Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Cupbearer to Master Builder (Jurubekam Kepada Master Builder)

By: on September 12, 2024

This is a Syntopical book review based on a text that explores the importance of leadership. Nehemiah provides a classic and practical model of managerial leadership in spite of obstacles and challenges. He led God’s people in accomplishing the challenging goals set before them and his leadership style reaped the benefits of having the people…

11 responses


By: on September 11, 2024

Have you ever heard of Arthashastra? I hadn’t until this week’s assignment. Led by my curiosity about what 300+ year old books on leadership might exist in Asia, I was delighted to find an ancient book from the sub-continent of India that predates much of what is considered classical treatises on leadership and statecraft from…

12 responses

Is it possible to live a life without sin?

By: on September 11, 2024

Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War, believed to be written in 512 BC, is a long-standing exposition on leadership, asserting that the paramount objective in warfare is to ruin the adversary’s strategy.[1] This insight holds profound relevance, particularly within the context of the spiritual battles faced by Christians. My life coach recently reminded me that…

10 responses

The Enneagram, Free Will, and Good Character

By: on September 11, 2024

One of the primary reasons the concepts behind the Enneagram first resonated with me can be summed up in the words of Paul in Romans 7:18b-19: “For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the…

15 responses

An ancient map

By: on September 10, 2024

My bookshelf is full of modern books, and it is difficult to find a book older than thirty years. The challenge to find a book over three hundred years old was aided with a simple prompt in AI. The leadership book I chose to read was The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli. I chose it for…

12 responses

The Art of War

By: on September 10, 2024

The Art of War, by Sun Tzu is an ancient Chinese military writing, dating back to the 5th century BCE. The Art of War has been used by East Asians, Southeast Asians, French, and English for centuries and millennia and is highly regarded as one of the most influential strategy texts on warfare. [1]   Before…

12 responses

Some Fatherly Wisdom from a Church Father

By: on September 10, 2024

Although the book I read was published in 2016 (1), the content of the book was authored some 1900 years earlier (sometime between 98-140 AD) by Ignatius. Perhaps the most famous ‘Ignatius’ is Ignatius of Loyola, but Ignatius of Theophorus had an equally significant historical impact on Christianity—being widely recognized as one of the three…

6 responses

THE Book on Leadership

By: on September 9, 2024

There has not been an assignment that has impacted me more than this one: To blog on a book written about leadership that’s over 300 years old. Here’s why it has been so impactful: 300+ year old history is full of books, but it was surprising to me to discover how difficult it was to…

14 responses

Has Anything Changed?

By: on September 9, 2024

Do you ever look around the world today and notice all of the various issues with which we must contend?  Do you ever wonder if things are different today than compared to the past.; do leaders face the same issues?  King Solomon stated that there is nothing new under the sun, does that hold true…

16 responses

Tilting at Windmills

By: on September 9, 2024

Tilting at Windmills   Perhaps you are familiar with the story of Don Quixote. Maybe you saw the rendition of Man of La Mancha[1] on Broadway or maybe you were lucky enough to see his image made famous by Pablo Picasso while traveling through Spain. Cervantes novel from the 17th century[2] has had a consistent…

10 responses

What Aesop’s Fables Teach Us About Leadership

By: on September 9, 2024

Throughout this doctoral program, the famous fable about the tortoise and the hare has reminded me to persevere, tackling one assignment at a time, until the day I stand up on that stage and receive my diploma. To be clear, I imagine myself to be the tortoise, not the hare, as I plug along, slowly…

12 responses

A Christian President?

By: on September 5, 2024

A Christian for President! Vote! This is the signpost many of my neighbors and family may want to put up or the flag they want to fly during this season of presidential elections.  It leaves me with the question, can you be a Christian President in the United States of America? I grew up in…

5 responses

Opting into Political Witness

By: on September 5, 2024

Last January I listened in a small group while the founding pastor of a US megachurch shared the heartbreak he experienced following his failed attempt to soothe the 2020 election vitriol within his congregation. During that season between the pandemic and the election, he was urged by members of both the right and the left…

14 responses

Synthesizing Church and State

By: on September 5, 2024

You can feel the frenzy becoming elevated as America braces for yet another Presidential election. Partisan politics have staunchly drawn their lines in the sand, commercials are on repeat, phone and text blasts at nauseum as America will soon select its new leader. Many of the issues remain the same, the economy, abortion, a women’s…

18 responses

“You Got the Part!”

By: on September 5, 2024

My friend got to the cast list before me and blurted out, “You got the part!”  I got the lead role in the upcoming school theatre production.  I got the part I auditioned for but now I was overwhelmed with what that entailed.  Much of the success of the show would be tied to my…

6 responses

Hope of the Cross, Serving for the Kingdom

By: on September 5, 2024

It was a crisp autumn day. The wind was blowing through the trees arching over the street. Premature foliage was scattered across the sidewalks. My sister and I marched up to the next address on our list. A pleasant older lady opened the door and smiled at us. I introduced us as we campaigned for…

15 responses

Build a Sign with these Stones

By: on September 5, 2024

When I reflect on the writers and theologians that have had the most influence in my life, NT Wright quickly comes to the top of the list. His book, “Surprised by Hope”[1] has changed the way I see and work for God’s Kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven. Needless to say, I…

10 responses

Building for God’s kingdom

By: on September 5, 2024

  Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.[1] I don’t know that God’s kingdom on earth will ever be as it is in heaven. We are not God and humans are sinful. But Jesus taught His follows this…

13 responses

We are confident in our kingdom vocation because…

By: on September 5, 2024

Political theology [1] is a term that might make some Christians bristle or shrink in fear, but N.T. Wright and Michael Bird encourage Christians in Jesus and the Powers to confidently “recover our kingdom vocation” [2] concerning our engagement with the powers. The authors urge Christians to carefully consider political theology as we seek to…

10 responses