Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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The Search for Belonging

By: on January 16, 2014

About three years ago, I sat in a circle with a group of about twenty people, the majority of whom I had never before met. Most were much wealthier, much more accomplished professionally, more refined in their personality. At the outset it seemed apparent that our common bond was our involvement in the mission endeavour…

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Leadership Happens. Thinking about Nohria & Khurana’s Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice

By: on December 28, 2013

Leadership happens.  Unfortunately, it often doesn’t go as well as it possibly could. Editors Nohria Nitin and Rakesh Khurana offer a step toward increasing the viability of positive leadership encounters.  They have woven together an excellent text with a solid combination of authors in the Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice: A Harvard Business School…

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Elliot_Theoretically, We’re All Social

By: on December 27, 2013

The idea of society is contested ground.  There is a multiplicity of competing definitions vying for preeminence as to how society ought to be construed and enacted.  This multiplicity is what Anthony Elliot proceeds to engage throughout Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction as he reviews concepts and people propagating such ideas and theories. Elliot notes…

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Ford_ A Theological Hello

By: on December 27, 2013

In Theology: A Very Short Introduction author David Ford defines theology as “thinking about questions raised by and about the religions.” (16)  As a theologian himself situated in the context of the university, Ford further clarifies his definition through adding some specifics and focusing his attention on the academy’s involvement with the topic, “Theology deals…

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Grenz_Olson_McGrath – Theologians Theologizing Theology

By: on December 27, 2013

Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson have written a modern, succinct and accessible classic with Who Needs Theology: An Invitation to the Study of God.  It is a text that is well-suited to be coupled alongside Alister McGrath’s own important contribution to the discipline now in its 5th edition – Christian Theology: An Introduction.  While Grenz…

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London – A Space of Grace

By: on December 23, 2013

Space…when I saw the name of this store in London it immediately caught my attention. It seemed that from the time I applied to the Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives, space became my new word. Do I have the “space” to do this now? How do I make “space” for this in…

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Visual Ethnography London 2013

By: on December 22, 2013

MY PERSONAL INTERESTS             London! The world class city that contains places that I have only heard of in movies, and historical narratives: The River Thames, London Bridge, The Tower of London, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Lloyds of London, St Paul’s cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Underground tubes, double-decker busses and the iconic red telephone box!  I…

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By: on December 21, 2013

INTRODUCTION The use of video and photography in the field of ethnography continues to expand as world has grown to become more visual both in observation and communication of knowledge. Pink point out that, “the benefits of ethnographic approach are being realized in visual arts and media studies” ( Sarah Pink, Doing Visual Ethnography, 1). Through…

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My London Experience

By: on December 20, 2013

Introduction I left for London, England, in September of 2013 to meet up with friends and colleagues as we continued on our journey to attain more insight about leadership and global perspectives. This was my second trip to London, allowing me to get reacquainted with the great city.We studied, learned, visited iconic sites, ate great…

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By: on December 20, 2013

Personal Interests I traveled to London mainly because it was part of my student obligation and I was also interested in learning more about the Doctorate of Ministry in Leadership and Global perspectives. This was a crucial opportunity for my wife and me to discern whether we can committee to the program. We are eager…

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My Leadership Journey in the New Global World

By: on December 18, 2013

My wife, Cindy, and I flew into London on September 24th, 2013 for my second Dmin Advance week. I had never been to London before and I was looking forward to exploring the famous city and country I had read about in history books. I was also looking forward to the learning experience I would…

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London Experience

By: on December 17, 2013

London Experience… I have never thought I would be able to make this trip and join my fellow LGP cohort in this program because I received my visa only four days prior to our departure to London. When my visa finally came it was a great joy and confirmation that God was in this trip…

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Leadership Through A London Experience Lens

By: on December 17, 2013

Lens One: Personal Interests London has always had a mystique about it for me. To come and learn about the culture and how Christian influence is working here has a great appeal. The architecture alone was magnificent. My impression was that the convergence of British history of religion, government and scientific progress is reflected in…

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London 2013!

By: on December 17, 2013

Like most people, I did a little research on London before the advance. This was to be my first trip out of the country in twenty-four years. I left Romania when I was ten years old and never really wanted to go back to Europe until this opportunity came up. I waited twenty-four years to…

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By: on December 16, 2013

Living in anticipation – an introduction to the London Experience After months of anticipation the moment of the London advance had arrived. It began over ten months before the moment. During the enrollment process I was constantly intrigued by the prospect of a course of study that promised learning opportunities with a global perspective. George…

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