Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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What’s in your Inner Library?

By: on October 6, 2016

Taking seriously the advice of our lead mentor, Dr. Jason Clark, I read a vast number of reviews about Bayard’s How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, before reading the book itself. If the reviewers are to be believed, Bayard’s book is either pure satire, a serious treatise on discussing a book without reading, an offering…

12 responses

Follow the Money

By: on October 6, 2016

Introduction “Follow the money!”  Has anything really changed?  In Peter Frankopan’s book, The Silk Road: A New History of the World, he reiterates this very thought of money, currency, trade goods and the impact upon the world.  Of greater interest is his shifting of the “center” of the world away from the “alluvial lowlands of…

14 responses

Historical Tension

By: on October 6, 2016

Summary Silk Road by Peter Frankopan is a historical view of the world that is taken from a non-eurocentric perspective. Frankopan is a well noted scholar and academic from Oxford, England, where he is the director of the Centre for Byzantine Research. Frankopan ignores the common thought of the world’s history going back through the…

7 responses

Gaining a Global Perspective Along The Silk Roads

By: on October 6, 2016

In many ways, The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan is the quintessential book for this doctor of ministry leadership and global perspectives track. Frankopan’s stories of leaders, networks, conquests, religion, economies, and of course, his conclusion that the Silk Roads are rising again, each epitomize what we learned last year and what we are currently…

12 responses

No Shame in Not Reading

By: on October 6, 2016

Now that we understand “How to Read a Book” we can learn how “Not to Read a Book” and still talk about it!!! What a time saver for poor, tired students! In “How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read” Pierre Bayard encourages us to learn why we strive for an image of cultural literacy.…

14 responses

Of Books and People

By: on October 6, 2016

How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, by Pierre Bayard When I first looked at the title of this book which I was required to read and discuss, the irony was almost too perfect.  In fact, I half expected that this was one of those books you find in novelty stores that have a…

9 responses


By: on October 6, 2016

As we walked the stairs and passage ways of Oxford University we could hear echoes. We could hear the echo of our own footsteps and perhaps an echo of the voice of Harry Potter. But far more importantly we could and can hear the echoes of history. The walls and halls of Oxford in general,…

10 responses

Fairy Tale History

By: on October 6, 2016

Long ago, there was a boy by the name of Zeus, son of Cronus and Rhea. He later became the god of sky and thunder in ancient Greek religion and also ruled over the gods of Mount Olympus. He would overthrow his father and drew lots with his brother Poseidon and Hades to decide who…

5 responses

How to talk about books you haven’t read – Pierre Bayard

By: on October 6, 2016

  “It is not the quantity that is read, but the manner of reading, that yields us profit.  Those who read fast, reap no more advantage, than a bee would by only skimming over the surface of the flower, instead of waiting to penetrate into it, and extract its sweets.” (Madame Guyon – A Short…

8 responses

Renewed Silk Roads?

By: on October 5, 2016

Peter Frankopan – Silk Roads: A New History of the World   Introduction Peter Frankopan, is Director of the Centre for Byzantine Research at Oxford University and Senior Research Fellow at Worcester College, Oxford. In this comprehensive and compelling book Frankopan presents a perspective of world history through the lens of the East. With superb…

6 responses

The Silk Roads

By: on October 5, 2016

The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan Frankopan’s study reminds us that one-way systems are a recent invention. Traffic—physically and culturally—typically runs two ways, and certainly did along the Silk Roads. Introduction Peter Frankopan, the director of Oxford University’s Centre for Byzantine Research, has rethought world history while relocating all…

7 responses


By: on October 4, 2016

  When I entered college I was introduced to the Cliff Notes. Never heard of it? Well, it was a study guide which assisted many students in addressing what a book was about without reading the entire book.  The books I have read so far, I sort of wish I had cliff notes. Or should…

10 responses


By: on October 2, 2016

“How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read” by Pierre Bayard The irony of a non-reading professor issuing reading assignments to his students, and authoring a book presenting non-reading techniques on how to talk about books you haven’t read, is not lost on me.  As I read “How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read”,…

8 responses

How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read

By: on October 1, 2016

  I find it very clever that the table of contents for the book How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read by Pierre Bayard is structured in a way that you can skim it and understand what each chapter and section is intending to convey. It allows the reader to choose what they want to read…

11 responses

Nothing New: Worship Wars and Artistic Challenges

By: on September 16, 2016

Introduction: Visual Faith: Art, Theology and Worship in Dialogue by William A. Dryness is a culturally engage look at the foundation, history and present interaction and conflict of perspectives on the subject of “visual faith” in the church. By the book’s title, Dryness defines “visual faith” as all forms of artistic expression in church past…

13 responses

The Story Through The Eyes

By: on September 16, 2016

C.S. Lewis writes that “My own eyes are not enough for me, I will see through those of others.” We often declare that faith is about seeing something before “seeing it” so the visual arts allows us to see the world in its entirety, even if it’s an “Imagined World.” In reading this book, we’ll…

8 responses

A picture is worth a thousand words or why are there so many emojis?

By: on September 16, 2016

Like many students that have been assigned one of Sarah Pink’s books, or any like it, my first thought upon opening Doing Visual Ethnography was, ‘What is Visual or any other form of ethnography?’ Pink’s gives this definition of ethnography (34) :  a methodology…. an approach to experiencing, interpreting and representing experience, culture, society and material and…

14 responses