Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Digital Slow

By: on March 13, 2019

The past year has been one focused on an intentional and personal “slowing down.”  I was feeling very harried after a long church transition and needed to make some changes.  I started last January to intentionally make my coffee every morning using only a French Press.  No Keurig, no buying it at the bagel place…

3 responses

All You Need is Unconditional Love

By: on March 13, 2019

Preston Sprinkle’s editorial work on Two Views on Homosexuality explores and challenges the Christian response to modern sexual ethics surrounding same-sex couples within the church. Sprinkle referees a two-on-two literary debate over the affirming versus non-affirming views on the topic of homosexuality. Sprinkle leverages the work of Loader, Defranza, Hill, and Holmes to advance a…

5 responses

Decluttering for Life

By: on March 12, 2019

Recently a screen popped up on my iphone telling me the amount of screen time I had used that week. Instantly, I went into denial mode, “No way! That has to be wrong.” Unfortunately, it was quite right and had tracked my unconscious habit of digital use. I have spent my entire adult life decluttering…

7 responses

I’m not where I was

By: on March 11, 2019

When I first met Lois, I assumed she a widow.  Several of my colleagues had mentioned how she and her husband had run thriving music ministries in France for several years, but when we arrived on the field she was single. Close to retirement age, she had recently spent some time back in the States…

5 responses

Simple Leadership Paradox

By: on March 10, 2019

Confucius once said that “life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”[1] Not sure if this statement is entirely true, but it does have truth to it. In today’s world, most lives are filled with a degree of complexity that challenges our straightforward approach to it. For instance, a single mother working…

2 responses

A New Perspective

By: on March 10, 2019

Churches were once the anchor of many communities. Today, things have changed and many churches are languishing and on the verge of dying. Often, older churches are close to dying and ignore many of the symptoms associated with their illness. Thom Rainer in his book, Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to Keep Yours…

one response

Change is inevitable but never invited

By: on March 10, 2019

It is common sense that we do change in life from birth to adulthood. However, we hardly realize that we change as time goes by. In her book “Mindset: The new psychology of success” Carol Dweck wrote, Whether human qualities are things that can be cultivated or things that are curved in stone is an…

2 responses

If Only……..

By: on March 9, 2019

Reading this was cathartic to me. Life has been incredibly tumultuous for the past 18 months or so centered around deep feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, self-hatred etc. that resulted in severe marital struggles. I moved out for the better part of 6 months early last year and even when I was home, I refused to…

16 responses

If your actions inspire others to dream….

By: on March 9, 2019

People are creative, imaginative survivors. Yet, human emotions can cause havoc in our lives. We all have individual personalities which affect our focus and the direction of our lives. Society also plays a powerful role with regards to our belief systems while biases expose us to a darker side of human nature. Often, these systems…

5 responses

Let’s ask questions like Lincoln

By: on March 8, 2019

“If most of our body is made of water, why don’t I just fall to pieces when I get in the bathtub?” “Why is it so hard for people to decide things? When we go out for recess, we just play the game that seems the most fun. We don’t spend too long deciding because…

11 responses

Digital Minimalism Isn’t What I Thought It Was

By: on March 8, 2019

Digital Minimalism covers a different way of approaching technology. Newport defines it as a philosophy in which you “focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” Digital Minimalism describes a process for how to get there.…

20 responses

Drains and Fills

By: on March 8, 2019

  When talking to leaders I often attempt to have them identify what fills and drains them. What energizes them to lead another day and what causes them to want to write a resignation letter? As I read Garvey Berger and Johnston’s, Simple Habits for Complex Times I was able to articulate one of my…

10 responses

Divine Sex?

By: on March 8, 2019

With a title like Divine Sex, you know you are in for an interesting read. When my wife saw my stack of books for this semester I had this book on the top of the stack, unintentionally, and she was confused. She asked me if I was still in a leadership program, I assured her I…

14 responses

Complexity in Design

By: on March 7, 2019

Six months ago, the student affairs team I work with went through the beginning stages of a restructuring process. At the time, we understood the process to be about 2-3 weeks, start to finish. We were implementing a new technique called a “Design Sprint”, so named from Jake Knapp and his Google Ventures team. The…

9 responses

Communal Individualism

By: on March 7, 2019

Sex with robots and trading one’s boyfriend for a something mechanical1 in order to fulfill ones desires are both systemic issues of a greater self-fulfilling problem within this world. Finding happiness and purposes seems to be be closely tied with the personal need to meet ones own need above anyone else. This selfish and ultimately…

14 responses

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

By: on March 7, 2019

Being a Marriage and Family Therapist, conversations on the topic of sex are almost a daily occurrence for me. So much so that I forget sometimes that this is not the norm for most people, and I find myself speaking about this topic in very frank and matter-of-fact ways to the shock of others. It…

17 responses

Help For Those of Us Who Have Struggled With Pornography

By: on March 7, 2019

In our previous readings, Charles Taylor notes in A Secular Age, “In almost all Western Societies during the 1970’s, the legal privatization of our sexual lives occurred through the legalization of abortion, divorce reform, authorization of pornographic films, and so on.” [1] I was only 7 years old when the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision…

10 responses

A Line with Good Bait

By: on March 7, 2019

I’ve just arrived back from a regional church leaders’ meeting. During some small talk with a stranger, I acknowledged how complicated it is being the church in the present time. He responded that he was much more concerned for our children. While I certainly agree there is cause for concern, I inquired what in particular…

8 responses