Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Differentiating Authenticity

By: on March 17, 2023

Leadership, written by Peter Guy Northouse, is a comprehensive guide to leadership theories, research, and practices.[1] This book is much more than Northouse’s opinion about leadership, it is an all-encompassing manual for leadership at its core. Northouse provides a detailed chronology of leadership and provides readers with an understanding of both traditional and contemporary approaches…

12 responses


By: on March 17, 2023

I recently was discussing my plans for Easter service with the lead pastor. My hope is to try something different. To give some context, the church I attend meets on a campus with four other churches. One of them requested to use the main sanctuary for baptisms on Easter and inquired to see when we…

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Transformational leadership is my twin.

By: on March 17, 2023

Introduction: I must admit being a leadership junkie, whether junkie is a good term or not, the truth is wherever I hear anything about Leadership, especially servant or transformational leadership, my head will turn and move in that direction. The passion for leadership, in my case, didn’t come easy or from desirable circumstances, but I…

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A Single Grain of Rice

By: on March 16, 2023

I am a big Disney fan. I love watching Disney movies. Disneyland is my happy place. I know. You are shocked. Mulan ranks in my top ten favorite Disney animated films. It tells the story of a young woman who, in order to save her father’s life, takes his place in a draft, taking on…

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Follower as Change Agent

By: on March 16, 2023

Peter Northouse wrote the Book Leadership. This book is an in-depth look at the theory and practice of leadership. It is filled with case studies and research round the various aspects of leadership. There is too much to cover in one blog post, so this blog I will focus on chapter 13, Followership. Leaders Require…

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I Walk A Lonely Road

By: on March 15, 2023

A Familiar Leadership Maxim It has been said that if you are a leader, but no one is following you, then you’re not a leader. You’re just going for a walk.   This leadership maxim would align with the definition of leadership according to Peter G. Northouse in his book Leadership: Theory and Practice.[1] “Leadership…

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Imitate Me as I Also Imitate Christ!

By: on March 14, 2023

Intro Peter Northouse book on Leadership: Theory and Practice is an amazing book on Leadership. After reading this book my head is spinning and I feel as if there is many different ways one can lead. Comparing to the Spiritual Gifts in 1st Corinthians 12 we can come to the conclusion that the most important…

9 responses

New Day, Same Story

By: on March 12, 2023

Agarwal’s book provides a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the concept of unconscious bias and its impact on individuals and society. Drawing on insights from neuroscience, psychology, and sociology, Agarwal offers a nuanced analysis of how unconscious bias manifests in various domains, including race, gender, age, and social class. The book is divided into two…

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Living in Harmony

By: on March 12, 2023

Sway is a book about biases, conscious and unconscious, but mostly unconscious biases. [1] The author, Pragya Agarwal, is a woman raised in India that later immigrated to the United Kingdom. [2] Being a woman intelligent in mathematics and sciences which is often considered a man’s realm, and also a woman of color, and a…

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Unconscious Bias in the Believer

By: on March 12, 2023

Understanding the forces that shape human behavior is a key element of emotional intelligence, strong relationships and successful leadership. In the book Sway: Unravelling Unconscious Bias, Dr. Pragya Agarwal offers an insightful look at how our behavior is influenced by unconscious bias. Drawing on a wide range of research from psychology to neuroscience, Agarwal shows…

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Fallacy:  To Know Better is to Do Better

By: on March 12, 2023

Pragya Agarwal, in her book, Sway Unraveling Unconscious Bias, explains through research from various disciplines, real stories, and scientific theories the unintentional biases we all experience. Dr. Agarwal demonstrates where the biases come from, how they affect our perspectives and decision-making, and most importantly, why it is necessary to unlearn them. In her book, she…

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Keeping my mouth shut…leaning into Authentic Leadership

By: on March 11, 2023

In a recent Monday Cohort zoom chat, a fellow doctorate student (namely, Greg McMullen) shared one of his tips on writing his blogs. He said that when considering what to write, he lets his ideas “pass through (his) heart” and then begins to organize his ideas around this.[1] Reading Northouse’s Leadership Theory and Practice prompted…

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Tour Guide Chad

By: on March 10, 2023

What better way to spend Spring Break than on a college tour. My oldest daughter wanted to visit the University of Oklahoma (OU) and I was all for it, after all these are my people. This is where I grew up and where my family lives. I affectionately refer to this as “the motherland.” The…

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Frogs in a Well

By: on March 10, 2023

There is a Chinese fable by Zhuangzi that I grew up hearing about a frog who lives in the bottom of a deep and narrow well. As other animals come and tell him about the world outside, the frog scoffs at them and knows in his heart that the well is the entire world, there…

11 responses

A Step Back, A Step Forward, and a Commitment to Change

By: on March 9, 2023

“The truth can be uncomfortable, but if we don’t face reality [our] implicit biases will shape and transform our society in a way that we had never thought possible.”[1] I took some valuable steps backward and forward this week while reading Pragya Agarwal’s book, Sway, and emerged with new learnings and new commitments. Pragya Agarwal’s…

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What’s In A Name?

By: on March 9, 2023

Two years ago, my husband and a friend of his both began job searching at the same time due to company layoffs. My husband is a white male. His friend is an Hispanic male. My husband submitted between ten to twenty applications. He was hired within the same company in another position within a month.…

11 responses

Is Bias Wrapped In A Dopamine Taco?

By: on March 7, 2023

I have a teenage daughter that likes to speak into my life. She often shares what she learned in high school with us and how messed up the world is. She will often make suggestions in how we should do things, or even at our church. Recently she informed me that if I would not…

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