Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Culture and Calling

By: on September 4, 2019

Calling is truly one of life’s great mysteries. Given the current cross-cultural milieu around terms like vocation and calling, it’s important to remember that these terms have a historically theological implication. Christianity has carried out the idea that our lives count for something because God created us with intention and had direction in mind for…

8 responses

Let’s Blaze!

By: on September 4, 2019

“BLAZE!” I hear my children scream in delight as we hike along the Leatherstocking Trail in Southern Westchester County.  We are hiking a stretch of the trail that is new to us, so we are keeping an eye out for a blaze – the trail markers that indicate that we are on the right path…

5 responses

What in the world did that mean?

By: on September 4, 2019

Generally, in the Pacific Northwest where I lived, people walk downtown or in a neighborhood greeting each other, at least with a glance. Usually, that is an entirely different type of experience than living in an urban Midwest or on the east coast populated environment. These different parts of the United States of America (USA)…

7 responses

The Shocking Truth About Brits!

By: on September 4, 2019

Three takeaways from two travel guidebooks: Culture Shock! London by Orin Hargraves and Culture Shock! Great Britain by Terry Tan The subtle and not-so-subtle differences between English and “the other English” language Being polite goes a long way Watch the cues and stay in the queue! Language: Travel guides are always a great way to…

15 responses

Culture Shock! London/ Great Britain

By: on September 4, 2019

Sept. 3-5: Reading – Hargraves, CultureShock! London and Tan, CultureShock! Great Britain We visited London for the first time in 1997 when my wife and I were on our way to Equatorial Guinea Africa as missionaries. We only really stay in London for a few hours and din got a good sense of the British…

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As a…

By: on September 4, 2019

With our advance nearing, I acknowledge the different identities I embody along with their accompanying attitudes and postures I’ll bring with me.    As an ethnographer, I look forward to finding the opportunity to connect deeply with the true Londoner and the true Brit. Hargraves provides some perspective as he outlines the three different “Londons”.…

8 responses

Ministry in the Big City

By: on September 2, 2019

In 1979, Joe Walsh, former leader of the James Gang and current lead guitarist for the Eagles, released a song entitled “In the City”.  The song serves as a yearning to leave the fast-paced, hard knock life of living in the big city.  The first verse of the song goes, “Somewhere out on that horizon…

6 responses

Radical Pursuit

By: on July 4, 2019

We live in a world where there is an increase revision of Christianity which allows people to create “their own versions of what Christianity means, abandoning the nuances of traditional theology in favor of religions that stroke their egos and indulge or even celebrate their worst impulses.”[1] However, as Christian leaders, we are commissioned to…

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Mind the Gap Across the Pond Visitor’s Guide

By: on June 25, 2019

Survival guides are written to prepare people for possible cultural dynamics of a soon to be visited country. Though guides such as “CultureShock! A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette” and CultureShock! Great Britain provides a practical overview for people moving to London primarily; it always gives tourists an insight into the history and customs…

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Gold Mining

By: on June 24, 2019

As it is written here that Gold has been a treasured by cultures all over the world since the beginning of time. When we were growing up, we remember visiting many gold mining areas in our community in Kenya. I felt connected to this book as if it was being written for me, especially in…

3 responses

Mining for Gold: A forty-niner’s perspective

By: on June 23, 2019

Learning about the Gold Rush of 1848 and 1849 is a part of most California education. In 4th grade is when I learned all about California history, from the missions to the pioneers who came panning for gold. In my school, our section on the Gold rush culminated in Gold Rush Day, where our parents…

5 responses

Sorry its late!

By: on June 22, 2019

Wow! Talk about a smack in the face! In “Mining for Gold,” Comacho had me from the beginning; what can I say, it’s one of those “God” books I enjoy reading. To draw me deeper, the author used King David as a reference point; one man that has always inspired and motivated me as a…

6 responses

Multiplication is God’s plan For Growth and Expansion.

By: on June 22, 2019

Multiplication is very a powerful strategy for growth but it’s does not seem so obvious until you exercise closely. Today if I offer you $1 million or the alternative total result of starting $1 today and keep doubling the amount every next day for 30 days, which option would you take. I’m sure many would…

7 responses

Real Coaching

By: on June 21, 2019

Rui Hachimura   The NBA draft is a crap shoot, one commentator said. NBA managers, owners, and coaches all made their selections of the new crop of rookies who left college, or in some extreme cases, high school, to take their chance on a road to riches and fame as a professional basketball player. Although there are…

10 responses

Coaching for NARPs

By: on June 21, 2019

Not being very athletic, I was not involved in any regular sports programs. My usual interaction with sports teams were observed from the bleachers or the recliner. The idea of a “coach” usually brings vision of a person on the side lines yelling either inspirational things to the team or profanities to a shamed group…

15 responses

Coaching, Community, and Questions

By: on June 21, 2019

I do not like praying for answers. I find the results quite inconsistent in terms of their accuracy – or at least perceived accuracy. That is not to say that I do not pray about things, but rather than expecting a voice from heaven to direct me, I expect direction to come from the community…

10 responses

Gold Expedition: Kingdom Edition

By: on June 21, 2019

Last week the book entitled Mining for Gold: Developing Kingdom Leaders through Coaching by Tom Camacho was introduced as a summer reading in our doctoral program, and this book is a gold mine. For an individual in any leadership or coaching capacity, this book is a must-read. Since this blog is not to provide a…

2 responses

Change lanes please.

By: on June 20, 2019

(Martyn Percy Post from 2 weeks ago- go back for my Camacho post “We’ve Got the Bling”) A few weeks ago, a friend of mine and brilliant communicator preached at our church. This woman, while not a pastor or a professor, spoke as a committed life-long Christ follower about her call into the world. She…

14 responses

A Properly Fitted Yoke?

By: on June 20, 2019

I’m tired. It’s the end of the school year for me and my kids, so it is to be expected. But this year it is running deeper and pushing me to examine more closely how I got here. This past Sunday I wrapped up a sermon series on worship and this last one was specifically…

6 responses

Keeping the Right Focus

By: on June 20, 2019

Tom Camacho’s Mining for Gold is a God centered leadership book that focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit as a Christian leader’s personal coach. His GOLD acronym stands for Gold is everywhere, Open your eyes to see it, Learn the skills to draw it out, and Develop others continuously.[1] I know I am…

9 responses