Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Goal Mine

Written by: on January 11, 2023

Sometimes when reading I think about movies that I have watched. The movies may not be one hundred percent congruent to the topic but just a reminder or a flashback. When reading this book, I thought about a movie from 1985, “The Goonies”. As silly as it may seem I started thinking about how they eventually discovered gold and who led them there. One character usually had big ideas, and he also encouraged or coached those that did not have the courage to fight through certain fears. In the selected text, Mining for Gold the author speaks to us about the power that coaching has. He points out through a more spiritual lens that great leaders can be born from coaching guidance.

Camacho explains to us that some of his most eye-opening moments were through his own coaching. Camacho’s goal now was to share what he learned about and through coaching so that he could see others thrive. In the text, he spoke about some of the Bible’s characters that lacked self-worth either of their own thoughts or the discouragement of others. He compared this worth to what God thought about us. He reminded us that if we see in ourselves what God saw in us, we could use our gifts to move forward (to thrive). The author shared with us six principles for Mining for Gold (coaching leadership) [1]:

-The Holy Spirit does the work of refining

-Our true identity is the foundation of thriving

-We thrive when we cooperate with our God-given design

-Each of us a sweet spot-a place where we naturally bear the most fruit

-The cross is God’s great refining tool

-All true thriving is relational

I have met many people in ministry that explain just what the author writes about. Many explain that they were once living in their own worlds doing whatever they wanted to do. They often testify that someone was sent along to guide them back within the will of God. They go on to testify that the spirit worked with them, and they begin to see clearer. Many that have gone on to be great in their career and/ or ministry claim that the gift that was identified was already inside of them. The gift became what they need to thrive, to see life from a different view.

In practice, I use the analogy that every life is a story. At the beginning of our lives, we start off innocent knowing no evil. As life progresses, we learn more and explore more. Here we start the being of the climax of the story. Minds begin to change, we start to question the world, our spiritual sides, etc. For those that are anointed and appointed this is when the coach and the spirit step in to open the eyes of the person being refined. God causes that person to use gifts in a way that they never thought they could. As their relationship builds so does the effectiveness of the gift. Other souls are saved or moved from this change in this person’s life and discipleship continues as each person lets their little light shine.

About the Author


Shonell Dillon

A daughter of the KING of kings and the LORD of lords. A lover of LIFE!

One response to “Goal Mine”

  1. Kristy Newport says:

    Hi Shonell,
    I am curious if you have specific examples of how you have seen these 6 principles in your life or someone you have coached/counseled? I am curious how you have assisted someone in finding their “sweet spot.”
    You listed the 6 principles:
    -The Holy Spirit does the work of refining
    -Our true identity is the foundation of thriving
    -We thrive when we cooperate with our God-given design
    -Each of us a sweet spot-a place where we naturally bear the most fruit
    -The cross is God’s great refining tool
    -All true thriving is relational

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