Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Even Caesar

By: on October 27, 2019

There are things that I love to learn about. As a kid, it was nature. Like looking out across a field in the early morning at the sparkles of glistening dew on the glow of yellow, burnt grass-in-the-sun or stepping into the cool ocean, carefully over a rocky-barnacled bottom on a clear night and watching…

2 responses

The SAT Word of the Day: Obsequiousness

By: on October 26, 2019

Often students studying for their college entrance exams (SAT), review words they believe will have a likelihood of appearing on their exams. Many schools write the SAT Word of the Day on white boards for students to learn in preparation for the test. Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries uses the word “obsequiousness” frequently, like…

6 responses

Sim, Introducing Critical Theory

By: on October 26, 2019

Remember Sokal scandal? The particularity of Sokal is that it focuses its attacks on scientific impositions produced by humanities specialists and not on communities of natural scientists; it does not announce any news about the ethical behavior of scientific production. However, it has the merit of triggering the update of the debate on the scientific…

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The End Is Key

By: on October 26, 2019

Manfred F. R. Kets De Vries[1], a distinguished Professor of Leadership and Development and organizational change, an economist, management expert and a psychoanalyst, takes us through the pathology of the everyday life of a leader and illustrates it so well using the analogy of the rabbit hole. It’s the journey that takes an unexpected fall…

7 responses

Pain Through the Rabbit Hole

By: on October 25, 2019

This post is late as I was leading a retreat that was the completion of an eighteen-month mentoring process with 45 high capacity leaders and I am reflecting as I write. Through experiencing these four days together, I was especially struck by my comrades’ vulnerable stories of adversity they had been encountering. As I listened…

12 responses


By: on October 25, 2019

RESEARCH ON LEADERSHIP FOR INSTITUTIONAL PERFORMANCE Leadership is a challenging issue in most institutions, organizations, Government offices, and Churches. Most institutions have come up with structures to be observed in leadership but the performance has not been achieved. For example, in churches membership is decreasing due to uncaring leadership. Many questions and cries have been…

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I’m going home.

By: on October 25, 2019

Growing up, I was always pretty unsettled by the story of Alice in Wonderland. My friends enjoyed reading the story and watching the movies about Alice’s unexpected trip into a strange land. They would talk about how fun it would be to fall down a rabbit hole. I thought it sounded terrible, and the story…

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Emotional Hospitality and Communication

By: on October 25, 2019

I sat at the table across from the guidance counselor debating how to ask the question that was bouncing around my head. My friend Jessica was going through a rough time and I felt really sad. Not sad for her, but sad like she was sad – as if it were happening to me. This…

12 responses

Well, not what I Expected!

By: on October 25, 2019

Why did I love Alice in Wonderland as a child and then as an adult? Well, if you want to know, then you must want to understand what it means to disappear down a rabbit hole. If you are so interested, then search Google for the metaphorical messages found in the book, Alice’s Adventures in…

6 responses

The Ugly Evangelical American

By: on October 24, 2019

I’m not an official pastor. I’ve never been ordained or licensed, nor had “Pastor” in any aspect of any title I’ve held. I have worked for a church, and I was the children’s director, a long time ago. There are lots of places that I function in a pastoral role, however. I do it in…

12 responses

Common Ground Leadership

By: on October 24, 2019

Reading Manfred F.R. Kets De Vries’ Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership was like embarking on a backpacking trip. One had to slog through the initial rough terrain, enduring steep switchbacks before reaching breathtaking mountain-top vistas. Except I thought this book’s trailhead started in the dumps. I was almost tempted to use my newly acquired…

4 responses

What will be our Legacy?

By: on October 24, 2019

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries is the Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Development and Organizational Change at INSEAD (Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires based in Fontainebleau, France). He also was the first fly fisherman in Outer Magnolia (I am not sure how this was verified, but this declaration is critical to de Vries’ notable…

5 responses

Divided or Diverse? A Call to Shift the National Narrative

By: on October 24, 2019

Monday was a significant day for Canadians. Our federal elections revealed a considerable shift in party support across the nation over the last four years and deep differences determined by region. We elected a liberal minority government, maintaining a liberal prime minister, but have two provinces without a single liberal representative. The Bloc Québécois, a…

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The Rabbit Hole of Anger and Power (and Beth Moore)

By: on October 24, 2019

Kets de Vries has put together a variety of cautionary essays in Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership. It was helpful to remember his admission that he has been greatly affected by dystopian literature.[1] He writes about the dark side of leadership and yet still maintains a sense of hope. Perhaps his goal is that…

6 responses

Don’t Lose Heart

By: on October 24, 2019

Thinking about leadership and what kind of a leader I have been and am currently today, and what has been modeled to me is causing me to take pause. There seems to be a theme for the awareness of globalization and how it affects leadership – good and bad. This is true for our business.…

14 responses

Finding Wonderland

By: on October 24, 2019

In reading Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership: Leadership Pathology in Everyday Life by Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, one can not help but contemplate the realities and effects of Christian leadership and influence in our great nation. It seems as, in our efforts to become enlightened, to find truth, to understand what’s happening…

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Leadership Emotions

By: on October 24, 2019

Kets de Vries is a Dutch management scholar and psychoanalyst, Professor of leadership development and organizational change at INSEAD, and consultant.[1]He takes all his various spheres of knowledge. Then he examines how people in positions of leadership project their personal neuroses[2] in his book Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership, Pathology in Everyday Life. The book is divided into two parts.…

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By the Book

By: on October 23, 2019

I am a connoisseur of leadership materials and have been for almost 30 years. It started in my late 20’s when I went to a pastors conference to listen to John Maxwell who at the time was the lead pastor of a large Methodist Church in San Diego, California. During that period, he was one…

12 responses

What was, What is, and What could be: the job of a leader

By: on October 23, 2019

I focused my reading on section three of our text, “The Variability of Leadership: What’s Core and Contingent” because in the pastorate the variables are many, the need to exegete the community and situations are critical, and the need to discern what is core for a life-giving community are very similar to sustainable businesses. Therefore,…

8 responses

Kets de Vries Fables

By: on October 23, 2019

Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries happens to be one of the worlds “leading thinkers on leadership, coaching, and the application of clinical psychology to individual and organizational change”[1] and his recent collection Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership is both highly readable and easily applicable.  In fact, most of the chapters were “originally written as…

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