Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Fueling Success

By: on November 21, 2024

A Navy SEAL is a highly trained U.S. military forces member specializing in unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism operations. Known for their exceptional physical fitness, mental toughness, and ability to operate in diverse environments, Navy SEALs undergo rigorous training to prepare for challenging missions worldwide.  One phrase recruits here often during the selection process…

9 responses

More Is (not) Better

By: on November 21, 2024

According to authors Daniel Lieberman and Michael Long, dopamine’s motto is “more.”[1] Funny, I thought it was my motto. The banquet was the final event at a 12-Step conference and my husband was the only person in the group not in recovery. We had been through the buffet line and were sitting down to eat…

13 responses

Growing Leadership

By: on November 21, 2024

Three books we explored discussed concepts that can impact our interactions with ourselves, others, work, and everyday life.  The perspectives of the authors were different, yet each of them was valuable in their own right. These books are connected by the implications they have for leadership strategies. This blog will address how do Mindset, Grit,…

14 responses

Basic Leadership Principles at Work

By: on November 21, 2024

In The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity-and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race by Daniel Lieberman, MD and Michael Long explore the powerful (and sometimes devastating) effects of dopamine on the human brain, behavior, and society. [1] From romantic relationships to addictions to…

9 responses

Empowering for More

By: on November 21, 2024

The Molecule of More: How a Single Molecule in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity- Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race by Daniel Lieberman and Michael Long is fascinating. The book examines the neurotransmitter dopamine and its role in causing us to desire “more” as we anticipate future pleasure and excitement.[1] The…

10 responses

Knowing When To Say, “Enough”

By: on November 21, 2024

In an early episode of The Bema Podcast, Bible teacher Marty Solomon articulated a profound theological perspective on the nature of humanity. According to Solomon, the defining characteristic of human beings, who are created in the image of God, is their unique capacity to declare “enough.” This ability to exercise self-restraint, regulate desires, and place trust…

12 responses

It’s Me, Dopamine, [Ini Saya, Dopamin…]

By: on November 20, 2024

“The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity – And Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race,” by Daniel Lieberman and Michael Long,[1]  offers a fascinating exploration of how a single chemical, dopamine can shape the entirety of human experience. The thesis of “The Molecule of…

12 responses

Dopamine as Fuel for Faith’s Transformative Power

By: on November 20, 2024

The New Job Offer! Sarah is a single mom and workforce professional who has dedicated years of hard work in a job that doesn’t fully satisfy her, but she needs the income to feed her children, so she stays. The new boss recognizes her and gives her an offer for a new position with better…

10 responses

Was Paul Liberal?

By: on November 19, 2024

“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. But in fact, it is no longer I that do it, but sin that dwells within…

6 responses

The Dopamine Spark: Turning Passion into God-Aligned Purpose

By: on November 19, 2024

At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven it had been during the previous six years. It has been taken over by Death Eaters, under the control of Severus Snape as Headmaster, operating on orders from Voldemort. Harry realizes that Voldemort is going to take over…

14 responses

Dopamine – Grit, Mindset, Heroin, and Pornography

By: on November 18, 2024

One could argue that life is nothing more than a series of chemical reactions.  This is a thought that I had when I read Edwin Friedman’s  A Failure of Nerve  book, especially when he discussed the concept of reactivity.[1]  As much as I enjoyed reading this book to discover how neurotransmitters impact my marriage, I…

14 responses

A Piece of Grit

By: on November 15, 2024

Introduction “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” by Angela Duckworth, has been rated 4.6/5.0 stars on amazon.com and 4.1/5 stars on 4.1/5 stars on Goodreads. Is it a good read? The reviews I watched on YouTube agreed on the fact that it is a very practical book, and it is useful for self-improvement. Angela…

14 responses

Maybe She’s Born with (Gr)it

By: on November 15, 2024

“Stubborn Dutchman” was a phrase I heard almost weekly as a child. It was applied to grandparents, aunts and uncles, my parents, siblings, and yes, to me. It seemed to be a regular explanation to a tenacity and commitment against all odds, even when the activity or hypothesis was less than iron-clad. Sometimes an insult,…

16 responses

From the Gridiron to Grit

By: on November 15, 2024

As we pay homage to our armed military veterans across the United States this week, the sports enthusiast in me would like to pay special tribute to the United States Army football team. They are ranked 18th overall in the nation in college football standings and are currently on a 14-game winning streak, the longest…

16 responses

Grit challenge!

By: on November 14, 2024

Grit is a common word in my household. My husband serves with a missions organization as a mobilization coach and equips potential goers to go to unreached people groups. The organization partners with local churches to help future goers to be developed as church planters to unreached people groups.  They have three steps in their…

9 responses

Finding a Gritty Example

By: on November 14, 2024

Grit. The word conjures images of dusty cowboys enduring hardship out on the plains of the American west while protecting their cattle and preserving their way of life. Maybe the image comes easily because the long-awaited final episodes of the fan-favorite television series, Yellowstone, have begun to drop. In this series about life on a…

14 responses

Grit vs. Survival

By: on November 14, 2024

I live among people whose resilience and resourcefulness are extraordinary, and I am amazed and humbled by what they produce and repurpose daily with limited resources. Whether navigating crowded market stalls, constructing buildings with only buckets and concrete blocks, or commuting in taxis, rickshaws, on donkeys, or by foot, one thing is unmistakable: life here…

20 responses

A Wish on a Star or a Personal Mission Statement

By: on November 14, 2024

Between the two books, Grit: The POWER of PASSION and PERSEVERANCE[1] and Mindset[2], it feels like I was reading several lines from my “script” to new employees at our orientation meetings each month, except with different words. My role in these meetings is to welcome the newcomers, review our Mission, Core Values and Vision statements…

12 responses

(Let’s go!) يلا

By: on November 14, 2024

“You’re a lady doing the worker’s job!” I looked up from my sweeping to smile at the neighbor passing. I shrugged and cheerfully told her it was good exercise. She laughed, agreed, exchanged a few more words, and continued walking. That exchange was in the local dialect of Arabic. I understood her. She understood me.…

12 responses

Got Grit?

By: on November 14, 2024

*Grit: (Noun) courage and resolve; strength of character:*   What does it take to develop grit? Is grit really perseverance and passion, or simply perseverance with a growth mindset? Does Grit even matter? Angela Duckworth wrote the book Grit in 2016 after measuring success in various groups of students and people. Having gone from the…

12 responses