Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Power of The Media

By: on November 11, 2015

The Power of the Media A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet by Asa Briggs and Peter Burke Introduction In this book Asa Briggs and Peter Burke provide an extensive and comprehensive exploration of the social history of the media. They examine the divergent forms communication has taken from oral history…

13 responses

Media Affected

By: on November 11, 2015

Introduction: A Social History of The Media by Asa Briggs and Peter Burke is a fairly comprehensive overview and insight in to the world of media from “Gutenberg to the Internet.” It walks through the historical artifacts, timelines, key persons, advancements, and setbacks from the mid fourteen hundred’s to the twenty-first century. Although, “It was…

14 responses


By: on November 11, 2015

  Introduction The topic of social and print media and their emergence and impact on the social relationships among people is still a surprise to many. Communication is the most important activity in human life; because at home, we communicate with our parents and siblings to get many things done. Interestingly, I am communicating to…

10 responses

Redefining The Same Word

By: on November 6, 2015

In Theory When I teach piano lessons, I often tell my students that one of the most important things before ever playing a note is to know what you are supposed to play. We generally call this music theory because it allows us to play what we know and explain what we hear. The reality…

8 responses

Does Leadership Matter?

By: on November 5, 2015

When I first received book in the mail I devoured the introduction and found it incredibly refreshing that this intellectual duo really took time to establish what they were going to do in this volume.   What an introduction to draw me into the subject matter from the most basic question of does leadership matter…

11 responses

The Whitman’s Sampler Leadership Book

By: on November 5, 2015

Introduction The “Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice” is like eating a box of Whitman’s Sampler assorted chocolates.  As a child, my mother received at least one of these annually from my Dad.  As an elementary aged, little boy who was beginning to read, the challenge and the discovery of the chocolate schematic inside the…

13 responses

So, Do You Want to be a Senior Pastor?

By: on November 5, 2015

INTRODUCTION “What do you do with all your free time?” This was the first question that a hairstylist asked me when she found out I was a pastor. Initially, I did not understand what she meant, so I asked her to explain her question while she kept cutting my hair. She then clarified, “After you…

12 responses

Leading for the Sake of One

By: on November 5, 2015

Nohria and Khurana have sought to envelope us in the scholastic, practical and purposeful aspect of leadership and challenge us to live with meaning. This type of leadership requires us to delve into mindset of our audience and seek to communicate effectively and purposefully. “Leaders are the source of institutional values which, in turn, condition…

9 responses

Research Gold

By: on November 5, 2015

“Adlerizing” this book by reading dust cover, acknowledgments, table of contents, and headings led me to two specific chapters in which to focus, and here I felt like I’d hit the golden mother lode of material to support my D Min interests. The enormous project of assembling the compendium called “Handbook of Leadership Theory and…

7 responses

Do We Need Another Leadership Book?

By: on November 5, 2015

INTRODUCTION Upon reading Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice, it makes me wonder if we need another leadership book.  Taken from a collection of leadership essays, the editors, Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khuruna, do such a splendid job at gathering the insights from some of the best leadership minds, that it does beg the question.…

9 responses

Leadership: Authentic, Christian, and Transformational

By: on November 5, 2015

Leadership: Authentic, Christian, and Transformational Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice: A Harvard Business School Centennial Colloquium by Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana, Editors. Introduction According to the editors, Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana, leadership research has been neglected for a long time by academia. This left the field wide open for popular authors or…

11 responses

Isn’t It Ironic

By: on November 5, 2015

I had no idea there are so many contours to leadership!  As a pastor, I have mostly subscribed to Bill Hybels definition of a leader as someone who brings a group of people from Point A to Point B.  Nohria and Khurana’s collection of papers in Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice prove to me that pastoring a…

3 responses

Leadership: Theoretical or Practical

By: on November 5, 2015

Introduction: Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice by Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana is a collection of almost fifty contributing scholars on the subject of Leadership. Much is written mainstream and in popular culture on the subject of leadership. Thousands and even tens of thousands have been written on the subject and line both virtual…

6 responses

Follow The Leader

By: on November 4, 2015

        Introduction According to author John C. Maxwell, “real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow as everything rises and falls on leadership.”[1] A great leader is one who coaches and mentors the workers, inspires enthusiasm, and does not depend on authority, but on goodwill. A leader influences…

12 responses

It’s My Normalcy

By: on November 3, 2015

“The contemporary era is one dominated by speed.”[1] There is much talk about living in an evolving world but those same people complain about the pace. People want things fast and people want it their way but when it is outside the scope of their control, they complain that the speed is irrelevant to their…

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Signs, Roadmaps and Language

By: on October 29, 2015

Introduction In the late eighties, I was a student at Oklahoma State University.   I remember vividly my Tuesday and Thursday afternoon sociology class. It was a shocking experience for me, a pastor’s kid that had not strayed into the world. Our teacher was a self-declared leather chaps wearing biker. She actually came to class dressed…

9 responses

I’ll Take a Big Mac

By: on October 29, 2015

  Introduction Why do we allow Big Macs to enter our physical body?  Why and how do we allow our physical body to enter a fast-food restaurant named McDonalds?   Have we been influenced with the globalization of McDonalds that challenges us to violate proper nutrition guidelines and eat a Big Mac?   This scenario is played…

11 responses

For Such A Time As This

By: on October 29, 2015

Could LGP6 have existed in 1955; or is it for such a time as this? Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction is a survey of social theory, including and addressing older and newer social theories. The book seeks to answer the question: “What is society?” Its topics bring into focus the realities of how globalization has…

8 responses

Social Theory & Church

By: on October 29, 2015

For me, the reason I joined this professional doctorate program is simple.  I just want to be a better local church pastor (Although this is an altruistic motivation for me, Lemert & Elliot would probably argue that by applying to Fox I was actually acting out of my entrenched globalized-self and the need to ’transform’…

10 responses

Out of Order

By: on October 29, 2015

Introduction: Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction by Anthony Elliott is a compilation of ideas, thoughts, and theories of social theory as well as critiques of each. This is all predicated upon the idea of society being not be based or relegated to a geographical location, but rather mainly driven by vocation. The fictional Natalie and…

6 responses