cuts to all neck with a protruding adam’s apple in the span of one school year.…

13 responses

History: His Story

By: on October 10, 2019

Reading this new historical tome by Peter Frankopan, The Silk Roads reminded me of my favorite quote which sums up the atrocities in the Middle Ages: “Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”1 It’s a gruesome picture but in many ways accurate. Frankopan’s project…

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All Roads Lead To…

By: on October 10, 2019

At one point in the not so distant past, there was one view of history. The dominant power largely determined that view. In his book The Silk Road, Peter Frankopan, a Senior research fellow at Worcester College and the director of the Centre for Byzantine Research from Oxford University, sets out to rewrite history or…

12 responses

What Do You See and What Do You Really Want to Know?

By: on October 10, 2019

  All photos courtesy of Chris Chan Shim (@royyaldog on Instagram)   Do you want to skim the surface with idle chat as you size me up wondering where I’m from? Do you care that I have to check the “Other” box every single time! No frustration here. Nope. How much of this book –…

11 responses

Rules of Engagement

By: on October 9, 2019

As a father I promised myself that I would not default to the common response “because I said so” that my father often gave me when I was a teenager trying to negotiate less stringent rules as I grew older. I can’t say I was 100 percent successful but the majority of the time as…

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Thoughtfulness is the Antidote to Click-Bait Reasoning

By: on October 9, 2019

I was in the second grade when my habits of reading were shaped. The program was called “Book-It” and the method was designed around repetition and quantity.  The idea was that competition was the ideal lever to pull in order to generate children who were fond of reading.  That, if we learned to read, with…

16 responses

Deep Work and the Culture of Production

By: on October 8, 2019

It has always been a practice by my Kenyan tribe to take their time to do something in life. They have always believed that hurrying to do something is a waste of your energy, for you will find yourself at the same place you were. This was a practice in the early period of life…

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Old Silk Road

By: on October 8, 2019

This past summer has been one of great transition for my family.  We moved from the New York City area to near Washington DC, changing jobs, schools, careers, and homes.  Though at times quite difficult, this transition has provided us with many new opportunities.  The opportunity for me to craft my pastoral identity in a…

6 responses

Finding Freedom From FOMO

By: on October 7, 2019

Over the course of his years of study at Portland Seminary, my friend, John Ray, would stay with us during his times of face to face learning. Each time, without fail, he’d ask me two questions: 1) “Have you read_____________?” and he’d fill in the blank with the latest and greatest text or author he…

17 responses

We’ve Not Done it that Way Before!

By: on October 7, 2019

We’ve not done it that way before!   I stopped counting how many times have I heard, “We’ve not done that way before!” However, I unsympathetically resembled that remark while traversing my way from where the Heathrow Express terminated at the Heathrow airport on my way to the United ticketing agent. I had never been…

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Adler, How to Read a Book

By: on October 7, 2019

I wish I could have read Adler, “How to Read a Book” during my time when I started the seminar. The reason I say that is because as I was reading the book, I realized how it could have saved me more time and enjoy my reading better if I would have known about the…

9 responses

Tools for the Era of Open Innovation

By: on October 7, 2019

Tools for the Era of Open Innovation A shift in the knowledge landscape has introduced a new era – the era of open innovation. Long gone are the days of Edison and Tesla battling one another in their private laboratories. A new era dawns: one of purposeful sharing of insights and discoveries internally and externally,…

13 responses

The Scarlet Letter

By: on October 4, 2019

Reading can be a daunting challenge.  As someone who loves to read, there have been many books that I have come across where I can feel my eyes glazing over as I try to decipher the meaning of the text.  I vividly remember this occurring for the first time when I was in high school…

11 responses

Distracted from Distraction by Distraction Creates Distraction

By: on September 22, 2019

Distractions are inevitable!  T.S. Elliot explained, “Distracted from distraction by distraction creates distraction.” That clears up the dilemma! (lol) Webster defines distraction as a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. Newport explores how distraction can be detrimental to us in both our personal and business worlds. The author’s goal is…

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Bimodal Dream and Rhythmic Reality

By: on September 21, 2019

This reader engaged Deep Work during a critical time of reflecting on my potential next assignments and found useful guidelines for reorienting back to a healthy rhythm. Georgetown University computer science professor, Cal Newport, has written extensively on how technology and our distracted, multi-tasking society is affecting break through thinking and overall happiness in our…

4 responses

Dissertations Require Deep Work

By: on September 21, 2019

Previously I read the assigned Newport’s Digital Minimalism with surprise and fascination. I was surprised by Newport’s emphasis on reduction of tech distractions for both himself and his audience. Newport’s focus helped me to reduce the distraction of checking my phone for messages or updates (even in the presence of others). One would think I…

6 responses

Math and Deep Work Do Mix!

By: on September 19, 2019

It’s rare that an academic year goes by without some upheaval and change. In fact, the years I didn’t expect change, it came dramatically and with full force. In my role as Director, I’ve learned to not just expect change, but I need to be actively and regularly planning for it. So when an employee…

12 responses