By: Wallace Kamau on March 10, 2019
This was the conclusion of a long worded statement of a newscaster on a popular television station in response to a story trending in the media of the misdeeds of a well know preacher, who has been christened “The mighty prophet of God” by his followers. The newscaster was angry at the “man of God”…
By: John Muhanji on March 10, 2019
It is common sense that we do change in life from birth to adulthood. However, we hardly realize that we change as time goes by. In her book “Mindset: The new psychology of success” Carol Dweck wrote, Whether human qualities are things that can be cultivated or things that are curved in stone is an…
By: Dan Kreiss on March 9, 2019
Reading this was cathartic to me. Life has been incredibly tumultuous for the past 18 months or so centered around deep feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, self-hatred etc. that resulted in severe marital struggles. I moved out for the better part of 6 months early last year and even when I was home, I refused to…
By: Nancy VanderRoest on March 9, 2019
People are creative, imaginative survivors. Yet, human emotions can cause havoc in our lives. We all have individual personalities which affect our focus and the direction of our lives. Society also plays a powerful role with regards to our belief systems while biases expose us to a darker side of human nature. Often, these systems…
By: Rhonda Davis on March 8, 2019
“If most of our body is made of water, why don’t I just fall to pieces when I get in the bathtub?” “Why is it so hard for people to decide things? When we go out for recess, we just play the game that seems the most fun. We don’t spend too long deciding because…
By: Harry Fritzenschaft on March 8, 2019
Digital Minimalism covers a different way of approaching technology. Newport defines it as a philosophy in which you “focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” Digital Minimalism describes a process for how to get there.…
By: Tammy Dunahoo on March 8, 2019
When talking to leaders I often attempt to have them identify what fills and drains them. What energizes them to lead another day and what causes them to want to write a resignation letter? As I read Garvey Berger and Johnston’s, Simple Habits for Complex Times I was able to articulate one of my…
By: Jason Turbeville on March 8, 2019
With a title like Divine Sex, you know you are in for an interesting read. When my wife saw my stack of books for this semester I had this book on the top of the stack, unintentionally, and she was confused. She asked me if I was still in a leadership program, I assured her I…
By: Trisha Welstad on March 7, 2019
I have a confession to make. I watch the Bachelor. With much of life being lived very full and more serious than it probably needs to be, the Bachelor is a silly way to relax and analyze the social dynamics of unrealistic dating. The reality show known by us as “the best of the worst…
By: Karen Rouggly on March 7, 2019
Six months ago, the student affairs team I work with went through the beginning stages of a restructuring process. At the time, we understood the process to be about 2-3 weeks, start to finish. We were implementing a new technique called a “Design Sprint”, so named from Jake Knapp and his Google Ventures team. The…
By: Greg on March 7, 2019
Sex with robots and trading one’s boyfriend for a something mechanical1 in order to fulfill ones desires are both systemic issues of a greater self-fulfilling problem within this world. Finding happiness and purposes seems to be be closely tied with the personal need to meet ones own need above anyone else. This selfish and ultimately…
By: Jake Dean-Hill on March 7, 2019
Being a Marriage and Family Therapist, conversations on the topic of sex are almost a daily occurrence for me. So much so that I forget sometimes that this is not the norm for most people, and I find myself speaking about this topic in very frank and matter-of-fact ways to the shock of others. It…
By: Jay Forseth on March 7, 2019
In our previous readings, Charles Taylor notes in A Secular Age, “In almost all Western Societies during the 1970’s, the legal privatization of our sexual lives occurred through the legalization of abortion, divorce reform, authorization of pornographic films, and so on.” [1] I was only 7 years old when the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision…
By: Jenn Burnett on March 7, 2019
I’ve just arrived back from a regional church leaders’ meeting. During some small talk with a stranger, I acknowledged how complicated it is being the church in the present time. He responded that he was much more concerned for our children. While I certainly agree there is cause for concern, I inquired what in particular…
By: Sean Dean on March 7, 2019
The U.S. nuclear arsenal is run by IBM Series/1 computers which were built in the 1970s that use eight inch floppy disks (the big black one on the left) to control them.i Why would we leave such an important part of our national defense be run by what is, relatively speaking, ancient technology? There are…
By: Andrea Lathrop on March 7, 2019
Simple Habits for Complex Times by Dr. Berger and Johnston offers leaders a way forward among the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) reality we are all trying to lead in. I appreciate the emphasis on habits we can develop and their admission that there are no easy solutions. But leaders can advance in the…
By: Digby Wilkinson on March 7, 2019
Yeah OK, I met these two a couple of years back because Berger and Johnston live just up the road from me and run leadership programmes that I have attended. Nice to read something from people who live in our part of the world. While Johnston is indeed a proper Kiwi, Berger is American. However,…
By: Colleen Batchelder on March 7, 2019
As I peered into the pages of Jonathan Grant’s, Divine Sex: A Compelling Vision for Christian Relationships in a Hypersexualized Age, I could feel my heart rate increase and my stomach turn. “Not again!” I thought. “Not another book that generalizes singleness and formulates another antidote.” However, as my frustration waned and the pages turned,…
By: Rev Jacob Bolton on March 7, 2019
“I just witnessed a teacher getting excited about a mistake. Why? She saw it as a teachable moment! And she ran with it! This fired me up! There are teachable moments all around us . . . if we just take the time to notice them . . . and capitalize on them.”[i] Much has…
By: Mark Petersen on March 7, 2019
I’m going to get personal here. It might make you uncomfortable. Because I don’t mean to pry, but how is your sex life? Jonathan Grant, in his book Divine Sex: A Compelling Vision for Christian Relationships, would argue that the answer to this question is not just something for you and your partner to agree…