Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Maps of Meaning and Plugged-in Power

By: on March 18, 2024

Has one of your favorite singers or bands ever decided to go unplugged? One of the bands I’ve enjoyed listening to over the past twenty years is Rise Against. In 2018, they forewent their typical electric, frenetic, punk rock sound to go acoustic in Ghost Note Symphonies. The compilation album included some of their songs…

8 responses

“Excuse Me, I’m Flawed.”

By: on March 18, 2024

Nigel Biggar author of Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, stepped out on a ledge when writing his controversial book on British Colonialism. In the context of 2023, he took a risk and he also struggled greatly to have the book published. I believe in the value of varied perspectives. Learning from each other and seeking to…

11 responses

Moral Authority, Fundamental to Undefended Leadership.

By: on March 17, 2024

In the Summer of 2015 Issue, the Westmont Magazine has a heading titled, “The Moral Leadership of American President,” [1] that speaks to the importance of Moral Leadership in the highest office of the Nation. Couple excerpt from the articles reads, “Moral leadership is in fact a central task of our presidents when it’s done…

2 responses

Moral Truth

By: on March 17, 2024

Colonialism, as defined by Merriam-Webster is “domination of a people or area by a foreign state or nation : the practice of extending and maintaining a nation’s political and economic control over another people or area[1]” Nigel Biggar, Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford, challenges prevailing attitudes towards…

5 responses

Bias and Critical History

By: on March 16, 2024

By what information do we form our perceptions, opinions and future behavior? Psychologist point out that people are not entirely rational and rely on shortcuts called “biases” to make sense of information. One particular bias that seems relevant for a reflection of historical events and their impact on the present and future is called the…

7 responses

She Who Leads Anyway!

By: on March 15, 2024

Let me tell you a story about a shy, little girl.  She happened to be part of a family that a lot of people knew and sometimes put on a pedestal.  They were talented and outgoing.  This little girl did not want any attention, she just wanted to live her life.  In her sophomore year…

7 responses

The Red Coats Are Coming

By: on March 15, 2024

During his midnight ride, Paul Revere alerted the colonial militia that the British troops were coming. However, in many countries there was not a person or warning of what was to come by invasion of the British Empire. We see many countries in Africa and throughout the continents of the world that were impacted by…

10 responses

Moving Towards the Perpendicular

By: on March 15, 2024

“I have yet to see a piece of writing, political or non-political, that does not have a slant. All writing slants the way a writer leans, and no man is born perpendicular.” (E. B. White)[1]   E.B. White is referring to writing. However, we all carry our own ‘slants’ whether we are writers or not.…

7 responses

The Shaping Of Who We Are & How We Lead

By: on March 15, 2024

In “Leading Out of Who You Are: Discovering the Secret of Undefended Leadership,”  Simon Walker invites us to engage leadership on a more personal level, seeing it as a journey of self-awareness that’s fundamentally “about who you are, not what you know or what skills you have.”  With this as the foundation, he says that …

12 responses

Don’t Spend Half Your Brain Being Someone Else

By: on March 15, 2024

In his interview with Simon Walker, former British Petroleum executive, Lord John Browne said, regarding the work environment, he wanted to ensure that “people are who they are when they come to work and not spending half of their brain being someone else.” [1] He went on to share that for many years, he led…

13 responses

Nothing praiseworthy is a result of Colonialism!

By: on March 15, 2024

In his book Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Biggar starts the introduction to his book and shares how he got notified that his “Ethics and Empire project had become the target of an online denunciation by a group of students, followed by a reassurance from the university that it had risen to defend my right to…

19 responses

माइक्रोएग्रेशन्स: मजबूत दावे, अपर्याप्त सबूत, Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate Evidence

By: on March 15, 2024

माइक्रोएग्रेशन्स: मजबूत दावे, अपर्याप्त सबूत, Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate Evidence – Hindi Introduction: Part 1: DEI/Microaggressions Part 2: Critiquing Microaggressions Epilogue: Something for Christians Introduction DEI…Microaggressions are terms that are relatively new to me.  While the injustices in the workplace bear revealing and active discussion.  I am unsure about the “over activism” that has emerged…

4 responses

More Blessed to Give When You First Receive

By: on March 15, 2024

Self-assessments, personality tests, and self-help methods are things I like to explore. I enjoy learning, especially new theories and trends. I go through phases, learning what I can, sharing with those who may seem interested, and finally applying what is relevant before I move on to a new subject. As I started to read Leading…

18 responses

The World on Our Shoulders

By: on March 15, 2024

For those who have visited Rockefeller Center in New York City, you might remember a large statue of the ancient Greek Titan Atlas holding the heavens on his shoulders. Something fascinating about this statue is that depending on the angle from which Atlas is viewed, spectators might come to different conclusions concerning this Greek Titan.…

12 responses

Leading Out Of Who You Are (Called To Be)

By: on March 15, 2024

I am often working with high-calibre and high-level leaders from the Canadian church landscape. Reflecting on thousands of conversations I have participated in as a friend, coach, director and consultant, I think the call to ‘lead out of who one is’ is both quest and struggle. I know firsthand the real battle of reactivity to…

11 responses

Free Within

By: on March 14, 2024

When I was a child, I used to sing.  My mother was my manager, booking gigs at local bars and theaters.  I sang a range of musical arrangements from the blues (Billie Holiday’s “Good Morning Heartache) to pop (Donna Summer’s “On the Radio” – I was actually wheeled out on stage sitting on a giant…

12 responses

Man Behind The Curtain

By: on March 14, 2024

There is only one answer to the question, “How is your church doing?”  It’s one word long: “Great!”  In the last week, various people have asked me that question.  One was a fellow pastor in my area, another was a mentor, and another was a congregation member.  To say anything else, to be completely honest,…

13 responses

Colonialism: Grandma Shares Her Wisdom

By: on March 14, 2024

I was recently imagining a conversation with my grandmother on the topics we have been discussing in our DLGP cohort: wicked problems, the good kill, colonialism. What would Grandma have to contribute? Born in 1910, my grandma saw a lot of change in her ninety-six years. I lived with her for my first two years…

10 responses


By: on March 14, 2024

Reading Leading Out of Who You Are reminded me of picking at scabs. It sort of feels good to pick around the itchy edges and knock away some crusts, but go too far and there is risk of opening a partially healed wound and bleeding all over. It was just so awkward, to use my…

9 responses