Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Nervousness? No Thank You. Nerviness? Yes Please and Thank You Very Much.

By: on November 3, 2014

Friedman’s A Failure of Nerve is just the text needed for further invigorating – rather than truncating – conversation encouraging a robust engagement between a universally interconnected moral coding (however, nuanced) and civic participation. Of course, reading anything related to “universal” puts a lot of peoples’ radar on high alert with warning sirens flashing and resounding in…

2 responses

Trialogue – gospel, church, world

By: on November 1, 2014

hey all, I see you have been reading McGrath! Fun stuff eh? I’ve tended to see the engagement we have as three way — a trialogue with the gospel, church, and world (culture and our experience in the world). But it seems to me that one of the things we are learning is that we…

one response

I Choose…

By: on October 31, 2014

I first read Edwin Friedman’s book, A failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, in the fall of 2009. I didn’t realize just how much I learned from this book until I picked it up again. His thoughts on self-differentiation changed the way that I lead and interact with people in…

8 responses

Above the Dysfunction

By: on October 31, 2014

  I was in an academic department meeting this week. These are meetings that I endure rather than enjoy. I even find myself taking notes in code sometimes: WAIH (Why am I here?); WISSA (Why is she speaking so much?); O & O (One and on); LHM (Lord have mercy). Our department chair is a…

7 responses

Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix

By: on October 31, 2014

In his book Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix: A Failure of Nerve, Edwin H Friedman presents unprecedented insight on leadership from his great wealth of experience working as a pulpit rabbi, organizational consultant, and family therapist. Friedman uncovers the failure of leadership affecting America’s civilization today, which he refers to as a…

7 responses

“Just tell me what I should do”

By: on October 31, 2014

A few months ago I watched Bob Schieffer’s interview on “Face of the Nation” with former US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. Albright summed up the world’s current condition by saying “the world is a mess.” Madam Secretary is right. Her interview focused on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the Gaza and Israel…

11 responses

A Dreamer Dreams

By: on October 31, 2014

There once was a dreamer that dreamed a dream. This dream occurred several times over the years. Sometimes the setting varied, but there was always a common element. There was water present. At times this meant the setting was a coastal town and other times the water was something to be crossed. In either situation…

11 responses

Becoming a Well-Differentiated Leader

By: on October 31, 2014

So many good books so little time. Again, another great author. Another great book. A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix by Edwin H. Friedman is one of those books that I will continue to return to in order to be reminded that good leadership cannot be synthesized down to…

8 responses

Having the nerve to lead

By: on October 31, 2014

How many times have you heard the phrase “lets just all get along”? This is a common saying or theme that many businesses and church leaders are propagating. It seems that the art of leadership is has given way to allowing everyone to have equal say and vote in the workplace. While it is important…

7 responses

Failure of Nerve…

By: on October 30, 2014

Edwin H. Friedman wrote one of the frankest, no-nonsense books I have ever read. A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix caused me to wrinkle my forehead, squint my eyes, and stare off into space for minutes at a time as I pondered his thoughts. I was reminded of real…

11 responses

Wesley’s Triangle?

By: on October 30, 2014

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Christian Theology: An Introduction by Alister E. McGrath. This is a great book for both the novice as well as the scholar. McGrath “assumes that its readers know nothing about Christian theology.”[1] He thus creates a tool that can be placed in the hand of a student, but at the same…

7 responses

The Quadrilateral of Chrisian Theology

By: on October 30, 2014

The Quadrilateral of Christian Theology   October 30, 2014   The renewal of my love for Theology has come full circle again. Studying Christian Theology this week has renewed my interest and pointed me to a point of theology that I believe is timeless in its nature, the quadrilateral. Before I get into that I…

15 responses

Being There: Lessons Learned In Parenthood

By: on October 30, 2014

In our information inundated, computerized world, there is the strong temptation to find quick-fixes, easy answers, new techniques, and advice from a plethora of experts ready to solve whatever issues or problems you might have. For this reason, my heart goes out the legions of small church pastors and the mothers of over-active children who…

8 responses

The Power of Presence

By: on October 30, 2014

I can’t remember the number of times I’ve heard my husband tell me how difficult it is to coach people who either do not want to be coached, or who are not ready to be coached. That’s why at the start of any potential coaching engagement, he asks clients to do a ‘coachability’ test. My…

5 responses

Broad vision on a narrow road

By: on October 30, 2014

My posts have been reflecting upon ways in which theological thinking can be a meeting place, a place to ask important questions. I’ve been attempting to adopt a learning posture, being curious without having to be ‘the answer guy;’ communicating a broader vision, which goes beyond my comfort level, going beyond what I had described…

10 responses

Many Have Gone Before Us

By: on October 30, 2014

Who Needs Theology, followed by, A Very Short Introduction to Theology, followed by a 500+ page student textbook on theology is enough to make me cry for mercy! I’m not sure where to even start with Alister McGrath’s Christian Theology: An Introduction. While yes, this is an introduction to theology, McGrath chose the comprehensive approach…

10 responses

New Discoveries

By: on October 30, 2014

Make no mistake, despite my relaxed (some would say barely alive) exterior there is a deep desire to change the way people view the world. Having been involved in ministry for about 25 years and now having served in full time ministry for almost fourteen years, that desire has met with both external and internal…

6 responses

Put Down Those Matches!

By: on October 30, 2014

Put Down Those Matches!   Christian theology, at any level much any deeper than just below the surface, should not be attempted without also studying its developmental arc down through the history of the church.  To more fully embrace the theological thoughts and conversations found within the available corpus of theological work, it is important…

10 responses