Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Right Book at the Right Time

By: on November 4, 2023

Books find me. It’s happened since I was a child. Whether it’s a book I stumble upon at a library, a recommendation by a friend, or in this case, a book assigned for a weekly doctoral reading, I often find that a book I’m reading will speak to a specific problem I’m facing in a…

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Artificial Intelligence as Partner, not Foe

By: on October 8, 2023

Much has been made of the ubiquitous rise of artificial intelligence (AI) over the past year. In fact, it’s difficult to believe that it’s been less than a year since “OpenAI released an early demo of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, and the chatbot quickly went viral on social media as users shared examples of…

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The Master Leader

By: on September 13, 2023

Introduction: I was born while my parents were going to Uganda as refugees after a Coup d’état in Rwanda in 1973. Habyarimana ruled Rwanda until his plane was blown to pieces in 1994, after which we saw the worst genocide. The genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda left a million innocent women, men, and children…

6 responses

Rocky VIII

By: on February 21, 2023

This last week after we learned how capitalism has affected the Great Commission, we now see how geography and culture can have an impact on Christianity and the Great Commission. We take another step in learning and growing in Tim Marshals book Prisoners of Geography and Winchester, The Map That Changed The World. Both authors bring…

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Whats the Big Idea?

By: on October 19, 2022

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman introduces many new concepts to help us understand the decision process and make more effective decisions as leaders. Kahneman, with a long history as a psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, explains the two main ways or systems in how we think and make decision.[1]…

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Island of Misfits?

By: on July 26, 2012

This week I’ve been reading through the opening chapters of Dr. Jason Clark’s PhD not-yet-published dissertation. A much more technical treatment of the chapters he contributed to Church in the Present Tense (see my previous post on those), Clark’s dissertation is at once profound and troubling. His quest is for a tertium quid, a third way, between the predominant modes…

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