By: Jennifer Vernam on November 6, 2023
I had an amazing opportunity on Friday as part of my work with the I to We organization[1]. We assembled a group of Christian local leaders from various denominations and educational organizations to discuss team building. It was a timely conversation and I got to share with them some of the readings from this course…
By: Kally Elliott on November 6, 2023
“This is not a book about religion against consumer culture; it is a book about the fate of religion in consumer culture.”[1] With this statement in the introduction to his book, Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture, Vincent Miller, summarizes the basic thesis of his book. He gets more specific in…
By: Dinka Utomo on November 2, 2023
“Providing kingdom-seeking, God-honoring, biblically rooted influence requires that one has an ongoing, intimate interaction with God” -Jules Glanzer- The head of Badan Kependudukan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (translated: National Population and Family Planning Board) Indonesia, Dr. Hasto Hardoyo mentions in his statement that “Currently, the divorce (rate) is high because in many families the original…
By: Jana Dluehosh on November 2, 2023
A beginning and an ending; an invitation and blessing. I am called into a very specific area of life where I help people come face to face with their own mortality, their own disappointments on a life not lived or as accomplished as they hoped, or relationships broken. I know, I know, I’m Dr. Death. …
By: Todd E Henley on November 2, 2023
“We have become so focused on leading others, we have fundamentally lost the ability to lead ourselves.”1 “Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.”2 The Sound of Leadership by Jules Glanzer…
By: Adam Harris on November 2, 2023
Both my boys have been learning to play instruments. My oldest has been working with the trombone and my youngest is learning the guitar. As they were gaining their musical skills it was a bit comical and, at times, painful to hear, but that’s part of learning! I’m the one who usually takes my youngest…
By: Mathieu Yuill on November 2, 2023
The Question: “What do you want them to say about you at your funeral?” It was a pretty deep question for my uncle to ask when I was 14 years old but the lesson was clear: live your life the way you want to be remembered. As I grew older and entered professional work I…
By: Cathy Glei on November 2, 2023
“God-honoring, kingdom seeking, biblically rooted leadership has a scale too. All the complexities of leadership, the required competencies and character, the convictions and courage to act, and the needed charisma and compassion to accomplish what is needed for the common good of the people fulfilling God’s mission in the world, are built on five words: …
By: Jenny Dooley on November 2, 2023
The Sound of Leadership: Kingdom Notes to Fine Tune Your Life and Influence, by Jules Glanzer, presents a pause from the intense readings of the past few weeks. The title of the book grabbed my attention immediately as it hinted at further insights to the importance of listening, a thread I’m following throughout our readings.…
By: Esther Edwards on November 2, 2023
Sound…“the interface between heaven and earth.”[1] The very first sound was the voice of God which brought the world into existence. It displayed power and creative authority from the onset of humanity. We can’t see sound, but it always affects us. Julian Treasure stated its effects as deeply physiological, psychological, cognitive, and behavioral.[2]…
By: Russell Chun on November 2, 2023
Хвиля, A hullám, Vlna (The wave, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Slovak) Part 1 What my DLGP 01/DLG 02 cohort peers are saying. Part 2 From Glanzer’s Lips Part 3 What I learned Part 1. For the most part, I have not only enjoyed reading the posts of my peers, but in times when I have difficulty understanding…
By: Kally Elliott on November 1, 2023
Even though I know better, I keep reading these leadership books in hopes of finding some magic formula for being a great leader. Maybe there is a step by step process, a check list of some sort, that will not only get me to the head of the (conference) table but will also keep me…
By: Jonita Fair-Payton on November 1, 2023
“I firmly believe that kingdom-seeking, God-honoring, biblically rooted leadership needs to learn how to hear God’s voice. Leaders must lead from a divine center with a heart in tune with the heart of God, forming a holy partnership that results in fulfilling the purposes of God on earth.”(1) Leadership Vibrations This book was music to…
By: Pam Lau on October 31, 2023
The Many Voices of Leadership As I look for book titles on leadership on Amazon, I find more than 30,000 results. It’s overwhelming. Advice on leading seems to have no limits. Lead out of who you are Selfish leadership Become a multiplier. Become good to great. Coaching as leadership. Trust and inspire A Leader’s…
By: Tim Clark on October 31, 2023
In the TV show Ted Lasso, the character Dani Rojas has a catchphrase: “Football is life”. I love the show Ted Lasso. And I adore Dani Rojas’. But I disagree with him. If I had a catchphrase, it would be “Music is life”. My mom said that when I was born, the doctor was singing…
By: Kim Sanford on October 31, 2023
After a little more than a year of doctoral studies in leadership, I don’t suppose we’re experts yet, but I do think we can draw a few solid conclusions. Can we all agree that a good approach to God-honoring leadership might be:1. Leading by means of compelling vision2. Maintaining an unimpeachable character 3. Influencing rather…
By: John Fehlen on October 30, 2023
I don’t recommend being in Las Vegas on a Friday night. Overall, Vegas is a dumpster fire wrapped in a train wreck. That is, unless, you are in Las Vegas with your best friends, to see [arguably] the best band in the world, U2, at the best venue currently in the world: The Sphere. Google…
By: Jennifer Vernam on October 30, 2023
Goodreads lists[1] Glanzer’s The Sound of Leadership as “a collection of leadership insights,”[2] which would be the beginning of my description of this book if someone were to notice it on my coffee table. However, those five words do not do it full justice, as I found this book to serve as a reminder of…
By: Jana Dluehosh on October 27, 2023
Strange title huh. I want to start by saying, as I have heard by some of you say and I quote “this is hard”. Yep, it is! I have to be honest, I am struggling trying to find interest in the topics this semester. I’m struggling hard, and I am also struggling with my NPO…
By: Dinka Utomo on October 27, 2023
“Poverty was nature surviving in society; that the limitedness of food and the unlimitedness of men had come to an issue just when the promise of boundless increase of wealth burst in upon us made the irony only the more bitter.” -Karl Polanyi- On every occasion when I contemplate international travel, my preparations include…