By: Elmarie Parker on October 22, 2021
Monday, I returned to my virtual desk after five weeks of family leave. One of the first emails to greet me was a tirade from a superior in my organization accusing me of undermining our organization and threatening action against me unless I immediately responded to their email. All this based on their interpretation of…
By: Denise Johnson on October 21, 2021
Polarization or the contrasts of various perspectives seems to be themes that reappear in the readings these days. Daniel Kahneman’s widely cited, influential book Thinking, Fast and Slow, is yet another example. His descriptions of contrasting decision-making approaches that influence one’s biases. He highlights the variety of seemly logical processes that a person or institution…
By: Jonathan Lee on October 21, 2021
Daniel Kahneman, the author of Thinking, fast and slow, has achieved enormous markers in his life as a renowned psychologist, emeritus professor of Princeton University, and winner of Noble prize in Economics. The international bestseller, Thinking, fast and slow, educates the reader to become more conscious and reflect upon one’s own decision-making process. The author’s…
By: Nicole Richardson on October 21, 2021
Alice was bored; bored with the doldrums of regular life; bored of books with no pictures. Out of boredom Alice is lured to follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole. I imagine Alice would be similarly bored with the Daniel Kahneman’s 400 plus page book (with very few pictures) Reading, Fast and Slow. Kahneman’s…
By: Troy Rappold on October 21, 2021
In the best seller, “Thinking fast and Slow,” Daniel Kahneman expounds how the two systems of the human mind works. System one (which is fast) is instinctual, intuitive and emotional. System two (which is slow) is more logical, deliberate, and analytical. The book is sweeping in its ambitions and it succeeds on all its promises.…
By: Roy Gruber on October 21, 2021
How we think does not occupy one’s thinking. So says psychologist and economist Daniel Kahneman. Like the process involved in the air we breathe, our decisions happen naturally, or so we assume. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Kahneman examines the biases of intuition.[1] The author employs principles of behavioral economics to inform numerous examples from…
By: Andy Hale on October 21, 2021
If we scratch just a little bit beneath the surface, maybe I am not as wise and thoughtful as I initially thought. What leads me to such thinking beyond a general observation of my existence? Kahneman so lovely argued, “Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited…
By: Eric Basye on October 21, 2021
Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking Fast and Slow, dives deep into the science of how humans make decisions. In this in-depth and witty book, the author provides a two-system approach to categorize how decisions are made. “System 1 operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effect and no sense of voluntary control,” whereas “System 2…
By: Michael Simmons on October 20, 2021
Comprehending Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking Fast and Slow is like trying to capture the entire Grand Canyon in a single photo – there is so much detail and stimuli coming in that it is nearly impossible to see a single detail. So, I cognitively zoom up a few thousand feet to gain a greater perspective on…
By: Kayli Hillebrand on October 20, 2021
Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, while daunting in size provides an engaging opportunity for the reader to think differently about common notions of psychology, statistics, and intuition. While the work in essence focuses on the psychological factors behind economic behavior, there is much more to glean, especially from a leadership lens. It is evident…
By: Elmarie Parker on October 15, 2021
Simon P. Walker writes Leading Out of Who You Are: Discovering the Secret of Undefended Leadership (The Undefended Leader Trilogy Book 1) out of his experience working with The Leadership Community.[1] That alone sets his work apart from many other books classified under leadership development based on psychological insight. Walker writes for the purpose of…
By: Jonathan Lee on October 14, 2021
Simon Walker, the author of The Undefended Leader, challenges the readers to look up to the summit of the mountain where few extraordinary ‘undefended leaders’ can be found. He presents the idea of reaching our true potential to be an undefended leader – “These are the ones whose life and philosophy have involved deliberate acts…
By: Nicole Richardson on October 14, 2021
“Phenomenal cosmic power. Itty bitty living Space.” These were Genie’s words to Aladdin as he described the give and take of being a Genie in a bottle. I thought of this line when reading our book this week. Simon Walker’s book “The Undefended Leader” promises to take the potential leader to the top of a…
By: Henry Gwani on October 14, 2021
The Undefended Leader may be seen as a philosophical book that uses metaphor, case studies and religion, especially Christianity, to discuss the importance of a morally healthy leadership. The trilogy begins by examining how leaders defend themselves (try to ‘protect’ their weaknesses) through hypocrisy, abuse of power and control. It then identifies various dimensions of…
By: Roy Gruber on October 14, 2021
Amid a time when the over-used word “authentic” means so many things that it means very little, Simon P. Walker offers a foundation on which genuine, personal leadership can emerge. “Leading Out of Who You Are,” the first in a trilogy, clearly identifies leadership as the topic. The subcategory of self-leadership puts Walker’s book a…
By: Denise Johnson on October 14, 2021
The book Leading Out of Who You Are, by Simon Walker is the first volume of his trilogy on this topic. He introduces his work by leading the reader through the faults and weaknesses of a leader who is being driven by the effects of their family of origin. These subconscious forces impact how a…
By: Troy Rappold on October 14, 2021
In his book, “Leading out of Who You Are” Simon Walker attempts to reveal the “secrets” that lie behind great leadership. This is book one of his trilogy entitled, “The Undefended Leader.” Walker states, “Leadership is about who you are, not what you know or what skills you have” (p.5). It is a common notion…
By: Andy Hale on October 14, 2021
Do you want to lead? Then place a mirror ahead of you and behind you to get a complete perspective of who you indeed are. “Leadership is the activity—any activity—that leads other people more deeply into this full humanity: which enables them to take hold of, and take responsibility for, the life that they, as…
By: Kayli Hillebrand on October 13, 2021
In the first book in The Undefended Leader trilogy, Simon Walker depicts the landscape of the undefended leader in a visual manner that offers the reader concrete and practical application at the end of each chapter. His concept of the undefended leader can boil down to their core identity – they know who they are…
By: Eric Basye on October 13, 2021
Simon Walker, the author of The Undefended Leader, is a professor, writer, and leadership coach committed to developing leaders from all walks of life. In the introduction, he writes, “some of us long – and hope – for a different kind of leadership. We still believe that a leader should say what he means and…